[FE8] [Completed] The Sacred Trilogy Reskin and Rebalance

It’s this house right here

i did’t see any house here sir.
the rom i play is [FE8] [Completed] The Sacred Trilogy Reskin and Rebalance

it should be there? are you playing the most recent version?

Sacred Trilogy 2.1.2 Full Version is this the right version sir?

Yeah, but i’ve never had that issue in any of my playthroughs at all of the house just not appearing at all

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So I’m doing my casual grinding in Creature Campaign, currently grinding my Colm up to Trickster Lv.20. In his last level on the Tower of Valni, he stole 200 gold off of an enemy. Now I’m trying to sell it and I see 200 gold only sells for 100 gold. I find it hilarious; but I figured if there’s an update; I should at least let others know.

So everything you sell is half its buy price so the 200 gold gets halved because you stole it if it was dropable and you had killed you would get the full 200 gold

Thing was I had stolen it off of an enemy that was not going to drop it. Plus when I’ve stolen cash drops that were in green; it’s just added it to my wallet instead of putting it in the convoy.

Has anybody else had an issue with Myrrh’s Dragonstone disappearing? I used FEBuilderGBA to make it infinite use because I like Myrrh, and after the Promoted Lv.20 Grind I did, as I’m about to enter the endgame; I just realized that her Dragonstone has straight up vanished from the Convoy. I…I don’t know how to get it back either. I’m sad now.

You can capture a fire dragon and use its stone on Myrrh I believe I dont remember everyone’s skills but I believe someone has capture.

Yeah I know about the other two Dragonstones you can get for her so she’s not entirely without usage; but her original Dragonstone - the one that gives her effectiveness against monster units - it’s just randomly vanished. Would’ve been real helpful in the final fights of the game.

anyone got wish blade? i try my second times at Lagdou Ruins but did’t get it

Hey i am back if the Creator see this i would love to have this ROM be in a randomizer if the creator is okay with it I’m going to link the poll so the Creator hopefully sees it cuz the more games we get in it the better and I think this in my opinion is one of the coolest Fire Emblem 8 add-ons and would love to see it


I want to start this off by saying that i am not degrading your hack in any way and simply hope to provide some constructive criticism.

Things to note about the whole game, very good honestly. There are few things i am going to complain about that are before chapter 15. The main thing i want to say is that fighting enemy mages is really rng and i hate it. Focus providing crit when not next to other enemies makes it where you have to treat them as if they are always capable of 3x dmg or you risk a death. This combined with adept makes you have to always account for 6x dmg (maybe only 2 if your capable of negating their crit) makes mages really rng. Few units can survive any 6× dmg attack from the mages. Additionally im sure it will show up later but proc skills end up with a very simular issue so i suggest removing these proc skills and crit skills from enemies in exchange for something you can controll better.
Another thing, bolting. Im fine with the tome but giving a siege weapon crit and placing it in the enemys hand will be annoying. Especially since mages also have the ability to simply hit twice as well. Bolting should never be in the enemys hand and shold be player exclusive.

Now the meat of the post.
Chapter 15 erika is in my opinion the worst designed map ive ever played in all fe games and romhacks ive played. Yes, worse then phantom ship. There are a lot of issues here.
First, the Ephraim squad joins at the end of player phase with very bad combat abilities. In vanilla fe8 dussel is capable of preventing the enemies from the right from killing Ephraim and knoll but in this patch he cant as he struggles to double anything and is very inaccurate. Knoll is knoll and as such is also trash at combat. And finally Ephraim. Hes ok at it but ges not capable of taking on the waves of cavs either. As such your only option is to move them all north however due to their poor stats and weapons they cant even kill the 3 enemies from above and make it to saftey before issue 2 pops up.

The reinforcements. The pegs and shamans are ok but i have an issue with the massive hoard of mages and other units that spawn behind Ephraim and dussel only like 3 turns after dussel and Ephraim show up. This means the only way to reliably save the Ephraim squad is to use either 1 or 2 fliers to save them as they are not capable of survival down there on their own. Additionally the reinforcements are all also very rng with 2 thunder tome mages, a tempast sage, and a bolting mage preventing you from using anyone to reliably soak that up. Additionally without fliers its essentially impossible to get dussel, knoll, and Ephraim out of range of the bolting mage before he shows up and as such you risk instant loss to a crit or adept proc on turn like 7 which just sucks. Also did i mention this all happens with no warning meaning most players will likley either lose a unit or 2 here on their first attempt or reset the map.

Final gripe i have is after making it past all of that upon killing one of the bosses the other will charge with a large group of enemies behind them without warning or even giving a turn to react. To give an example upon killing challeach, valtar and his army of 8 wyverns and gryphan rider will all charge you at once. This leaves anyone in the center of the map essentially hopeless and garenteed to die since if they arnt a flier they will not be able to escape before valter and his goons eat you up.

These issues can be solved easily with a few edits that i will now mention.
-buff dussel and potentially knolls bases a bit
-on the turn the mages behind Ephraim currently shows up is now replaced with a message that they will show up next turn and to be careful.
-reinforcement squad behind Ephraim show up 1 turn later
-bolting mage is changed to either a regular tome or a meteor tome. That or make all seige weapons unable to proc skills or crit.
-warning at the start of the map that killing one boss will agro the other.
-upon the boss doing the quote that signals to charge the enemies instead charge the next turn instead of the same turn.
-bosses dont move even when the other dies
-Finally make desert items 100% odds for everyone.
Also i believe rennac is bugged as when i tried to pick up the fleetness brew rennac did not have the 100% odds like how a thief should.
I hope your able to take my criticism well and understand where im coming from. I played the hack over a year ago and ran into the same issues that i do believe i did post about. Please make this chapter specifically less rng dependent and make reinforcements/ enemies charging more clear to give the player the ability to prepare for them better.

i have arleady finished the game and now i’m doing the post game, but there’s that super annoying bug with Hayden, the thing is that every time he procs DeadEye he can’t double, he leaving sleep and a low hp like 2 of every 5 enemies he faces when normally he will have kill them is annoying specially in creature campaign where all maps are rout maps, it’s not a game breaker bug but it’ll nice if it gets fix, btw i really like the game, Gilliam going from one of the worst unit in vanilla to an S tier unit here is just so amazing, though poor Dussel he’s now a pointless unit, i don’t know why he gets nerf bc he wasn’t broken in vanilla his nerf is just weird, plus triangle adept i think (the skill that doubles weapon triangle effects) combined with his nerfed def just made him almost unusable for enemy phase combat, i really don’t understand his nerf at all when units who are even better than him in vanilla got buffs like Franz or Forde/Kyle, as i say just so weird

I also forget to mention it, but normal enemies with Barricade are frustrating not bc they represent at treat, in fact they don’t do it at all, they’re enemies with super low hit and normally don’t have 2 range options, but they’re almost impossible to 1 round therefore they end up being just meat walls with almost not hit in you and will block you pact, that should be removed for a more offensive skill i think, since they not represent any danger to you, they’re just annoying

so uhh… is there a way for me to remove skills from characters?

Personal skills cannot be changed. Other skills can be removed by filling the other 5 skill slots and then learning another skill, although using a skill scroll outside of battle is bugged and doesn’t give you the menu to remove one.

Doing another playthrough because why the hell not, figured I’d actually use Seth this time around (after grinding everybody in the Tower of Valni to Unpromoted Lv.20) and at the start of Turn 30 on Chapter 9 Ephraim, he randomly learned Aether with 0 prompting. I’m not complaining in the slightest, but damn.

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