[FE8] Fire Emblem - The Last Dragon

It is time to release my first ever ROM hack, Fire Emblem - The Last Dragon. I have been working on this project since 2018 and now it is finally finished (almost).

The Last Dragon contains 21 to 26 chapters (depending on how you count) with a 7 chapter route split and a FE8-like postgame. The game is available in german and english.

Follow the two lords Dom and Nana investigating a series of worsening bandit attacks, uncovering a conspiracy far bigger than anything they would have expected.

Download the The Last Dragon here,
or take a look at the worldmap:

The following link leads to a document containing credits for the assets I used. In two instances, I downloaded assets over six years ago as part of a hacking tutorial and couldn’t locate the original source. If anyone knows who created those assets, please tell me so that I can give proper credit.

This last part contains spoilers, so proceed with caution.

Recruitment Guide

Here you will find a recruitment guide with detailed information on how to recruit all playable characters, including the postgame characters.

Secrets Guide

Here you will find a guide with all kinds of secrets, such as talk conversations, possible paired endings, etc. I also moved the desert treasure maps to this document.


I already know this ones gonna slap


Could we get more information on this? Like what’s it about, what’s the gameplay like, more screenshots?
This is the first we’re hearing about this and shadow dropped full hacks don’t have the best track record



  • at least some sneek peek or
  • how story goes or
  • some character view
    will be much appreciated
  • Since its fe8 so are there skills or not ?
    Anything that can appeal to the crowd

also, has it been playtested and the credits for the assets you’ve used?

Since 2018! That’s really impressive. Can’t wait to see it.

As others have said, December is so far away. Some teaser screenshots and an intro to its story, maybe the main characters, what makes the game special in terms of game play focus, would help get us excited to try it :slight_smile:


I’m quite curious about this ROM hack. Never seen or heard throughout the FEUniverse or any of the FEE3 showcases. Guess I have to look more when the screenshots and synopsis of the ROM hack as time goes by.

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Well it was at FEE3:


This sounds like it’s gonna be amazing, I’m curious if this is going to be a Manakete themed game or something else?

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Not to be that guy chapter 2 looks wasteful for a big map really empty hope its some what changed
way too open and way too big doorways and why so big map for so few enemy may be 3 or more boss with obtainable item when killed and smaller openings for chokeing as its suppose to be surive and smaller mid section its soo big that you can slap 40+ units alternating with a empty space and it still have many spaces left

There has actually been a showcase in the 2020 FEE3, but a lot has changed since then.


Not as manakete themed as the title may suggest I’m afraid.

Since I’m working on this solo, I only playtested myself, but I tried to make sure everything works properly.

The credit list for the assets is finished and will be posted as soon as I made sure that I didn’t forget anything.

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No worries, I listened to the feedback from the showcase from 2020, the map for chapter 2 is way smaller now.

Thanks for all the feedback, didn’t expect that much given that I provided only so little detail.

I chose to release no further screenshots yet, as everything except the opening currently is in german. I will provide screenshots and hopefully a little trailer as soon as I made more progress with the translation.

However, more textual descriptions regarding story, characters and scope of the hack are to added soon.


I only use vanilla FE8 skills, as I’m actually not a big fan of skills in general.


You can get a small playtest going to by going to the playtest channel of the FEU Discord. I did that recently and the playtesters pointed out some very obvious improvements - I found the process quite helpful!


That’s great advice, thank you!

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but

Many of the chapters I wrote a longer time ago don’t hold up to my today’s standards. Adapting them took more effort than I originally anticipated. Therefore, I have to delay the release until early 2024.
I am really sorry about this, but I rather take more time instead of releasing a hack that’s unfinished and not satisfactory for me.


When the game will be finished??