[FE8] Project Jade -- A Sacred Stones Overhaul [2.4 UPDATE!] [COMPLETE]

Another Monster unit (This one use claw and anima tome)
HarpyClaw HarpyMagic

I think I tried the Gerik sprite, but couldn’t get the palette to work with the darker skin tone I gave him

I’m not currently planning on adding any monster units

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How about this custom generic hero:
Sword Sword
They’re from Pikmin1211

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i’ve find really good emotion for Eikira

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I have tried that one but it made it hard for the Joshua sprite, I couldn’t get the palette right.

but still you can add this to Garica, Ethan and those can promote to Hero class
and Gerik if darker skin work :slight_smile:

I think this should replace Ross warrior and Andrew hero class, just my option:
For some reason if Base on Gracia Hero class than this suit Ross more than other due he want to be like his father but still too young and less battle experience.
Axe Handaxe Sword


This is custom Assasin class for Colm that i’ve found:

Trust me, I’ve scoured the repo haha. The colm one doesn’t work because it doesn’t have a knife throwing animation (though I suppose I could try and edit one), and I like the hero and warrior animations as they are haha. I appreciate the enthusiasm though!

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Now this is what fight Demon King lyon on Lunatic feel like :rofl: :rofl: Lyongun


Man. Those Berseker Rider class is amazing:
image Fire Emblem Resource Repository (Battle Animations, Portraits, Music, etc) - Page 61 - Assets - Fire Emblem Universe Fire Emblem Resource Repository (Battle Animations, Portraits, Music, etc) - Page 61 - Assets - Fire Emblem Universe


I agree so much with this. Like THIS is Ross.

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Gerik dark skin
Oooh I actually got the palette to work with the darker skin (I also made his pants and armor gold to match his portrait)


Special class Gerik! We gonna stomp Jehanna Hall with this !!! :star_struck: :crossed_swords:

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I’ve found W.Lord custom class kinda fit for Cormag :slight_smile:
Fire Emblem Resource Repository (Battle Animations, Portraits, Music, etc) - Page 80 - Assets - Fire Emblem Universe

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I love Wolf Knights. Great movement & Range attack with Knifes :slight_smile:
I even make Frank, Forde and kyle into them :two_hearts:
Sad that in my current patch (v1.45) Frank don’t have alt Potraits while his brother Forde and kyle have. I also find error that Sword Wolf Knight use close range attack animation same with knife. Axe and Lance WK have no problem :slight_smile:
Fire Emblem Resource Repository (Battle Animations, Portraits, Music, etc) - Page 78 - Assets - Fire Emblem Universe Fire Emblem Resource Repository (Battle Animations, Portraits, Music, etc) - Page 78 - Assets - Fire Emblem Universe Sword Handaxe Sword Unarmed

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Could you explain what you mean? I’m confused.

You mean Franz? I thought he did have an alt portrait. If not I’ll have to fix that haha.

Do you have the link? That could be good for Glen’s promotion

Oops I just spent the last like 2 hours editing the gladiator sprite to have Ross’s head to use it for his and andrew’s hero sprites lol


I mean in my current old patch (1.45) Franz don’t have alt portrait when promoted to Wolf Knight Class. Forde Wolf Knight in my current patch using same attack animation with a Knife one not the Sword :slight_smile:

YEEEEEEAH! Hero Ross is one of my favorites even in vanilla. Will be making him one next patch in a different save.


That W.lord is in repo by JeyTheCount
This Custom W.lord using sword, lance animation. I don’t know that he add axe animation nor not.
Sword Lance