[FE8] [Completed] The Sacred Trilogy Reskin and Rebalance

It runs on the PC.

ohh no i recently played a game where mobs woudnt atk u if they couldnt do damage to u wich was terrible design cuz they would just stand there swarming u and do nothing wasting time instead of u counter atk them to dead on enemy phase, pls DO NOT implement this ridicilous change that mobs dont atk.

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The only problem I can see with this, is if the enemies largely cannot hurt you / heavy units donā€™t have the same movement as ā€˜lighterā€™ units. Otherwise, the heavy units become obsolete. However, if they do have the same movement, you can still bottleneck with them, but not to the point where they draw one enemy unit at a time to their death without even doing a single point of damage.

Iā€™m still pro-ā€œenemy doesnā€™t attack if they cannot hurt.ā€ It just makes sense and adds difficulty to the game in a way which, honestly, should have been in the vanilla games.

Someone asked if I had a release date and I guess this will be fully completed in 1 or 2 weeks, tops.


This topic was brought up here and I want to know what people think about it.
Would it be a good idea to make the sacred weapons unbreakable? I would keep their effectiveness against monsters, but I would need to reduce their power by 3 or 4 points.

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


A bit sad. I guess most of the people like the weapons to be as it is.

Anyways, I look forward to the next update. Best of luck for that. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I wonā€™t lie, at first I voted yes, but the more I sit and think on it the more Iā€™m against it. A godā€™s blessing running out is not unheard of for Fire Emblem (Itā€™s directly mentioned with Black Knightā€™s armor in the Tellius series, though the blesses weapons didnā€™t run out themselves, creating a paradox lol. I just think they didnā€™t want Ragnell/Alondite to break, rather than for story elements. Itā€™s mentioned with Dumas and Mila, who both with time and degradation succumb to weakness and madness.)

Balance wise, I think itā€™d need more than a reduced mt to keep it balanced. Maybe some negative modifiers, like keep Garmā€™s +5 speed but give it -3 def and res.

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I really wanted the infinite uses, I practically donā€™t use them in the game saving their uses, but the ruins not really difficult, where blessed weapons are needed on every floor.

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I guess you are correctā€¦ 8 Legendary weapons with infinite uses will break the gameā€¦

But the thing you are suggesting about -3 and +5 to stats will look more suitable on Valter.

There was a demon lance mentioned in the Cormag - Duessel support. Just imagine if Valter somehow gets revived by Lyon in Final Chapter. (Just like what he did with Morva). But this time Valter will be weilding demon lance which gives him +5 strength and skill but -5 to luck.

Personally, I think villains like Valter just died too soon and in a generic way. They deserved more.

I feel that way, but for Caellach. Valter to me is just another standard evil broski, but, Caellach had layers. But yeah, the demon lance does fit Valterā€™s personality.

Thereā€™s a way to balance the legendary weapons. Since all the legendary weapons will have infinite uses players will most likely use them in each and every battle right after they get those weapons. Since these weapons will be super-effective against monsters, they will become a joke. Monsters will most probably get one-rounded and they wonā€™t be any challenge at all.

So, how about removing that super-effectiveness ? Is there a way to remove the effectiveness against monster but still be effective against Demon king ? What i mean to say is that weapons will only be effective against Fomortiis himself but not the normal monsters.

I think an infinite use weapon with +5 to stats will still have itā€™s value like a legendary weapon.

(If possible and allowed by other players, can you make regalia weapons like Siegmund and Sieglinde ranged ?)

I can see that just like the AI tweak, this is yet another polemic topic. I appreciate the input you all provided, and I choose to keep the Sacred Weapons the way they are now. Changing them would require a lot more effort and time to balance things around.


Tomorrow :eyes:


are u still going through with the AI no damage update?

and will this be difficult since the original on hard was so braindead easy.

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Canā€™t wait for the next update of the best Fire Emblem game. Much better than vanilla :+1:


But the current version already has the AI tweakā€¦

I think he actually meant to remove that AI tweak in the new updateā€¦ :joy::joy:.

By the way, did anyone notice Morva being a bit too tough ā€¦? His skills made him completely ridiculous. He have a base attack rate of 40 (which can increase further thanks to Frenzy skill) and his attack negates defense. Meaning if he activates his ā€˜Dragon Fangā€™ skill, he will be doing 60 damage. And almost no one can take that amount of damage in a single hit. Itā€™s an OHKO !

I calculated and i found that his maximum damage per hit can reach 93 damage. Which is an instant death.

I somehow managed to crit him with Excalibur which finished him. But when i reached Lyon he was just too easy. Compared to Morva he was just some sort of ant.

You nerfed Naglfar, didnā€™t you ? Demon king had good stats all around but I want Lyon to be tough as well. At least tougher than Morva just so it makes sense that how Lyon defeated Morva and made him a dracozombie.

The dragons have been modified for the next update, including Morva. Their breath will no longer pierce defenses. There will also be a few new types of dragons. The Demon King has also been nerfed.


Yay for nerf. Ruins 10 otherwise, I think, is impossible :weary:

It is my pleasure to announce that the final version of this project has just been released. Hereā€™s a quick rundown of what to expect:

1- There are now 8 versions to choose from. They are combinations of 2 choices across 3 categories so that the player can choose whichever version they would prefer to play. The categories and choices are as follows:

Full or Lite - The full version contains the community-made skill system. The lite version only contains vanilla skills. The lite version was made for people who complained about the skill bloating of the full version.
Random or fixed growths - The random growths is the vanilla system for leveling up. Stats are raised randomly according to character growths. The fixed growths are similar to the system found in FE9. Stats will be raised in predetermined levels.
With or without AI tweak - The versions with the AI tweak will prevent enemies from attacking player units to which they deal 0 damage. The versions without the AI tweak is the vanilla behavior of enemies dumbly attacking anyone in range.

2- There is now a casual mode available in every version of the hack, which can be selected upon starting a new game. In this mode, characters who fall in battle will return to your party on the next chapter.

3- A ton of bugs were fixed from the previous version

4- New classes, spells and animations were added. Some classes were overhauled. The full version also has a different distribution of skills from the previous version.

5- There is a new battle screen

6- Unarmed animations were added for every class. There is no longer the need to equip items to your units before promoting them.

7- Now you only need to clear the Tower and the Ruins once in order to unlock Selena and Lyon

8- The hack now uses an exp system similar to the one from FE14. Beta testers said this system is better than the previous one

9- Enemy stats and growth rates were adjusted for a better experience

10- The trainees can now promote to their super trainee classes in the first run

11- There are a few new weapons as well

And lastly, a word of advice (and also a request)
The new battle screen will show a visual glitch if the player or the enemy has a weapon with a long name. I would like players to report to me which items are causing this so I can shorten their names and release a patch in the future. Please also report any bugs and Iā€™ll try to fix them. Please enjoy the game!