[FE8] Sacred Stones "Anything Goes" PME (Accepting Map Submissions)

Ah I see!

If both routes’s recruits overlap then yeah, easily over the 51 limit lol.

Only solution then would indeed be to properly separate the recruits after all.

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So I found out how hard editing the cutscenes too so maybe next time I should edit a much simpler map. Anyway, This will probably feel similar to the canon map but I kinda like that. Also also, due to how where the civilians are positioned, I might have made the map easier, So I trust that the dev to make it much harder for me in the late game becomes boring.

Also the source where I got the map

  • Chapter Replacing: Chapter 17 River of regrets
  • Chapter Objective: Kill boss
  • Weather: Clear
  • Game over if all the civilians die
Placement details


Enemy (Boss is still in the castle like Lyon):

  • The Wyverns on the top and Heroes on the right will wait one turn before charging at the civs
  • The Valkyries will priorities healing

Enemy equipment weapons:

  • The wyvern on the left would have a horseslayer and the one on the right would have a heavy lance, other than that they still have their silver weapons. The wyvern lord would have a Wyrmslayer and a spear.
  • The heroes would get effective weapons as well.
  • The valkyries would have Physics
Reinforcement Info

Druids spawns at Turn 4

These are Turn 5

These two spawns at turn 4
image image

These would spawn at turn 6, give them silver bows along with their silver axe.

For the cutscenes:


Where the civilians at


Final note: Man I still don’t know how to add units (lol) so can you add maybe a few unpromoted mages/axes on the right island? If I gone a bit too overboard you can also reel it in.

Map file


Argent bow does not give -7 def to enemies

Fae does not have ignis

Ephraim chp 13 is not a defeat boss chapter its a rout

Ephraim has the wrong map moving sprite

Io doesnt get recruited when talked to by gojunior

Hew no range anims



The only reasonable solution I can come up with would be Arran/Samson-style splits where you can only get one character at a time. Either that or I’ll have to axe some units.

This was one of my original ideas as to handle the route split. I checked and if all route-specific characters are merged, there would be enough slots to handle everyone.

I’ll default to axing route-unique units.

I can save two co-existing units, but that’s it. That is exactly 9 units shaved off for a clean 51. Either that or I can remove some of the added units. I’m leaving decisions up to the people who added them. Let me know which unit to cut and I’ll oblige.

For the heck of it, I’ll add in the cut units as optional bosses. I don’t like letting them go to waste.

Creature Campaign units will be removed. Just the main cast. Though their slots for edits are still open.

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I am willing to axe both Stefan and Figard
Just leave Weiss where she is :sob:

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Shame about too many units, I guess you could also just kill off the units your not using or planning to use for the time being.

Bugs have been fixed. I’m going to wait to cut units until I know who to axe.

Patch Notes

Chapter 17 modified
Wretched Air fixed
Fae has Dragon Fang
Ch13b ends when Dragon is defeated
Eirika/Ephraim map sprite fixed
Io recruitment fixed
Hew animation fixed



I’m updating Weiss’ promo animation and such (Just a recolor and the source is still the same)


Changing the name to just Huntress

Sword script

Unarmed script

Moving Map AnimsStanding Map Anims


Satoshi does not have Sol skill he still has Joshua’s Gamble skill.


I would like to request that you dont axe anyone. Instead on the map before it becomes an issue or just during a few maps throughout add a msg that says you cant have over 50 units so kill some off soon for room. Make it happen on turn 1 or smth so players cant skip it

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Can you like make a chapter where you send units home? Like in the fe6 in fe8 romhack

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Could have a thing where if you have the ‘character cap’ characters just don’t pop up, as well as a bit of an event to clear out the ded people.


In hindsight i went overboard on the op weapons so im here to attempt balance them

Libera lower to 10mt 80hit 10 crit
Crimson fragments lower to 5mt 90hit 10crit
Master sword lower to 12mt
Rightful axe lower to 14mt
Binding reginleif lower to 10mt 10crit


Okay this but maybe with no other rewards. Like the “spirit dust” (+2mag) is so dumb.
Could also limit it by it only happening 2 times in the game.

The start of the “route split”, and the end of it.

Maybe like interludes where you approach any unit in your army and tell them to go home, but that’s a lot of work so you do you.

Well if they’re dead they’re already not counted in the party.

Units are still in the party taking up slots if they’re dead-- ending things and stuff.


They do??? Oh ok then
Yeah so maybe both removing the dead party members in the interlude alongside the sending the extra troops home.

The GBA games are weird with how they handle things, it’s like they’re held together by glue or something.


Let’s see.

The only thing I can think of is that during the Intermission chapter you’re forced to leave 9 units behind. There are 23 options for units overall so that leaves only 14 left to partition between both sides.

I guess that could work considering how cracked some of the units are. Though let’s be honest, 7 units per side is brutal, especially considering Extreme mode.

If I were to cut units, personally I would be biased towards cutting some of the swordies. There are like five mercenaries and myrmidons which I think is way too many.

I don’t want to put units on the chopping block, but the alternative is to force the player to ditch over a third of their available units in the intermission.


The beginning of a PME can be pretty hectic so probably early on no one noticed we had that many lol.


You should nerf ganondorf literally impossible, i only beat him because of the stone book