Just wanted to say i love the ideas put into this hack, doing both routes is awesome. I do want to second one thought someone further up had, the amount of hit/avoid you get from leadersip stars is kinda busted, you rarely see a hit rate against you higher than 50% starting early mid game. I love the idea of leadership syars, but maybe decrease the effect to +3 hit and +1 avoid. Currently when you get 6 or 7 leadeship stars going thats an extra 18 to 21 avoid, makes even tanky units dodgy even when not on terrain. Also, I’m not sure what is casuing this, but enemy ai on maddening seems a bit janky, enemies seem to prioritze stronger units, Seth and Garcia keeps being targeted even when one enemy unit can attack a much weaker unit, causing them to take a bunch of kills I dont want to…
I’m curious how good do you think Helios is?
Personally I think he does fine especially after a few rallies but I want to know your opinion ig
What skills does Innes get as a marksman?
Ahab’s handaxe animations are freezing on ocassion. I think it is when he crits.
That’s not a bad idea. In the latest edits I reduced the amount of leadership stars, but I may also reduce the benefits you get, too.
Yeah I’ve noticed that too. I honestly don’t really get it.
I also think he does pretty well after a rally or two. Even without it though he can usually solo the right side of his join map for at least a few turns while the enemies are rushing him. Nos tanking ftw lol
I believe he gets Point Blank at lv 5 and Hawkeye at Lv 15. He should also get Bow Range +1 on promo if he hasn’t already gotten it as Sniper.
Hmm. I’ll look into that.
I’m just gonna point this out…the character skill spread has an over-relliance on auras/rallies which ends up homogenizing the cast, an issue further compounded by the expansion of said cast
ahh my old friend from the FE6 Remake discord (CriticalHit in there) Knowing you I KNEW you’d have a point of contention with the rally skills if you came across this one
(although I kinda agree with you on this one)
Unfortunately there’s only so much I can do about that with the default skill system. There aren’t very many skills that AREN’T rally or aura skills lol and half of the ones that are different, are broken (like literally broken, as in they don’t work lol) I’ve been considering using the new C skillsystem but in order to do that I’d have to start completely over from scratch, since the C skillsystem can only be applied to a clean ROM
I will say I generally like the skill spread mostly but I do feel the rally and defiant skills are kinda…whatever/could use work. For example Sword masters having defiant crit is kinda…bad? They already have high crit anyway so having that is kinda redundant
I like the changes to Innes but it’s kinda funny that Deema is still worse than Innes ig even with the buffs to her stats.
Btw can I know which weapons give more than 1 w.exp?
Yeahhhh poor Deema haha. To be fair, she’s not really meant to be a standout character. She’s just there to buff out the roster and replace Eddie if you lost him in an Ironman
I believe the Slim Sword, Slim Lance, Hatchet, Short Bow, Elfire, Shine, and the new Jormungand dark tome (that I forgot to put anywhere in the game oops lol) give 2 WExp. Then the Devil Axe and Devil Sword give 8 WExp
Eddie’s pretty good, rally speed and bows are kinda nice
Oh well, atleast their’s a new tome in the next version.
I can understand that starting from scratch would be a pain at best and demoralizing. If you do ever wish do it anyways, i can always give you a list of what i believe would work best for each character/class. Anyways the project is fine and is getting better with each update.
If you guys have any suggestions for skills you think would work better, or skills you think don’t really work, let me know!
Oh I’ll probably do it eventually anyways. Playing around with the C skills is super interesting, if a bit unstable. And there’s SO many more options (and most of the skills seem to actually work right lol)
I just don’t wanna become known as the Sacred Stones guy
Oh poor ZeN, he’s gotten so much flack. He’s rebuilding his hack from scratch btw.
Though ultimately i think using the C system should be reserved to building a new original rom hack is my 2 cents
That’s awesome, I know he’s been getting a lot of flack but I do honestly think his hack is impressive, especially considering how he managed the World Map. I’ve been wanting to do an FE7 in FE8 engine hack for a while, but even getting the World Map to work in the same way I did here with the world map events but no traversable world map would be a daunting task lol I tried with another hack I’ve been working on but it never seemed to work right.
I dunno, I do still like the idea of making Project Jade again with the cskills. I already rebuilt Jade from scratch a few months ago. When I first started it, since it was just a personal project, I used Raisins’ Route Split patch, basically to see how he did it in the first place. But after a while I felt it wasn’t right to use a patch that they made as a base, so I started over from a clean ROM, having at that point figured out how the route split worked. And I think the game turned out way better beacuse of it. So starting over again could result in an even better product. Plus, it’d be good experience on getting me used to the cskillsys without the stress of building a whole original game around it lol
True. One thing i like about the Cskills is Super Luck which would could turn Bishops into crit machines and it would give Light Magic the damage boost it needs and make them the mage counterparts to Swordmasters
I’d be happy to help. For all my complaining I do really love the hack lol. I’m at work right now but if you could DM the current spread and all the skills you have available once I get off I can take a look at it and give my thoughts/suggestions. I understand and agree with @adalvar that starting from whole scratch would be annoying and demoralizing but if we can work with what we’ve got I’d gladly help.