Glen case i think is easy - Just change him to armored Wyrnlord sprrite class with S rank in Sword and have his persona sword that have Sol effect’ cause he’s Sunstone
Selena is kinda hard 'cause i love both her sprite class as Mage Knight and the one in Sacred Trilogy. (I hope there will be custom sprite combine 2 of them)
And in my play up till now Selena is only M.Knight in my team
Do you have plans to change Ephriam’s promoted animations to something different? like the Great Knight ones made by Leo_Link? Just a suggestion since his animations are mostly unchanged apart from the added sword ones
First off, I am LOVING this mod. I think that it might feel a lot easier than intended thanks to the insane number of Authority Stars and really easy supports making all my units dodge tanks, but outside of that I like a lot of the changes! Combining two routes into a single game works really great!
I made an account though to report a really odd bug I had, where after beating Chapter 26, it sent me back to chapter 25, and once that was beaten a second time back to Chapter 26. This gave me all the rewards and promo bonuses a second time, making my two lords, Seth, and Syrene into even bigger monsters due to obtaining a 2nd copy of their special weapons (and the Frelia sacred twins) and (more importantly) giving them their promo bonuses a second time. Syrene also recieved an immediate S rank in staves, anima, and dark magic, which I’m assuming was unintentional.
I actually just figured it out. It was in the World Map event of Chapter 26, I had placed the Lord character on Jehanna Hall, which leads to either Renais Castle or Narube River, and the game just kept getting confused. I changed that and added a thing at the end of Chapter 26 that places the Lord at Narube River and that seems to have fixed the issue. I’m adding a couple more things (Glen and Selena promos!) and then I’ll likely upload the next patch.
I might make one specifically for Magic, but I think making the Lucky Gloves increase magic as well is a bit too good especially for an early game item. Having Knoll start with one for magic would be funny though