[FE8] Fire Emblem: 7 Siblings [COMPLETE] [LET THE FEAST BEGIN]

Sorry for the delay in my response but thank you for calirifying the gameplay elements I had spoiled. Your explanation is way better than my gameplay addled brain for cool S rank weapons lol.

Here is an album with all my units that I had notes on https://imgur.com/gallery/iJgaBJa

Again i thouroughly enjoyed the hack and it will be a easy recommend to friends if they ever need a hack to play. Enjoy finishing up your PHD in whatever field and I hope that in a few years I will join you with my own.

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secret character you can recruit?

Spoiler below for anyone who want to recruit him:

I just let the 7 siblings talk with him before defeating him in chapter 19xx:7 Siblings. He should show up at the begining of the final chapter Redemption

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Hello, thank you for playing!

Spoilers as a response

Yes, Kenneth is the secret character, and your description of how to recruit him is accurate.

Would you mind putting your screenshot in a spoiler as well? It contains a pretty big spoiler for anyone who has not played the game yet, and Iā€™d prefer if it wasnā€™t so visible to anyone just perusing this thread.

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My thought on this Romhack after spending 22 hours with the story and characters:
WarPath I do not know what you have been through in your life to be able to use a GBA romhack as a medium to convey such deep and meaningful story with equally deep and emotional characters development from beginning to end.

All I know is no other Romhack has been able to make me cry like yours have.
Your Hack is special to me because intstead of focusing the story on the war raging across the continent. You instead turn it into a background for a deep and emotional story about familal bonds, love, forgiveness. My heart melt and I broke down in tears everytime Nancy or the siblings have a bonding moment together after a difficult situation. Showing me how a family with so many different charasteristics can bicker and at the same time genuinely show love and care for eachother in their own way.

But your genius when writing this story in my opinion is making Ariana (a person who did not have the fortune to feel the same love in her own family) a bystander to Scott and his familyā€™s history and trauma, until she fell in love with him and formed an undying bond with the rest of his family by going through all the mental and physical tribulation on their journey across the continent to end the war that threaten to divide them. In the process becoming apart of this great family and receiving the love and trust she had never felt from her own family. That love is also the catalyst for her own desire to amend her relationship with her family.

As a man who came from a broken family I connected with Arianan to a level I never thought possible with a virtual character. Thank You Warpath for helping me see myself in Her and also stoking my desire to reconnect with my own family. You have done more for me than you will ever know sir.

I wish you and your family all the best and hope you will be successful in what ever endeavor you choose to pursue in your life. You deserve it for being such a wonderful human being inspite of your hardship!

I love this hack with all my heart and soul!

Huge thanks to @SullyMcGully and @WarPath for sharing their own personal thoughts on the hack inspiring me to look deep inside myself to see how playing this Romhack has affected my life. I thank you sirs!


I just finished this and wanted to say that I absolutely loved it! Great job with the story; I was super engrossed the entire time. The balance felt really good on normal. It wasnā€™t super difficult, but still enough of a challenge that I had to think about what I was doing. Also, I really enjoyed the side chapters. Normally, I donā€™t like breaks from the main story, but all the gaidens were short and sweet and served as a great way to build some backstory for the characters being introduced. Thanks for making a great hack! I definitely recommend playing this for anyone who hasnā€™t!


Hi all,

After taking a few months off, Iā€™ve come back with another update. This update, version 1.7, features a few minor typo and bug fixes, and is compatible with the previous version 1.6.

Still no progress or plan for supports, but I am now officially graduated and coming to the end of my job search, so weā€™ll see what the next few months bring. I have found that Iā€™ve missed writing a bit these last few months, so weā€™ll see if that leads me to pursuing supports in the future.


time instead for the fabled warpath and pandan collaboration hack


Hello, I just finished this hack and felt that it was an enjoyable experience. I thought that the story and support writing was very heartwarming overall. I think the gameplay was on the easier side, but I still faced some difficulties in the final chapters. Overall, the only complaint I have is that I wish that I was incentized to use the seven siblings more (in the end I only had Luke and Serah on my final team). For example, I think that Scott should have probably received a prf instead of a devil axe, and will was overall outclassed by prepromotes. Still, I think this is a very underrated hack thanks for making it.


that would be awesome

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Hi all,

Iā€™m back with another minor update, version 1.8, this one featuring some subtle balance tweaks. Additionally, the Readme has been updated as it hadnā€™t been updated in several versions, and some of its information was slightly out of date. The download link is in the opening post as always.

In other news, I received my high-quality FRAM save GBA cart a bit back, and it works flawlessly with 7S including auto-saving and suspend/resume. Iā€™d highly recommend this cartridge to anyone looking to make a high-quality physical copy of their romhack.

I suppose at this point I need to make a fancy label for the cartridge now!


Supports?? Did I download it too soon. I swear I have no supports written lol

There are no support conversations despite supports being functional from a gameplay perspective.

Iā€™d still like to write supports one day, but there is still no timetable for that. In all honesty they may never come since who knows when Iā€™ll have the time and drive to write them, but maybe someday.


I thought so. I was just responding to the comment that they were heartwarming lol. Like how when they arenā€™t there, maybe they referencing the talks lol.

Oh my god, what kind of godly FE game could come from that union.

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Just finished the hack and I wanted to say that it was really incredible. I had a blast playing and finished the whole thing in about three days. Itā€™s been a while since an FE game has had its hooks in me like that. I wanted to mention the writing is especially excellent. It seems like a lot of hacks struggle with setting a consistent tone, but 7 Siblings was really engagingly written. Great job Warpath and everyone else who helped make the game!


Glad you enjoyed the game and thank you for the kind words! I wonā€™t ever be mistaken for a professional writer, but Iā€™m thankful I was able to create something you could enjoy.


This game is so polished! I like the characters and the family setting is nice! You will care for the characters! Thanks you for makinh this hack! Hoping to see similar hacks from you in the future!

Wanting to finally get into this bad boy but whatā€™s the recommended difficulty? Is difficult like a lunatic mode or is it like vanilla SS hard?