[FE8] Self-Randomizing Rom v1.5

This bug actually doesn’t exist anymore (or atleast to my knowledge). The self randomizer use an extremely old version of the minimug modular hack and etc. I honestly don’t know if this hack will ever get updated.

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Pikmin & Sme mentioned that ClearDebuffs is an asmc in skillsystems, which I was thinking you could just manually call at the start of each chapter to clear the debuffs caused by this bug…

…but it looks like that was already done as the last update Circles made to this hack. Sorry. :man_shrugging:t2:

Is there a readme or anything like that for this randomizer? Mostly I’m curious if there’s a complete list of all the skills used.

look what u done!! jajajaj


It’s only been a million years but new update for v1.4

  • Option to remove monster classes from randomization pool for playable characters


does this mean that the source code can be compiled again without it breaking

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Is there a list of seeds for the secret game modes?

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I can send the ones I remember to your DMs, since I’ve worked with the randomizer before.


That would be great! Thanks.

Are you able to DM me those seeds as well? I’m very curious on them.

Send them to me as well, I’m curious.

How does one find any of these seeds, and also could you send them my way I’m super curious.

I want in on this mailing list too!

I think there’s a glitch. I’ve tried three times with different seeds, and Franz and Gilliam were always the same class as Eirika.

Been playing this a bit, its a lot of fun!

I can’t imagine what it would take, but it’d be so so so cool if the color pallettes didn’t get bugged out half the time. (EDIT: Ah I see you can manually fix them, would be a lot of work to do every single run for every character)

Probably less laborious, would be nice if the skill animations were upgraded beyond the weird text going across the battle screen. FE8 hack sacred trilogy upgraded all the skill animations, wonder if those could get moved over here?

I’ve tested it a couple times, if you turn off monster classes for playable units, Franz & Gilliam will spawn as same class as Eirika. So confirmed bug.

IDK how much is still being done to this, but I think the difficulty past the route split could get cranked. I know its random, but just in terms of enemy stats really. Every chapter in Eirika’s tale has been a complete steam roll, most enemies doing zero damage to my unpromoted units.

I can’t seem to progress in the game at all any settings because right after Erika escapes you have to tutorial trade that vulnary and he never has the vulnary I get soft locked in the game


I think you might be the first person in 3 years to play this on easy mode… it doesn’t sound too hard to fix but in the meantime use the tutorial escape code:

Tutorial Escape Code

The game’s Easy mode unsurprisingly has forced tutorials, yet you can break out of them with a button combination. To do so, hold any direction on the D-Pad, then also hold A, B, Start, and Select to exit the current forced tutorial segment. The player needs to be careful when inputing this code, however, as this button combination includes the one for a soft-reset in it, so if you don’t hold a D-Pad direction first the game will probably soft-reset. This code also turns out to not really be that useful, as the game will sometimes force you back into the tutorial again, depending on what part of the tutorial you exited.


Yeah, the bug is really annoying. And gets worse. As you play through the game, almost every other character becomes the same class as Eirika too.

It’s like a disease…

Glitch:units randomly taking damage after combat even though missing attacks. No self damaging skills on the units being attacked and no position strike or skills like that on the enemies