[FE8] Project Jade -- A Sacred Stones Overhaul [2.4 UPDATE!] [COMPLETE]

Will you have Glen and Selen to T3 class?

  • Glen case i think is easy - Just change him to armored Wyrnlord sprrite class with S rank in Sword and have his persona sword that have Sol effect’ cause he’s Sunstone :slight_smile: :sunny:
  • Selena is kinda hard 'cause i love both her sprite class as Mage Knight and the one in Sacred Trilogy. (I hope there will be custom sprite combine 2 of them) :two_hearts:

And in my play up till now Selena is only M.Knight in my team :smiling_face_with_tear:


How do you download the patch? Whenever I try it downloads a txt file instead. Am I doing something wrong?

You’re probably downloading the credits document lol you need to download the ups file and apply it to a clean FE8 rom using a program like NUPS

Here’s the link to the UPS file: Google Drive

Do you have plans to change Ephriam’s promoted animations to something different? like the Great Knight ones made by Leo_Link? Just a suggestion since his animations are mostly unchanged apart from the added sword ones

Seth lost his baller silver knight animation. Sadz. I despise the janky silver knight animation with a passion lol. All that extra hopping around smh.

First off, I am LOVING this mod. I think that it might feel a lot easier than intended thanks to the insane number of Authority Stars and really easy supports making all my units dodge tanks, but outside of that I like a lot of the changes! Combining two routes into a single game works really great!

I made an account though to report a really odd bug I had, where after beating Chapter 26, it sent me back to chapter 25, and once that was beaten a second time back to Chapter 26. This gave me all the rewards and promo bonuses a second time, making my two lords, Seth, and Syrene into even bigger monsters due to obtaining a 2nd copy of their special weapons (and the Frelia sacred twins) and (more importantly) giving them their promo bonuses a second time. Syrene also recieved an immediate S rank in staves, anima, and dark magic, which I’m assuming was unintentional.

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I had this bug too, the fix i used was going into FEbuilder and skipping chapter 26 outright using the debugger’s cheat functions

Well… S@#$ !!
Better call HULK! :rofl: :rofl:

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Joke aside i have found armory bug that they sell nothing when enter Gaiden chapters :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Yeah a lot of people have been having this bug. I honestly have no idea what the issue there is.

Shouldnt the resource thing get updated with the new classes?

It will, I just haven’t gotten to it yet haha.

Gotcha just making sure

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First order of business is trying to figure out why people keep getting sent back to Chapter 25 after completing Chapter 26

Infinite exp glitch

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Check the end event of chapter 25 you’ll probably get your answer there.

Also the lucky item could it also give +4 mag for mages(Knoll) to use to be effective or that be too good?

I actually just figured it out. It was in the World Map event of Chapter 26, I had placed the Lord character on Jehanna Hall, which leads to either Renais Castle or Narube River, and the game just kept getting confused. I changed that and added a thing at the end of Chapter 26 that places the Lord at Narube River and that seems to have fixed the issue. I’m adding a couple more things (Glen and Selena promos!) and then I’ll likely upload the next patch.

I might make one specifically for Magic, but I think making the Lucky Gloves increase magic as well is a bit too good especially for an early game item. Having Knoll start with one for magic would be funny though

Mans luck is 0 it explain why his luck is 0 more than the story cuz it could be his lucky item XD

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Cool Glen and Selena are getting some promotions

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