FE8 Custom PME v0.2

nah, when the angelic robe is in your inventory it passivly gives you 7 hp
the idea is you can sacrifice 1 inventory slot for a passive boost or you can use it permanently but can’t trade it anymore

The normal stat boosters are fine for me. If you want to make the passive boosts an edit, then I’ll add them.

I would like it, but idk anyone else would.

I’ll stick to the normal boosts. Having one inventory slot lost is not worth a minor stat boost.

So, since Regi gave some item icons and stuff.
Have a Star Hammer.

Bio: A warrior so fierce they call him the Bastard of the Beast.
Affinity: Wind
Level 1
Hp: 36
Strength: 15
Skill: 11
Speed: 13
Res: 6
Weapon Rank: A Bows and Axes
Inventory: Tomahawk, Silver Bow

When I try to download the map, google drive says that I don’t have access.

Here’s the first chapter of the PME. It’s making progress.
emulator_01 emulator_02 emulator_03
Download it here.


Everything seems fine. I’ll have to promote the boss to a dragon lord though. He’ll still have his same stats, but promoted. It also seems lame to just use the thunder icon for twin jolt so I’ll make a custom icon for it.

Version 0.2 is out. It adds chapters 2 and 3 to the game. There aren’t cutscenes for the new chapters, though. Chapter 3 is unfinished, but playable to the end. A lot of bugs in chapter 1 were fixed.
emulator_01 emulator_02 emulator_03

Characters are fine to post again. I’m not really looking for maps at the moment.
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Found a bug on Chapter two.


Oh yeah, I know that glitch. For some reason, the custom spells crash the game when they miss. I’ll fix it in the next update. I’ll probably just replace all wind spells with the excalibur spell.

This bug has since been fixed. Update your CSA creator master installer.

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Okay. I’ll try that.

Name: Archer
Bio: (Just use the generic enemy bio or archer or sniper bio)
Class: Archer
Level: 5
Affinity: Dark
Inventory: Killer Bow
Weapon Ranks: Bow C
Stats (Growths in Parentheses)
HP - 24 (35)
Str - 10 (50)
Skl - 9 (60)
Spd - 11 (65)
Lck - 6 (30)
Def - 3 (15)
Res - 9 (50)
[If possible I would like for her to be originally an enemy you have to recruit]

Map Link

New Item: Long Poleaxe
Icon: FreeForUseIcons2015
Might: 11, Hit: 80, Weight: 10, Durability: 20, Weapon Rank: C Axes, Range: 2, Cost: 1000
Description: “Powerful, but limited range.”

Boss: Glade
Portrait: Falco (from NickT)
Bio: “That one asshole Archer from Fractured Realms.”
Class: Ranger
Level: 6
Affinity: Wind
Inventory: Poison Bow, Killing Edge
Weapon Ranks: Swords C, Bows C
HP: 32
STR: 7
SKL: 14
SPD: 13
LCK: 6
DEF: 7
RES: 7
NOTE: Despite being a boss, Glade moves to attack enemies within her range.

Palutena (portrait by Nobody)
Name: Palutena
Class: Cleric
Bio: “A benevolent, yet teasing priestess of (main setting deity here).”
Affinity: Light
Level: 5
HP: 22
Magic: 4
Skill: 6
Speed: 5
Luck: 9
Defense: 3
Resistance: 6
CON: 8
Weapon Rank: C Staves
Inventory: Heal, Mend

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The map looks okay, but I’ll need to add a castle to seize. It’ll probably go in the bottom right corner. I’ll also need to make the map bigger because it’s too small right now.
Glade will have to use a different bow since I’m not using poison weapons.
Also, is the long poleax supposed to be effective against cavalry?

All of those changes are fine. You could give Glade a Longbow instead of a Poison Bow. And no, the Long Poleaxe isn’t an effective weapon. It’s meant to be a weird 2-range-locked axe.

Good to know.
Also, the long poleax icon is already in use for the halberd, so I’ll find a new icon for it.

This thread is now outdated.
The project is now here: [FE8] Fire Emblem: Dawn of the Red Sun