[FE8] Fire Emblem: 7 Siblings [COMPLETE] [LET THE FEAST BEGIN]

But I’m a completionist… It feels bad to give up on rewards =(

The mercenary boss of the second map gets the jump on me even though he says he will eventually charge and I kill the other enemies as fast as possible. I feel there’s too many enemies on that map, it’s too hectic for a 2nd map. Suggestions would be to cut down on them, i.e. scrap the monsters, or delete one wave of reinforcements from the east, or wait one more turn for the boss to move. Small changes.

Similar thing for the Will map. I feel there’s too many enemies. And the boss tells them to cross the river at the end of turn 2, which I feel is too early. I have to send Weston to the eastern village so he will be unable to fend off the horde of enemies coming from the cut down log. And I can’t fight with Sarah because of the archers. There’s this feeling of being undermanned or lacking firepower to delete these incoming enemies.

As for the javelin, I understand the idea (FE7 Marcus and Seth can wipe out many enemies with it), but this hack is so player phase centric that I don’t think it needs nerfed javelins. My javelin user would be dead before he/she could clean house. I suppose it’s not that big of a deal, though.

In case it has not been reported yet; a dead summoner can still summon enemies.summonerdead

I did some digging with FEB and turns out the unit IDs in some of the summoning events are swapped.


As we can see here, the Bishop uses ID 0x86.

This is the summoning event for this location.

However, the event for summoning uses ID 0x84, and not 0x86.

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Thank you! I must have killed both of these around the same turn both testing runs and not have noticed. Should be an easy fix.

Thanks to the community for all the feedback the past few weeks, it’s been greatly appreciated. The list of those who have contributed to this project in some way is so vast that my habit of calling this project a “primarily solo endeavor” is really a misnomer. I hope that, with all the feedback, I can eventually deliver a complete product to give back to you all.

In either a small or a large progress update, depending on your priorities, I’d like to announce that I’ve been able to overhaul all of the remaining menus/menu tiles in the game! Shoutouts to @HyperGammaSpaces, whose Tale of Ternon menus were used as a template for my own (Gamma really did all the good art, I just botched it in my own way), and @Pikmin1211, whose own installer and knowledge were a massive boon on the technical side of things. As far as I know, there shouldn’t be a single remaining menu in the game that is the same design as vanilla.

Some screenshots of the visual update:
tempfile11_newmenus.emulator2-2 tempfile11_newmenus.emulator2-1 tempfile11_newmenus.emulator2-0

Not the glitziest design, but I hope it to be clean, readable, and a nice departure from vanilla FE8 menus that clash a bit with the other aesthetics of the hack. Brown and gray are the only palettes in the game as of now, so there are 2 more palettes to potentially be made. If you have a suggestion of a color/color scheme you’d like to see, I’m all ears!


Visual identity with map palettes and menus is so important. It’s easy to look at these screens and say “yes this is 7S”. Looking good dude!


Well, I may not have played the game, but I am curious about it and would like to see when it’s finished before I start playing it.

TBH I don’t care much about visuals in hacks. The gameplay is paramount. It’s nice if a hack has unique visuals but not a requirement in the slightest.

I largely agree. If the game looks and reads great, but is a pain to play, it’s much worse than the other way around. Hacks can entertain with good gameplay but subpar writing and art, but it’s hard to survive with poor gameplay, no matter how impressive other portions may be.

I do spend a great deal of time both creating chapters and testing them myself. However, I often go through periods of getting burnt out on doing this in a laser-focused manner; I’d imagine most hackers do. During these times, working on art is a great way to make progress in a different, fun way. That is largely how these menus came to be.


you fool! the seven siblings will never be reunited because only four portraits can be on screen at once! Mwahaha!

Fortunately enough, I can have 7 or more map sprites on the screen at the same time.


Geez, what a hack! I was playing trough chapter 17 and was excited that I forgot it was the last chapter, imagine my surprise after concluding it? haha
Aside from that, great hack, I look forward for it’s completion, because it was such a great experience for me, thanks for the hard work and effort you put on it :smiley:


I’m glad you enjoyed it! Hopefully I can release a conclusion to the story sooner rather than later, I’ve been hard at work on all aspects of the hack.


A conclusion to the story sooner rather than later? That’s sounds like determination right there. Can’t wait to download the latest update right now. Might give it a spin soon.

Hey, just wondering if you’d be willing to tell me how close you are to finishing this? I love your hack to bits and I can’t contain my excitement : D

Is there skill system?

Hello! I am slowly making progress toward a fully playable release, I hope I can get it out by the end of 2022. I will try to be better about updating this thread to keep people apprised of when a release will be imminent.


This hack does not use the community-made FE8 skill system, no.


Hi, I’ve been playing this hack for the past few days, and I have to say that I’ve enjoyed both the gameplay ad the story.
My only problem was that chapter with the swordmaster who turned on their allies: one great knigth with the swordslayer oneshotted one of the mirms before I was able to reach him, on my opinion you should either make sure to change the gameover condition or make sure the great knigth comes one or two turn later. Also that grey greath knigth that join in chapter 13x seems fine on paper, but most of my units surpassed him greatly, now I don’t remember his speed, but almost every unit doubled him. Also is accuracy is something to be desired. Apart from that, every other unit was fine. Keep working man, this hack is on a good path!

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Hey, thanks for playing!

With regards to your comments, these are issues that have already been addressed in my own development version! The patch that’s available in this thread is well over a year old now and is pretty outdated, but the hack is very close to being fully playable and I’m going to hold off on another public release until then. Hopefully once that’s out, a couple of the things you mentioned will be smoother.


Now I’m gonna do something I like, UNIT REVIEW!

Arianna:- one of the few foot-archersb I’ve had the pleasure to use. One rounded or seriously wounded most of the enemies she faced on player phase, with the yew bow, she did some serious damage. I don’t like the fact she didn’t get sword or any other new weapon on promo, but she’s so good with bows I could forgive her. Good unit, that’s how you make archers good.

Scott: reminds me of dart, good pirate wich promote to a kind of beserker, fun unit, I liked his story, nothing much to say. Good unit. I give him two skill books cuz his skill wasn’t very good, also is our kind of lord. With the killer axe, he had 50-60% to one all but the toughtest enemies, and he managed to get enough speed to double all but the fastest enemis.

Ryan: I don’t like his pityful speed, please, buff his speed by at least ONE point, and also add some skill, apart from that, I used him to sling hand axes, cuz there’s no way he’s gonna go to the frontlines, he gets doubled by everything, also the axe cav surpassed him in every possible stat

Kayla: a cleric with really high magic growth, she did her healing well, still I would like her to gain more xp with healing, cuz she level up slow, but when I promoted her, oh boy, she did some serious damage, even with a simple lighing tome, bishop are the bane for monsters, after some investiments, she manage to oneshot every monster with a divine tome, btw why did you removed the crit from shine tome and up? that’s basically what made ligth magic stand out (also bishop’s slayer skill) still good unit, her stat surpassed Serah except by speed and movement

Will: - 80% magic growth and 45% speed growth, nuff said, he’s similar to Lute from fe8 vanilla, very poweful but frail to attacks, especially phisical ones, but since I’ve a thing for immense poweful damage, I’ve trained him and used him constantly, then he helped the frontlines with staves, and fougth dark mages with a simple ligthing tome, even one rounding them in some occasion, the only thing I don’t like about him is his name, cuz he reminds me of some other archer who always disappoints me…

Kristia: I like using dark mages, especially female dark mages cuz I don’t see her battle animations quite often, she refused to level up speed more than one time but her promo made her busted. Dark, Anima, Stave and summon skill, DO I have to remind you how summoner are powerful? Even tougth her stat are not spectacular, she’s still very useful, 10/10 would always use

Jordan: kinda redundant, cuz you have Kristia, but a good replacement nonetheless, especially after you toss him a body ring, he got a horse after promo wich is good. Managed to level up speed constantly to the point he DOUBLED swordmasters with flux. Good unit feel

Serah: This is the first time Iìve used a pegasus with staves and it feels good, I would never use her for fighting cuz her magic sucks, but her support is incredible, she can zap from corner to corner of the map healing distant allies with pisic, rescuing and warping (when it will be available), as a support uni she’s invaluabl, but like other healers she gains xp slower.

Jeremiah: as a wyvern lord he was more balanced in stat than I’ve expected, I gave him the devil axe cuz I was bored. Do not trie this at home. It was my preferred fliers, more so than Sarah. With the wyrmpike, he became like a jet figther from Advance wars, capable of one-shotting other fliers with no counter. Btw, why does the wyrmhammer cost more than double the wyrm pike?

Weston; I used him constantly even tough he wasn’t getting the best level ups. His prf is nice, tough he gets only after many chapter and talking to his brother in a specifically chapter. There was a point when he got double by a mirm with no speed loss. Definatly bad unit feel, but with his prf, he can do some serious damage.

Luke: Oh boy I sure do love axe knigths! He became stronger than Ryan. With the rigth weapon he one rounded many foes. Good unit

Shelton: essentially is a copy of Arianna with less defense, still a good unit tought, his prf is too powerful…on player phase. Can one round anything on player phase, but weak to any attacks. I repeat myself, Guys, this is how you make archers good. Take notes.

Nike: -his Egde is so powerful…I can’t …too powerful… Good unit, a typical swordmaster, I like his personal weapon, it’s kinda a killer-armorslayer, wasn’t expecting him to deal damage to Zelgius…I mean Kenneth

Wade: I like his mustache, but got overshadowed by Kayla, still, he did good with staves, I expected him to have a higher ligth magic rank, cuz he’s always in his home studying books.

Sarah: she refused to level up str, benched, maybe on another run and a body ring she could get better, still, I don’t ike pegasus. Yes I’m biased, so what?

Brandon: at first he seemed good, but he didn’t level up good enough, got benched, maybe if he leveled up def at least once, he could be better. Weston and Luke outperformed him with stat and access to other weapons, yes I know he get a pfr, but that’s conditional, and many players can miss it.

Katie: funny, she ended up with more stats than his boyfriend, Brandon. Her rapier was reliable even against lances. She was one rounding foes at one range, like a reverse archer, not eh best def or res but she did her job and managed to not get benched…until her rapier broke.

Michelle: similar to Katie, but instead of a rapier she has a wo-dao-ish weapon. anything I’ve said to katie can be repeated, but I won’t. Good unit. I’ll promote her on the next upcoming chapter, probable she’ll out performe Nike, if she gets good level ups.

Keegan: he’s a thief boy, he’s useful, a typical thief, I liked his personal, too bad it broke before I’ve got the hammerne.

Ariel: a thief with bows, many unit will go after her, but she will dodge quite often. Her magic bow is nifty. Her promo gives sword wich are useful… I think. I still have to promoto her.

Andrew: a basic monk that didn’t impressed me. I didn’t like him praising Joe like he’s the best thing after sliced bread. Used him until I’ve benched on chapter 13. He’s not bad, I just found out better units. Faced a strong competition with other mages.

Emily: she remind me of Celica, the valkyre from FE6, great utility, bad bases and meh growths, got benched on the desert chapter, otherwise a nice healer, especially on the times I’ve had to split forces.

Sammy: teoretically a good armor, but with the rise of mages and map length, I’ve dropped her in favour o mounts.

Joe: warrior with great bow and great bow rank. Arianna and Shelton outperformed him in STRENGTH.
Warriors are supposed to be strong, but his 15 strength and 35% growth were appaling. I know he’s a jeigan, but at least give the mighty Joe some strenght, damn it. I benched him as soon as possible.

Nikko: like Sammy, a forgettable armor knigth, could be useful but I didn’t mind using him. Vey min maxed.

Reilly: tecnically a good unit, bad I’ve got a really bad impression. Enemis HATE her, I dunno why.
She looks like she has provoke, even when there are wounded almost dead units near her, the enemies prioritize her. Also she’s lance locked and foot locked. Benched.

Cale: Scott, but worse, following the teachings of Gonzales, he has only strength, hp and some speed.

Johann, Kjetil, Alex: didn’t managed to use them for the last chapter.