[FE8] [Complete] The Sun God's Wrath (Final release - 27 Chapters, no fatigue, 100% growth now added - 5/22/2022)

Hello Blademaster can i ask you something? Can You make a 100% growth of this beautiful Hack? i cant find compatible UPS patchs and i dont Know where can i find one


What are you using if mobile use uni patcher if PC sorry I don’t know.
Also yeah Blade master make a 100% and 0% growth patch please.

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It’s finally happened! Mekkah has now finished his LP of Sun God’s Wrath! If you haven’t had the chance to check it out and are in the mood for more SGW content, you can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czzWylUGuwo&list=PLA69XE9lKaI6bf2la_0FcQpV7VFXLnkVy

I am truly grateful to have had the chance for this hack to be played by Mekkah as this hack went through quite a lot of improvements thanks to his advice, both before(through his many videos) and while he was playing the hack. It was a blast to see him play it and I had many laughs and good times. I hope those who watch it can get the same enjoyment out of it!

As another bit of news, I am working on what will truly be the final patch of SGW. It will as such be labeled final on the title screen. The current planned changes for the next patch are:

  • Make Master seals and crowns sell-able (500g and 1000g respectively)
  • Add a 100% growth mode patch
  • Add separate patches that remove fatigue (I haven’t decided on what to do about S drinks and pouches yet)

As this will be the final patch, please feel free to offer up any suggestions.

Thank you again to Mekkah for playing!


Another update? Sweet! I’m currently playing through again as we speak so I’m wondering if I should hold off until the new update comes in? I love the fatigue system and not a big fan of 100% growths so wondering about that. Also are you able to go in and update a few sprites and battle animations? Idk if they’re any new ones but that’d be cool to see! This will always be my favorite hack and hold a special place for me(I’m obsessed with dragon units what can I say?)

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I’m not sure if there is anything new sprite wise, but I’ll take a look.

The 100% growth and fatigue removal patches will be separate patches, so you will still be able to play either way you like.

As it will be the last patch, I am open to all suggestions.


Good to hear they’re separate. One quick thing, idk if it’s to make Fuuma more unique but I don’t think there are any other ninja units in the game. Could you maybe add another one and possibly make a tier 1 class that promotes into ninja? I love that class! And you get pae alittle late into the game as the third tier option. Also maybe raise Katherins magic growth ever so slightly? She never levels up her magic stat while i keep getting a few level up magic stat with Ulysses. If it’s intentional then that’s cool, just thought I’d put it out there.

I don’t have any plans for more classes or playable characters.

I can raise Katherin’s magic growth.



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I would like to make some suggestions. Some bosses like Kal and Garrison were supposed to be very strong. However, Kal was a pushover when compared to Mandrake. Garrison is strong but not so strong as his reputation. Hellen’s speed is a bit too low. I would like for it to be increased but not to an extent that she becomes broken. I liked your idea of making a separate patch with no fatigue system. Some dragons like Hell dragon have insane amount of HP (Nearly 100 or more) while their King only have 80 HP. I remember fighting a Manakete named Peter in the 1st part of game. Even he had 80 HP.

Overall, this was a splendid hack which was worth playing. (I forgot some of the character’s name as Mekkah mentioned, there were simply too many names to remember. :sweat_smile:)


Do I need to patch the 100% growth patch to my rom or it’s a full game with the 100% growth patch.


I second that.

Last question: will you be working on a new project or will you be resting after the last update?
(I suggest you rest you and your team have worked hard on this you guys deserve it).


I’m not sure how I would make those two bosses that much stronger. By the time you face them, you have many tools at your disposal to help dispatch them. And personally, I think Kal is the toughest of the three bosses you mention.

@Blasteroid the 100% growth patch will be a completely new patch. You patch it to a new rom, but you can use your old .sav files. As far as future hacks go, if I’m being perfectly honest, there are two I have in mind to make, but I don’t know if I’ll ever get to them. We’ll see how I feel. I would need to make an actual team for them that time.


I think you either remove them or make them more a stronger stat boosting item but that just my opinion.

Ironically Kal was the easiest one for me. His resistance and luck both were bad. Even Mandrake was more bulky and faster than him thanks to Hellswath. And when we have weapons like Tyrfring in game with Astrea, what could go wrong ? I mean she absolutely murders him. I’m not telling Kal should be invincible. There’s always a strategy which can cheese every boss.

However, personally I believe that Kal should be a bit more strong in order to signify the fact that he never lost a battle before. At least more stronger than Mandrake.

(Btw I am focusing so much on Kal because I really liked his character. He was cool I guess.)

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Can you tell me all the supports endings?

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There aren’t that many.

All endings

Relina x Lex
Ulysses x Alice
Lex x Condor
Evan x Ryan
Dexithea x Derek
Dexithea x Baryl
Jenna x Charles
Fuuma x Bella
Artemis x Roa
Nicole x Kenton
Kirin x Roa
Oreades x Hawk
Sakura x Hawk
Carter x Hellen
Elliot x Joanne
Elliot x Roa
Daedalus x Lila


Carter X Hellen !?

That’s one interesting ending I would like to see. Sadly, I never used Carter.

carter x hellen spoilers

Hellen killed Carter’s parents, so the ending results in him killing her, and Hellen accepting her final moments, seeing her husband (Louis from CT) again


A sad one but reasonable.