[FE8] Project Jade -- A Sacred Stones Overhaul [2.4 UPDATE!] [COMPLETE]

Worst thing for thieves in this game.

Edit:Progressing shop doesnt work nothing shows all you get is an 8 use left armorslayer

How do you get the desert items, do you still need a thief/rogue to get them? Also are any items different from vanilla fe 8?

Desert items are the same, and you don’t need a thief to pick them up. Anybody who stands on the spot finds the item 100% of the time

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That’s good to know

This should hopefully be fixed in the patch I’m uploading today.

Edit: Patch has been posted. Hopefully my fixes worked lol

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So Innes will have a force promotion like some special characters such as Seth, Duessel … 'cos I see a marksman battle pallete in his promotion windows?

Can someone show me a screenshot of where to get the paragon band in ch 2?

It’s in the empty space next to the middle top village, surrounded by mountains. Only Vanessa can reach it.

ok i got it thanks

Yep, he now promotes at the beginning of Hamill Canyon

Wait. So Innes can promote in curent patch or next patch?
I’m confuse :sweat:

It’s in this patch that I just uploaded. Innes gets an auto-promotion and a personal weapon in Ch 19 (it was the only place I could think of to logically have him promote that wasn’t also when Syrene promotes. Plus, Ch 19 has several ballistae you can make use of, so giving him a promo and a special weapon can incentivize players to use him on that chapter to try him out since there’s ballistae he can use)

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Oh, so she can promote now? Damn, you are fast with the updates. Left for 2 days and game goes from 1.2 to 1.51

Edit: welp, my previous save isn’t compatible anymore. Time to restart the game!

Oh no! Sorry, didn’t realize I’d done anything save-breaking.

But yep, Syrene now starts as a Level 16 pegasus knight with an Elysian Whip in her inventory so you can play around with the different classes, and then she promotes to Seraph Knight in a story event later on.


Nice :+1:

Do you plan to add some monster units in your next patch?
If you do. I hope you will add some monster that other F8 romhacks don’t have like Lamia (You can make it like standard shaman or druid. Use staff and Dark tome, monster wp) If promoted just change the color = Done :+1: :two_hearts:


I was wrong, actually. It’s just that I loaded a save state mid battle, and the game broke. It’s perfectly fine if I restart the chapter tho, so everything is good.

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Those General custom Class is awesome! Extremely Fit to Gilliam, Harvey :slight_smile:
i think you should Let Giliam have high rank in Lance & Axe, lower in Sword while Harvey High rank are Sword and Lance & Sword, lower in axe to make them different.
Sword Lance Axe Hand axe

Oh those animations are SLICK. Do you have the link to thm?

Unfortunately I don’t think I can have the characters have different weapon ranks upon promotion.

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Those are Form NuramonRegular
He even have a Special Hero custom Version for Gerik