[FE8] Self-Randomizing Rom v1.5

Am I out of my mind, or is this absurdly biased towards randomizing units into clerics? I’m attempting a run and on Chapter 5, more than half of my army apparently thought it was Cleric Day.

there’s a bug where a lot of characters just randomize into whatever Erika randomizes in to like if she is an archer then so will both the next recrutable characters will be its pretty funny but hurts the experience

I actually have the opposite problem; sometimes I’ll get to upwards of Chapter 13 or 14 with no healers (aside from any magic users I’ve promoted by that point.)

While the randomization options seem self-explanatory, can I get a breakdown of what each one does, just so I can feel sure that I’m actually altering my game in the way I want?

Thank you.

hey, i know its been like almost a year lol, but do you think you could send me the randomizer seeds that you remember? thanks!

Hey, ya’ll. A newcomer on the board.
This randomizer is really awesome! I have 3 questions:

  1. Can ya make Gilliam, Forde, Kyle & Breguet NOT having the same class, when randomized?

  2. Option for types of Recruitment - Normal, Randomized & Reverse

  3. Any chance to do Self-Randomizer for FE6 & FE7? Would really like to have this as well

1.4.1 bugfix - player classes no longer always the same when randomized with monsters off


While it is certainly doable, the reason this is unlikely to ever happen or at least to happen within the next several years is because most advanced hacking systems, like SkillSys, are made in FE8. Backporting them to FE6/7 would be a tremendous amount of work on par with the community’s switch from FE7 hacking to FE8.

If you want to randomize older games, you’re much better off using the Yune randomizer which works great! It might not have skills or some other cool features, but it’s still a fantastic randomizer I like more than the Self-Randomizer in certain areas.

Other randomizers btw:


I see… Asked, cause I use Android Emulator (No, I don’t have a PC, if ya were about to ask)

Still, appreciated the answer! :heartpulse:

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V1.5 released.


New feature:

Easy challenge/antichallenge runs


Some concerns:

  1. Enemy phases take a long time, almost unbearably so. Sometimes, it’d take up to 5-10 seconds waiting for one enemy to move.

  2. Enemies don’t drop items when killed on enemy phase.

Bugs or nah?

Will this still be receiving updates?

Could you make the growth maximum 255?

These are big causes of ai lag in older versions of skillsys. Idk if they apply to you in particular, but anyway:

  1. Shade+ calls skilltester 255 times regardless of # of units, even if nobody has shade+ lol
  2. Aura skill tester doesn’t immediately exit on skill id 255. Aura skills in general are laggiest, so simply not using some (eg. removing the poin from the prebattlecalcloop) speeds up ai, too.
  3. Not using FillAiDangerMapEfficiencyFix.
  4. Optionally could use my DecideOnDangerMap hack, which saves a few frames per enemy for certain common ai3 settings.
  5. SkillTester now uses a buffer and is about twice as fast iirc because of this. Thanks to Contro.

I think 1-4 could be easily solved while #5 would require updating your skillsys and therefore be a much more involved process.

I personally have my ai lag down to always below half a second because it really bothers me when it is slow.


Are you going to fix nos not actually healing hp?

RIP 100+% Growths, but Update be hella noice.

Also, finally, I won’t be that sure of what class could be some of the characters

So, I encountered a little glitch, unfortunately no screenshot.
So, on my playthrough I got pupil eirika with galeforce, an ability that lets you move after defeating an enemy, once per turn. It was working fine, but when I promoted eirika she suddenly couldn’t move again after defeating anything.
Don’t know if it’s related, but now every time I defeat an enemy it freezes for a second and plays a little sound, sounds like the damage sound effect.

Does She have Fury?

I patched my FE8 rom with what I presume is 1.5, and for some reason I can’t see the option to set minimum growths and disable monster units. Is the link in the main post not up to date or something?
Self Randomizing FE8  V5_1667395093402

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Ya probably have an older patch

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