[FE8] Tales of Kotor [COMPLETE]

Been listening to you guys talking about this game for so long now, it’s crazy that it’s finally here. Super excited to see what the team’s been cooking up! ^.^


this piece is real.

well said. that spirit of excitement when making something collaboratively (and that is quality) is hard to define and one of the aspects that makes these projects enjoyable to be part of. Thanks for taking this one over the line.

I think we all learned the perils of pursuing too many different ideas at once. I do think the EN-style structure inherently saps motivation – no part of the story is being held up since it’s effectively all self-contained gaiden maps. No one is ever “on the hook” in the same way the person who hasn’t done anything in a more linear project would.

Glad I could contribute to this – I recall enjoying my contributions to Sovnya’s Tale (the script in particular)


I had a lot of fun with the chance to expand the wacky world of Kotor, hope you enjoy it too.


When. When the Tales are of Kotor. Genuinely excited to play a newly released phone!

Disappointed when I realized Kotor didn’t stand for Knights of The Old Republic.
Then super excited when I saw it was a completed title related to Call of the Armor.
Can’t wait to play this beauty! <3


Quick note that I updated the patch (link still in OP) to fix some things:

Patch Notes
  • Gerlof will now be properly deleted at the end of Delano’s Tale, and
    as a failsafe for those who still have him, also deleted at the start
    of Tale Selection
  • Geirhart can now use the dropped Swordreaver in Sovnya’s Tale
  • Maluj can use the Short Ballista in Delano’s
  • Some text fixes

EDIT: Huge BUG found in final chapter, please redownload patch immediately to fix it!


Just watched the trailer and hyped! Looks like fun!

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The finale is one that is worth playing two hacks for.

Do it for him (spoilers)

Kotorian Nights-15


I always liked Call of the Armor. It was a nice and relaxing game. That was its intent as a vanilla fe8 telephone. I liked it enough that I helped Lowres plan out and theorycraft the LTC he did on 0% growths.

So getting another excuse to return to the pretty fun cast and world of Kotor seemed like a pleasant time.

I was wrong.

I was very wrong.

This hack is exceptional.

(Nearly) Every map is trying its hardest to feel fresh and unique. They basically all succeed.

Some have innate replay value with achievements too. I almost wanted to go back and get them immediately but pushed on to see what new content.

I see myself replaying this time and time again. The whole team should be proud of themselves.

The closest thing I have to a gripe is that we needed escape quotes. I just want to see the characters talk even more.

To be fair I don’t know how this hack would land if you haven’t played call of the armor… but to anyone who has this is an absolute gem.


Just came here to say thanks for the hack! :+1:t6:

@knabepicer and team !


Been looking forward to this one for a while and it didn’t disappoint. I can’t say I expected such a climatic finale but it’s wonderfully wacky and a fitting capstone in my mind for this telephone duology. While I have my favorites( alessia and taika tales) each map was engaging in some way game-play wise and paired with a wide range of story beats that either had me laughing, empathizing , or feeling genuine sadness for these characters I couldn’t help but play through most of the hack in one sitting. I really applaud everyone Involved in the making of this great Anthology and shout-out to Epicer for weaving the perfect endgame sequence to top it all off. Finished Tales of kotor only a few minutes ago, and honestly I wanna replay Cota now.


Now I gotta finish beating Call of the Armor.

This looks fun though, so definitely something to look forward to playing when that’s done!

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Hi I just got to the final chapter and I found an issue, once me or an enemy completes an action like attacking or waiting it ends the chapter and stops me from getting the final achievement. I’m playing on pizza boy if that helps.

This bug should’ve been fixed in the update around when I posted this, when did you download the hack?

When the post was put up.

Please update the patch then.

Thoughts so far: (Killian, Delano, Gu, and Alessa’s tales done):

Spoilers for Gu's Tale:

Gu’s tale was just… man. That was dark but in a good way.

I honestly legit panicked when I realized I had to open all the chests that contained items.

I actually thought that the ending of the tale was gonna be them putting Gu down as a mercy-kill while he still had all his mental faculties intact…

I also noticed that Gu doesn’t have his Wife’s Ring anymore either- personally, I like to imagine that it’s because he knew exactly what he was getting into with this… so he left it back at home as a keepsake for Drouin.

I also feel guilty now because, I realized, I missed Drouin’s friend on my run of Call of the Armor… auuuuuuugh. (Because I have a feeling he was recruitable by visiting the arena with Drouin).

Seeing Abdul and Lily again was nice- I liked using them both in Call of the Armor.

That said, though Lily felt really damn cumbersome at first; that 4 range weapon threw me for a solid loop at first.

The beginning of Gu’s tale actually reminded me of something from Lost Light, a comic series I was reading… though with key differences.

Spoilers for Lost Light

In it, one character was going on a rampage similar to Gu’s- tearing stuff up with his enhanced strength unknowingly while he was sleeping, with them having to be restrained by someone else each time.

The main differences are that Gu’s rampages are something he knows he does- the character in question didn’t until someone else told him… and their stories end very differently.

That tangent aside, it honestly hurt to see Abdul like this-
“I burned through the last of my wife’s old tomes… for this?”

God, that went hard; I can feel that anger towards not Drouin himself, but rather, the whole situation- that they fought through all of that for essentially nothing… and that goes double knowing that Abdul I believe dies a year after the events of Gu’s tale.

The whole “Fading Chill” tome is the icing on the cake because I honestly used that thing a lot during my run of Call of the Armor… (I didn’t break it, but it was low on uses by the end…)

The callback to Abdul and Gu’s Talk convo also hit me in the feels, too…

Easily my favorite of the tales so far. 10/10.

Killian's Tale:

This one was okay- though how did that Super Pupil guy get to use Illusion if that’s Drouin’s personal spell…?
Maybe he helped Drouin develop it?

I’m not gonna lie- seeing Smelly Joe die like that at the start was kinda funny.

It took me a hot minute to figure out how the hell Killian was supposed to win for the achievement- I thought anyone going up to him would cause it to fail… serves me right.

Overall 7/10. This was a nice story… the power of friendship cliche and subsequent lampshade hanging had me chuckling.

Delano's Tale:

Delano is good for morale.
This entire chapter felt like a “Me and the Boys” moment- saving all the villages in particular was tricky, but fun… if nervewracking.

Seriously, that lancereaver Hero is a dick move lmao.

I did not get to use the Boss… because I killed everyone else before I managed to get Delano to talk to him.

7/10. Something about this feels like a meme and I can’t figure out why. Not a bad thing; just an observation.

Alessa's Tale:

I wanted to see what happened to Alessa- and this was also the first tale I did.

I loved Geirheart, so seeing him again was nice.

He actually killed Sphearo and the final boss in my Call of the Armor run… as much of a pain in the ass he was to get there, but that’s neither here nor there.

Also, I immediately figured out that “Shiva” was Vivek… or at least, I think he is.

8/10. A glimmer of hope ending is definitely nice.

Overall, loving this so far. Snake girl I took with me on Interlude 1- I relate to her so much.

This was worth beating Call of the Armor for so far.

(Accidentally hit send. Paiiiin).

EDIT: Post is now fully cooked. Enjoy!


As a passionate fan of CotA, it is very exciting to see its sequel released. I finally have time to play it recently and I just cleared Floor’s tale. It’s still as enjoyable as CotA.

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Bug Found in Venus’s Tale.


Tales of Kotor_1698265392124
Tales of Kotor_1698265789573

The boss nukes a different house rather than the one he’s supposed to; this is on turn 5 btw.

He’s not supposed to hit the northernmost house until after he hits the northeastern one, is he?

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Thanks for the report, I’ve fixed the bug and updated the patch. There’s been a couple silent updates, most recent one adding a talk between Stelle and Clothilde to add a small lore bit that was intended by the chapter’s creator that was forgotten.