[FE8] [Completed] The Sacred Trilogy Reskin and Rebalance

Last night the dropbox link at the end of the first post said “file deleted”, but now it works.

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Right. The last update should be ready by tomorrow.


Uma ótima oportunidade de Resetar meu save, já que promovi e usei algumas unidades que depois me arrependi, parei no Ch.14. Mau posso esperar para amanhã :heavy_heart_exclamation:

(A great opportunity to Reset my save, as I promoted and used some units that I later regretted, I stopped at Ch.14. I can’t wait for tomorrow )


Version 2.0 is out now
This will most likely be the final update for this hack. I played through the entire thing and fixed everything wrong I could find. Fixed broken texts, cutscenes, event conditionals, etc. Also included a lot of new support conversations written by @adalvar (Valter and Riev also have boss quotes against Seth and Moulder, respectively).

For the bad news, this version is incompatible with the previous version, because the ROM was rebuilt, I changed a few things and replaced two items with new ones. Good news is that this is the final update, so there will be no more incompatibilities lol

Also, Chapter 19x was heavily nerfed. It’s still somewhat challenging, but a lot more manageable now.

I will update the guide properly in the following days to reflect the new changes, but I’m a little bit busy irl at the moment, so please be patient.

Now, I know some will be eager to try it out right now, but there’s a cool new feature in the works for this hack, but it may take a few weeks to be ready, so you may want to wait for that.



I’m getting broken text in the stat screen during a map for weapon durability. It displays the uses, however, does not display overall durability. Unless that’s intentional.

It’s intentional. The hack is using @GigaExcalibur’s awakening-style durability. It gets rid of that annoying -- / -- symbol on unbreakable items and makes the interface cleaner imho.


Ok, right off the bat…dat Valter battle animation is clean.


Ah, right on.
It does make the UI look cleaner, for sure. Thanks for replying so quickly!

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Agreed, love it.

Its TIME! I can’t contain the anxiety of wanting to play!

Too Much Energy GIFs | Tenor


Cara, eu queria MUITO ter utiizado o seu Roy, mas não consegui achar uma maneira sensata de incluí-lo no hack. :confused:
Ele é tão fera que iria roubar o protagonismo dos gêmeos.

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Ei, não se preocupe. Eu entendo mais que perfeitamente decisões que são tomadas em pro da consistência, mas fico extremamente feliz e lisonjeado ler que você queria adicionar meu trabalho na sua hack. Espero que um dia possamos trabalhar em alguma coisa juntos :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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So stoked to play the final version. This has been the best remaster I’ve ever played. Thanks for sharing your vision with us!

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Final Update is Here!!! I’m excited to play this on my day off. Thank you very much for all the effort on this hack!

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Just used google translate dont mind but i will be super hyped to see the two of you work together and see what great hack you two bring forth :heart:


i will miss you man, you have created my favourite fe hack, and the one and only hack i beat it more than 1 times. Good luck man.
PD: Amelia is garbage. Why she has a lot of magic? She cannot use it! Blessed Heart is a good hack, uses new weapons to give those magic stat a use.

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If it bothers you, give her imbue skill. Or a flame lance

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Is mine supposed to look like the screenshots color wise?

I’m using shaders in those screenshots, so no.

Hello, I’m new, and I’m interested in the project.

I have a few questions about the version compatibility for 2.0 full

Currently, I’m on 1.3.1 full on chapter 10 on Erika’s route and no one is promoted.

From previous post from Ultra Fenix is he implying that as long as I have a save file before chapter 14 the save files should be good on my previous version?

Comparing the applied patches through the application FEBuilderGBA ver2023831.08 using the default event assemblers.

The two items that appeared to have changed are in position 86: lvaldi to Mjolnir and position 89: Melitis Tome to a new Dragonstone.

Some other interesting things about the items is that some of the parenthetical or edited items no longer seem edited within the application.

I haven’t completely seen the change in events and their positions.

If I choose to use update 1.3.1 to 2.0 with it be compatible with your later iterations of 2.0 or is the file structure too different?

Thanks, in advance.

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