[FE8] Skill System v1.0 - 404 skills done, more on the way

hello, sorry for the late reply. I fixed the initial problem which was nothing was being read however it doesn’t seem to recognized “ColorzCore”

‘ColorzCore’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

That is the message I get whenever it starts to assembly. Afterwards i still get a patch and test rom but no changes

Edit: I figured it out so

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I created 2 skills:

Heavy Blade: +4 Damage/-2 Attack Speed when unit’s Con. is bigger than the enemy.
Dancing Blade: +4 Attack Speed/-2 Damage when unit’s Con. is lower than the enemy.

Heavy Blade
.equ HeavyBladeID, SkillTester+4

push {r4-r7, lr}
mov r4, r0 @atkr
mov r5, r1 @dfdr

@has HeavyBlade
ldr r0, SkillTester
mov lr, r0
mov r0, r4 @attacker data
ldr r1, HeavyBladeID
.short 0xf800
cmp r0, #0
beq End

@make sure we're in combat (or combat prep)
ldrb r3, =gBattleData
ldrb r3, [r3]
cmp r3, #4
beq End

ldr r0, [r4, #0x0] 
ldrb r0, [r0, #0x13] @unit Con
ldr r1, [r4, #0x04]
ldrb r1, [r1, #0x11] @class Con
add r0, r1
ldrb r1, [r4, #0x1A] @Con bonus
add r0, r1 @r0 contains attacker con

ldr r1, [r5, #0x0]
ldrb r1, [r1, #0x13]
ldr r2, [r5, #0x04]
ldrb r2, [r2, #0x11]
add r1, r2
ldrb r2, [r5, #0x1A] @Con bonus
add r1, r2 @r1 contains defender con

cmp r0, r1
ble End @skip if con is less or equal

mov r1, #0x5A
ldrh r0, [r4, r1] @atk
add r0, #4
strh r0, [r4,r1]
mov r1, #0x5E
ldrh r0, [r4, r1] @AS
cmp r0, #0x02
ble ZeroAS
sub r0, #2
strh r0, [r4,r1]
b End

mov r0, #0x0
strh r0, [r4,r1]

pop {r4-r7, r15}
@Poin SkillTester
@WORD HeavyBladeID
Dancing Blade
.equ DancingBladeID, SkillTester+4

push {r4-r7, lr}
mov r4, r0 @atkr
mov r5, r1 @dfdr

@has Dancing Blade
ldr r0, SkillTester
mov lr, r0
mov r0, r4 @attacker data
ldr r1, DancingBladeID
.short 0xf800
cmp r0, #0
beq End

@make sure we're in combat (or combat prep)
ldrb r3, =gBattleData
ldrb r3, [r3]
cmp r3, #4
beq End

ldr r0, [r4, #0x0] 
ldrb r0, [r0, #0x13] @unit Con
ldr r1, [r4, #0x04]
ldrb r1, [r1, #0x11] @class Con
add r0, r1
ldrb r1, [r4, #0x1A] @Con bonus
add r0, r1 @r0 contains attacker con

ldr r1, [r5, #0x0]
ldrb r1, [r1, #0x13]
ldr r2, [r5, #0x04]
ldrb r2, [r2, #0x11]
add r1, r2
ldrb r2, [r5, #0x1A] @Con bonus
add r1, r2 @r1 contains defender con

cmp r0,r1
bge End @skip if con is bigger or equal

mov r1, #0x5E
ldrh r0, [r4, r1] @AS
add r0, #4
strh r0, [r4,r1]
mov r1, #0x5A
ldrh r0, [r4, r1] @atk
cmp r0, #0x02
ble ZeroAtk
sub r0, #2
strh r0, [r4,r1]
b End

mov r0, #0x0
strh r0, [r4,r1]

pop {r4-r7, r15}
@Poin SkillTester
@WORD DancingBladeID


4 skills more: The elemental boosts from FEH.
Fire/Wind/Earth/Water Boost: Grants +6 [Attack/AS/Defense/Resistance] if unit’s current HP is at least 3 higher than the enemy’s.

And the icons (included in the download):




And another skill.

Deathly Dagger: When unit starts combat and uses a [Dagger/Knife] and the enemy uses a magic tome, the enemy can’t counterattack. (Doesn’t work on bosses)

This is based on Jaffar’s personal weapon refine from FEH, which prevents counterattacks from magic users.
You define what a [Dagger] is in a table.

So, this goes in “\RoundSkills\Dazzle\dazzle.s”

@802c874 checks uncounterable
.equ DazzleID, SkillTester+4
.equ MoonlightID, DazzleID+4
.equ DeathlyDaggerID, MoonlightID+4
.equ DeathlyDaggerWeaponList, DeathlyDaggerID+4
@jumptohack at 802c864

.macro blh to, reg
    ldr \reg, =\to
    mov lr, \reg
    .short 0xF800

push {r4-r7}
@original stuff
ldr r4, =0x203a4ec
mov r5, r12
ldr r0, [r4, #0x4c]
ldr r1, [r5, #0x4c] @if EITHER one has uncounterable weapon
orr r0, r1
mov r1, #0x80
and r0, r1
cmp r0, #0
bne Uncounterable

ldr r0, SkillTester
mov lr, r0
mov r0, r4 @attacker data
ldr r1, DeathlyDaggerID
.short 0xf800
cmp r0, #0
bne CheckForDagger

@otherwise check skill ONLY on the attacker
ldr r0, SkillTester
mov lr, r0
mov r0, r4 @attacker data
ldr r1, DazzleID
.short 0xf800
cmp r0, #0
bne Uncounterable

@does ONLY the attacker have moonlight?
ldr r0, SkillTester
mov lr, r0
mov r0, r4 @attacker data
ldr r1, MoonlightID
.short 0xf800
cmp r0, #0
bne Uncounterable @if not, we can counter
b 		Normal

ldr r0, [r5, #0x0] @Enemy Unit Struct Pointer
mov r1, #0x28
ldr r0, [r0, r1] @Enemy Unit Struct
mov r1, #0x80
lsl r1, #8 @0x8000 IsBoss
tst r0,r1
bne Normal @skip if Boss
mov r1, #0x4A
ldrh r0, [r4, r1]
blh 0x080174EC, r1 @r0 has Weapon ID
ldr r2,DeathlyDaggerWeaponList
ldrb r1,[r2]
cmp r1,#0
beq Normal
cmp r0,r1
beq CheckEnemyWeapon
add r2,#1
b WeaponLoop

mov		r1, #0x50
ldrb	r0, [r5, r1]	@Enemy weapon type
cmp		r0, #5			@If anima, activate
beq		Uncounterable
cmp		r0, #6			@If light, activate
beq		Uncounterable
cmp		r0, #7			@If dark, activate
beq		Uncounterable
b 		Normal

mov r3, r5
pop {r4-r7}
ldr r1, =0x802c877
bx r1

mov r3, r5
pop {r4-r7}
ldr r1, =0x802c887
bx r1

@POIN SkillTester
@WORD DazzleID
@WORD MoonlightID
@WORD DeathlyDaggerID
@POIN DeathlyDaggerWeaponList

Then in the RoundsSkill.event you add the parameters to the DazzleCheck:

#incbin "Dazzle/dazzle.dmp"
POIN SkillTester
WORD MoonlightID
WORD DeathlyDaggerID
POIN DeathlyDaggerWeaponList

And finally you add the table of weapons that trigger the effect:

BYTE IronDagger SteelDagger SilverDagger IronKnife SteelKnife SilverKnife WindKnife Kukri Stiletto MageKiller Baselard
BYTE 0x0

22 Skills more!
You get a skill, and you get a skill, everybody gets a skill!

Well, here’s the list:

  • HP Restoration Skills
  1. Better Odds: Recover 40% HP at the start of odd-numbered Turns. (Wolfssegner class skill, from Fates)
  2. Even Better: Recover 40% HP at the start of even-numbered Turns. (Nine-Tails class skill, from Fates)
  3. Good Fortune: Luck% chance of recovering 20% HP at the start of the user’s Turn. (Mercenary class skill, from Fates)
  • Post Battle Skills
  1. Salvage Blow: Luck% chance of receiving an Iron Sword, Lance, Axe or Bow if the user defeats the enemy. (Blacksmith class skill, from Fates)
  • Pre-Battle Skills
  1. Bushido: If unit’s level is higher than the enemy (Promoted units add +20 to level), +10 Crit and +2/-2 Damage dealt/taken. (Inspired by Ryoma’s personal skill, from Fates)

  2. Competitive: If unit’s level is lower than the enemy (Promoted units add +20 to level), +10 Crit and +2/-2 Damage dealt/taken. (Inspired by Takumi’s personal skill, from Fates)

  3. Evenhanded: During even-numbered Turns, damage +4 (Kitsune class skill, from Fates)

  4. Fierce Counter: +2 Damage when a male enemy initiates the combat. (Forrest’s personal skill, from Fates)

  5. Hunter’s Boon: If enemy’s HP < 50%, +20 Crit (Petra’s personal skill, from Three Houses)

  6. Loyalty: When within 2 spaces of a Lord, -3 damage taken, +15% hit. (Modified version, works with Char/Class Ability 2 instead of a class list. Original skill by @Datagne)

  7. Odd Shaped: During odd-numbered Turns, damage +4 (Wolfskin class skill, from Fates)

  8. Philanderer: +2/-2 damage dealt/taken when adjacent to a female ally. (Sylvain’s personal skill, from Three Houses)

  9. Pride: If unit’s level is lower than the enemy (Promoted units add +20 to level), +4 Damage. (Hayato’s personal skill, from Fates)

  10. Prodigy: If unit’s (Str+Mag) is lower than enemy’s (Str+Mag), +4 Damage. (Inspired by Caeldori’s personal skill, from Fates)

  11. Sword Prowess

  12. Lance Prowess

  13. Axe Prowess

  14. Bow Prowess

  15. Tome Prowess: Gives a bonus depending on unit’s weapon rank (Inspired by weapon rank skills, from Three Houses):

    • B Rank: +5 Hit/Avo/C. Avo.
    • A Rank: +10 Hit/Avo/C. Avo.
    • S Rank: +15 Hit/Avo/C. Avo.
  16. Rivalry: +2/-2 damage dealt/taken when adjacent to a male ally. (Leonie’s personal skill, from Three Houses)

  17. Unmask: If enemy is female, +4 Damage and +20 Crit. (Charlotte’s personal skill, from Fates)

Download everything here:


How would these be applied? Like with applying any patch?

These are for buildfiles, here’s how you add them:

I don’t know if FEBuilder has an option to import skills individually.

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Apparently Void Curse doesn’t work on Enemy Phase.
Any idea how to fix it?

Void curse skill check:
push {r4,r14}
mov r4, r0
mov r0, r2
ldr r1, VoidCurseID
ldr r2, SkillTester
mov lr, r2
.short 0xF800
cmp r0, #0
beq GoBack

Vs paragon skill check:
push { r4, lr }
mov r4, r0
mov r0, r1
ldr r1, ParagonID
ldr r2, SkillTester
mov lr, r2
.short 0xF800
cmp r0, #0x00
beq End

They look identical except for mov r0, r1 in paragon vs mov r0, r2 in void curse.

The comment says

@ r0 = current EXP, r1 = this battle struct, r2 = enemy battle struct.

I think this difference is because in one version it’s checking the skill of the unit to give the exp to, while in the other it’s checking the opposing unit for the void curse skill. Idk. I was going to suggest trying mov r0, r1 in VoidCurse, but I think that would simply make it so if you have the skill, you get no exp ever.

It looks fine to me. Are you using the skill sys buildfile?

Yes, I think I have the latest version.

I’m not sure if this is a known issue or not. I’ve downloaded a fresh version of Skill Systems buildfile to see if it works and I’ve been able to replicate it 3x.
There seems to be something wrong with Mag growth, the only changes I’ve done is uncomment to allow Str/Mag split. I’ve then changed Eirika’s Mag growth to 100 and haven’t been able to get 1 Mag level up.

Hey thanks for catching that! I was able to replicate it. Today I’ll see if I can find the issue. Let’s see if it was my fault or someone else’s

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Bad news: Autoleveling is still not working, and I’m unsure why.
That’s something to investigate for today.
Good news: Level ups are functional :tada:
It looks like this was caused by MSS reorganization not incorporating magic in a couple places. Something like that is to be expected for such a big reorganization. Once I find the autolevelling culprit, I should have the changes pushed soon.

EDIT: It was a simple mistake on my end. All functional for me now, so I’ve pushed the changes. Just waiting on PR approval. Hm I should have noticed Eirika maxing strength in that screenshot… :thinking:

EDIT 2: Sme’s a speedster - Already merged!


Heya, CannotCrit seems to not ensure battle crit is 0 when the one receiving the attack from the 255 crit weapon has negative dodge (which can happen due to anathema, and maybe some other things as well). If you hook this with a callHack_r3 at 0x2ACA0 it should ensure that battle crit will be 0 again when the weapon has 255 crit:

@ Ensure Compute Crit leaves battle crit at 0
@ even when dodge is <0. Hooked at 0x2ACA0
@   r0: defender's dodge address.
@   r1: attacker's crit. Turns into battle crit.
@   r2: attacker battlestruct.
@   r3: unused.
@   r4: unused.
@   r5: unused.
@   r6: defender battlestruct.

mov   r3, #0x0
ldsh  r0, [r0, r3]
sub   r1, r0                        @ Battle crit.

@ Check if item can crit.
mov   r3, #0x4A
ldrh  r3, [r2, r3]
lsl   r3, #0x18
lsr   r4, r3, #0x13
lsr   r3, #0x16
add   r3, r4
add   r3, #0x18
ldr   r4, =ItemTable
ldrb  r3, [r4, r3]                  @ Item crit.
cmp   r3, #0xFF
bne   L1

  @ item can't crit.
  mov   r1, #0x0                    @ Battle crit.

@ vanilla stuff overwritten by hook.
mov   r5, r2
add   r5, #0x6A
mov   r4, #0x0
strh  r1, [r5]
bx    r14

Mind you that ItemTable needs to be defined of course.

Edit: I also made an edit to NegativeDisplay.s to draw a dash to the item helpbox crit value if crit is equal to -1.


	@ the old hack made hit (actually many things but hit was most noticeable) display as signed
	@ so this time, we only make it draw weapon stats as signed by hooking into the weapon stats drawing func

	@ Vanilla functions definitions

	Text_SetParams = 0x08003E68+1
	Text_DrawCharacter = 0x08004180+1

	GetItemMight = 0x080175DC+1
	GetItemHit = 0x080175F4+1
	GetItemWeight = 0x0801760C+1
	GetItemCrit = 0x08017624+1

	.global DrawHelpBoxWeaponStats_Hook
	.type   DrawHelpBoxWeaponStats_Hook, function


	@ function is at 08089CD4, but we don't need to change all of it
	@ hook at 08089CFC (jumpToHack works), known state:
	@ - r4 is address of texts (there is 2 lines, r4+8 is the second one)
	@ - r5 is our item
	@ - everything else is whatever

	.macro draw_from_function function, x, y

		@ Defining macro because this is repeated 4 times

		ldr r3, =\function

		mov r0, r5 @ arg r0 = item

		bl call_via_r3

		@ Convert result to signed number
		lsl r0, r0, #24
		asr r3, r0, #24
    mov r0, \y
    mov r12, r0
		mov r0, r4 @ arg r0 = text
		mov r1, \x @ arg r1 = x
		mov r2, #7 @ arg r2 = color
		@ implied  @ arg r3 = number

		bl Text_InsertDrawSignedNumber


	@ First line (there's already stuff drawn there from before we hooked)

	draw_from_function GetItemWeight, #129, #0

	@ Second line
	add r4, #8

	draw_from_function GetItemMight, #32, #0
	draw_from_function GetItemHit, #81, #0
	draw_from_function GetItemCrit, #129, #1

	@ epilogue

	pop {r4-r5}
	pop {r3}

	bx r3


	.global Text_InsertDrawSignedNumber
	.type   Text_InsertDrawSignedNumber, function

	@ this is our new function that replaces Text_InsertDrawNumberOrBlank

	@ arg r0 = text
	@ arg r1 = x
	@ arg r2 = color
	@ arg r3 = signed number

	push {r0, r4-r6, lr} @ pushing r0 is to make 4byte space on the stack

	mov r4, r0 @ var r4 = text
	mov r5, r3 @ var r5 = number
  mov r6, r12 @ Dash-flag

	ldr r3, =Text_SetParams

	@ implied @ arg r1 = cursor
	@ implied @ arg r2 = color

	bl call_via_r3

	cmp r5, #0
	beq Text_InsertDrawSignedNumber.draw_zero
  cmp r6, #0
  beq L1
    mov r6, #1
    lsl r6, #31
    asr r6, #31
    cmp r5, r6
    beq Text_InsertDrawSignedNumber.draw_dash

	@ r6 = 1 if number is negative, r5 = abs(number)
	@ it's surprise tools that will help us later

	lsr r6, r5, #31
	beq Text_InsertDrawSignedNumber.lop

	neg r5, r5

	mov r0, r5  @ arg r0 = num
	mov r1, #10 @ arg r1 = denom

	swi 6 @ div!

	@ r0 = number / 10
	@ r1 = number % 10

	mov r5, r0 @ number = number / 10

	add r1, #0x30
	str r1, [sp] @ [sp] = ['0' + number % 10, 0, 0, 0]

	ldr r3, =Text_DrawCharacter

	mov r0, r4 @ arg r0 = text
	mov r1, sp @ arg r1 = string

	bl call_via_r3

	ldrb r0, [r4, #2]
	sub  r0, #15
	strb r0, [r4, #2]

	cmp r5, #0
	bne Text_InsertDrawSignedNumber.lop

	@ Draw dash if number was negative

	cmp r6, #0
	beq Text_InsertDrawSignedNumber.end

	ldrb r0, [r4, #2]
	add  r0, #3
	strb r0, [r4, #2]

	mov r0, #0x2D
	str r0, [sp] @ [sp] = ['-', 0, 0, 0]

	ldr r3, =Text_DrawCharacter

	mov r0, r4 @ arg r0 = text
	mov r1, sp @ arg r1 = string

	bl call_via_r3

	pop {r0, r4-r6}

	pop {r0}
	bx r0

	ldr r3, =Text_DrawCharacter

	mov r0, r4      @ arg r0 = text
	adr r1, strZero @ arg r1 = string

	bl call_via_r3

	b Text_InsertDrawSignedNumber.end


	.asciz "0"

	ldr r3, =Text_DrawCharacter

	mov r0, r4      @ arg r0 = text
	adr r1, strDash @ arg r1 = string

	bl call_via_r3

	b Text_InsertDrawSignedNumber.end


	.short 0x7F

Are skills on items only useable with equipped weapons? I want to implement something like Mystery of the Emblem’s life orb. Ie create an item that just sits in the player’s inventory but just by having it they get the renewal skill.

Passive skill granting items work (you just need to set the passive booster bit on the item, in addition to the skill). Note that this doesn’t work properly in febuilder’s skillsys installation.

You know, now that I read this answer, I think I’ve asked this exact question before XD

That’s unfortunate. I tried that a week or two ago to see if it would work. I thought it wasn’t possible, not that it was an FEBuilder issue.

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The febuilder patch is based on skill system github from Feb 2020, or about a year and a half ago. It’s received a few minor bug fixes or specific features since then, but it has not been sync’d in quite a while.

7743 cares most about the stability of the system. The febuilder patch has very few bugs, so that is ideal for him, as he does not want to debug people’s skillsys issues. Which is totally fair. It’s amazing that he debugs so many report7z’s as it is!