[FE8] Modular Minimug Box 2018: It's here!

Thank you so much for adding these features. I shared my feedback expecting to be met with “if you don’t like it, learn asm”, haha. So I am very much in awe that you incorporated and improved upon these ideas. It’ll definitely be easier to customize now, and I’m excited to toy around with various item display settings such as display equipped weapon/staff and cycle through items.

I’ve installed the one you made for me and it looks fantastic. I’m almost tempted to bloat my game up with skill spam, hah.


if you don’t like it, learn asm :sunglasses:


ASM, more like (A)its (S)too (M)hard :hot_face:


I spent a lot of time when I was learning THUMB just disassembling and documenting the vanilla minimug box. I wrote comments for every part of the original building routine and every subroutine it called. You can actually still find that disassembly here if you want to see what me trying to learn THUMB looks like. I’ll warn you, however, some of these notes are wrong because I still had no idea of what I was doing.

Assembly seems unapproachable if you look at is as something you have to learn all at once. Things are much easier to handle if you break them down into small parts, which is one of the things that the MMB does well (in my opinion). Each individual module or routine is relatively small and I’ve tried my best to have things like constants or subroutines labeled.


Seeing the six equippable skills is very important IMO.

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Hi Zane, can you add a weapon skill module to MMB? Or better, have a item list that displays weapon skill before/after the equipped weapon. It would be nice to have a place to display it on the UI. Thanks!

I’ve added the ability to show the currently-equipped weapon’s skill. After taking a look at the Skill System’s weapon skill/passive item skill stuff, I think I’m going to hold off on messing with any of it.


Weapon skill is cool. Thanks for adding it, Zane.

Eventually I would like to improve on this one, but for now here’s the MMB that I currently use:

mmb vesly



Hello found a bug with the modular system apperently this has to do with a bug with the actual module . After a event (like a conversation event) it seems to cause this bug image this is based on the MMB that has 4 skills and 5 and 6 flicker. That’s just a prediction. It happened multiple of times before too but this the only screenshot I found since this glitch only occurs for about 3 seconds and then goes away.

I can’t help without more information.

What are their skills normally? What’s the event that causes this to happen?

A patch and a save file would be very useful, too.

I’ll send you one when it happens again it’s pretty inconsistent the skill normally is just the first one to the left and thats it, the one on the right is the glitch I’ll send u a save file once it happens again.

Ever wanted a unit to not show up on MMB?

This tiny edit suppresses MMB. Specifically, it doesn’t display for units of ID 0xF0 or higher. I’m a novice with asm, so hopefully I haven’t screwed anything else up in the process. Figured I’d share just in case someone else wants to do the same thing in the future.

In MMBSetup line 30 we add a few lines:

	@ save unit slot
	ldr		r5,[r0,#0]	@unit pointer
	ldr 		r6,=#0x8806DEF	@address of unit pointer of 0xF0 - 1
					@(0xF0 * 0x32) = 30c0
					@unit pointer starts at 8803d30
	cmp		r5, r6  	@8803d30 + 30c0 = 8806DF0
	bgt		PreEnd 		@unit 0 + 0xF0 times 0x32 bytes = 8806df0
	b		Saveunit	@so units of id 0xF0 or greater ignored

	mov		r0, #0		@clear the unit pointer from r0
	b		End

	@ save unit slot

We do basically the same thing in MMBUpdateInfo.s as well.

Here are the 2 files that I changed on googledrive.

If you are using FEBuilder, go to your febuilder directory and navigate as follows:
and paste in the files, overwriting MMBSetup.lyn.event and MMBUpdateInfo.lyn.event. Then, simply uninstall and re-install your MMB by opening FEBuilder and going to Tools -> Patches.

If you need help with this, feel free to ask me. I hope someone else finds this useful, too! :slight_smile:


Ah damnit how am I going to be prepared for my deadly duel with the cuttable tree now?


So, these are all very cool. But there’s quite a few of them now. It’d be really nice if there were visual examples of what each variation shows so we’re not stuck installing and uninstalling to see what looks best for a given project.

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What do you mean by each variation?

If you mean the example installers included with the MMB, I could add screenshots for their default configurations, but I don’t want users to actually use those without editing them. To cut down on build times, I’d suggest testing iterations of your installer by applying it standalone to a ROM (see the README.md in the repository) rather than rebuilding your entire buildfile every time.

If by variation you mean by each of the various modules, there are just too many for me to realistically show without a mess of images.

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Well, simply put, if you search Modular Minimug on FEBuilderGBA nine different patches show up, all of them expanding the minimug in different ways including and excluding different pieces of information.

That’s cute. Just take the win that there’s several versions of it that people want to use rather than expect everyone to edit it :sweat_smile:

I agree that screenshots of the included versions would be nice.


@Jotari Is this what you’re looking for?

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It’s explicitly a loss for the purpose of the hack if people are not willing to actually customize it, though. That’s the literal point of the word modular in the name of the hack. You can add and remove components.

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Is the purpose of mmb not to expand the minimug box to include more stuff though? I don’t see how it can be a loss for an unedited one to be included if it does the job, especially ones that display skills of skillsystem is installed, i know mmb with skills displayed is a big qol improvement.
Plus not everyone knows how to edit or add/remove components, is that reason not why it’s a patch in FEbuilder to begin with? To make mmb more accessible to inexperienced hackers or those not able to find the time to learn how to edit/modify it?