[FE8] [Complete] The Dark Amulet v1.6 (08/08/2024)

Finished the game just now.

Had a ton of fun, but I must admit feeling pretty burned from not being able to get the A support and the paired ending with Elyse.

I must have delayed getting the C support by a chapter.

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Congrats on finishing the hack!!! :smiley:

Consolation prize: the support room is fully unlocked by default. You can check out the Edric Elyse support chain there. I also recommend the Fenix Elyse support chain to learn more about her background and fate

The paired ending though, goshdarnit!

Oh well. Considering the ending sequence, I’ll be looking forward to an eventual sequel.

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Will I get another dark contract or master seal for Harlan? I want to use it on Sheila but not if I can’t promote him later.

WOW I just finished this hack and I have to say I had such a blast with it. I have a lot of thoughts.

NOTE: If you haven’t yet beat this amazing hack, there are spoilers within. Read at your own caution.


My god what can I say. Every character felt like they had a purpose and place. Supports always felt personable and made me want to get more. The story had twists and turns that kept me guessing up until the very end. You put everything into this narrative and it shows. A couple typos here and there but nothing that deterred from my experience. I truly enjoyed so much about this story and in my opinion that is so so strong and the reason I love fire emblem in the first place. I cannot stress how much I enjoyed this hack’s narrative, supports, characters, and dialog. This was EXCELLENT.


I am about 90% satisfied with the gameplay in this game. I played this on Normal as I am not the worlds most incredible FE player and I like the story more than I do the gameplay. For someone who wanted to have a somewhat nicer and less intense experience… I kind of still got an intense experience. Was it bad? No, in many ways this hack challenged me to be a better FE player so for that I’m grateful. That being said…

-Chapter 9: I truly feel like the boss moves too soon. We’ve talked a little about this, but I can’t stress enough how lucky I felt I needed to be to avoiding hits and managing my time this chapter. Even one more delayed turn from the boss would have made a world of difference. Eventually I was able to beat it, but it definitely felt “Hard” for someone who opted to play “Normal”.

-Chapter 15: I made a note to you already about this, but the fact that the objective changes in this with no warning about what the new objective was… was anxiety inducing. I think a simple pop up note would fix this in that chapter if you can add it at some point. You’re so good about the pop up quotes in general in this, so it surprised me this objective wasn’t clear after the initial was satisfied.

-Chapters 25 & Final: I think the turn count is too low to reach and defeat the final bosses. I also think it’s inherently designed to let someone fail the first time. This is most painfully true in the Final chapter as I planned to beat a boss… that SURPRISE respawn after you beat him let me with no turns after with which to defeat the respawn and… I disliked that. I don’t really think lowering the number of turns would fix the issue. I thusly propose you consider on, at least “Normal Mode” removing the 15 turn limit. After having played the entire game, getting to this point and sort of feeling defeated because I had to redo the whole thing was… very disheartening. This was made more apparent by…

Final: The enemies on this chapter were a great challenge. But fuck that Knight who causes berserk and ends your turn. I’m sorry that’s just ridiculous. I at least understood the sleep and the move cancel enemies, I could plan for those. But the moment my units were berserked I truly was boned. The only reason I ended up actually beating this was because on my second attempt I got a lucky critical with my Alexias super sage. If that hadn’t happened, I… am not sure I’d have actually beaten this final chapter. It just was a huge time waster to plan around auto berserk status.

In general I felt there was too much berserk staves, though that’s a trope in FE and I know it makes things “more harder” for veterans, and that’s who primarily plays these hacks, but my god this game was just like ready to hammer me on the berserking and it was just… unfun at times. Mostly not too bad until the enemy on the final map who does auto berserk. Just yikes.

I will say on the positives, those were really my only complaints. This was a really really fun game to play and I especially loved chapter 16x which was just… the bee’s knees. Perfect integration of unique and fun gameplay into a really stellar narrative. I also have to say that the final boss of Chapter 25 was incredibly fun to plan around. Also just a unique design. I had a blast playing this when I wasn’t rage quitting over the above mentioned chapters.


This was fantastic. One of the better hacks I’ve played thus far and honestly I’m already ready to go again with the new patch update. Any bugs or issues I pointed out to you in the discord which you have been prompt, attentive and truly accommodating. I have a lot of respect for you and this hack and I’ve been telling all my friends on twitch about it as I get the chance. I cannot say how much I enjoyed my experience with it.

My final team

The only two units I put work into that did not make the end were Leandra & Hilda. It was a tragedy to lose these two units in the final two maps, but such is life. I also lost Fenix and Edric’s brother… but neither of them were essential to the run. I also was unable to recruit Gareth… because the normal mode glitch which I’m glad has been fixed in 1.1. I also killed Othello instead of recruiting him… why? idk haha.

I was able to obtain stat upgrade items and use them as follows:

Two Angelic Robes (One to Edric, One to Freya)
Three Energy Rings (One to Miley, One to Freya, One to Edric)
Three Dragonshields (One to Hilda (RIP), One to Freya, One to Miley)
One Speedwing (Given to Griss)
Two Skill Books (One to Galen & One to Rowan)
Three Goddess Icons (One to Galen, One to Hadima, One to Leandra (RIP))
Two Talismans (Both to Miley)
Two Body Rings (One to Freya & One to Hadima)
The Holy Fragment (To Leandra (RIP))
The Strength Fragment (To Freya)
The Constitution Fragment (To Freya)
The Skill Fragment (To Galen)
The Defense Fragment (To Leandra (RIP))
The Resistance Fragment (To Griss)
Perfume (Used on Alexias)

Here is who did survive:

Great work on this. I can’t wait to see if you do a sequel… that ending begs for one. I also want to know if you do any future projects because this was quality <3 Lovely work, great hack, glad I stumbled upon it. Cheers :slight_smile:


Yeah don’t worry about it, just promote Sheila.

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Some more notes on new chapters I played.

Chapter 15: I don’t like the fact it’s turnfloored (the boss shows up on turn 6, and you need to defeat him to progress). I think the boss should be there from the start. Also, I can see the event (you know the one) jumpscaring people (I got a lucky crit, so my Edric didn’t get killed, but yeah. The boss has crit. This could end badly, especially since neither a promoted Hilda nor a promoted Rivkah can rescue him.)

Chapter 16: I beat it in an unintended way, I’m pretty sure. The entire map is about rescuing a certain someone, but I killed the boss (whose death quote seems like it’s bugged – it showed an open bracket [ and nothing after it) and the map ended right there. It felt like I cheated, lol.

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Misc notes:

  • Please give Alexias 5 Mov. Hilda has that and she’s a trainee as well. And yeah, I still think 6 Mov Troubadour is cringe (7 Mov pls). Also, I’d consider 8 Mov Great Knight. You don’t have to do any of this, but I think all of it would be nice.
  • I’d consider nuking female Aid to make it equal to male Aid. Hilda and Rivkah are particularly affected by this, because it prevents them from rescuing Edric.
  • Elfire is bugged; it doesn’t show its full stats when you hover over it, it just shows weapon type, range, and weight.
  • I’d seriously consider making monster weapons display their stats. I’ve seen at least one effective weapon that’s also a monster weapon, which means I can’t see its Might and therefore can’t calculate its effective damage.
  • Similarly, in the interest of clarity, I’d make it explicit what enemy types Galen’s prf is effective against.

This is Lesk - finished the hack with mixed feelings.

I’ve run into a couple troublesome challenges due to not making use of certain units and then being forced to only use them for a chapter (Julia’s rescue), as well as hardly ever having correct items on those units that are forcedeployed without a prep screen on a chapter.

At the same time, being taken away units - although something I’m okay with plotwise to show characters having their own agency, in terms of mechanics there are specific factors that somewhat turn this into a rather painful turn of events.

With their inventory being withheld (whilst some other hacks allow such items to be automatically tossed into the convoy in favor of giving such units a different equipment upon return), and sometimes leading to potential blank inventories unless you have outside knowledge of characters leaving/the items that could be of use of them, which is potentially run-ending at worst.

Subjects such as the agonizing swarms of constant reinforcements are things that have already been mentioned so I won’t dwell on them much further - with specific chapters being ch. 5, ch. 10, and then the endgame trek (Ormen’s Ring chapter possibly being a large contender).

The Dwalt agenda goes on.

Dark Amulet (987)

Dark Amulet (1018)
Dark Amulet (1019)

And lives on forever.

Ending is rather sour - hardly happy at all knowing that things are going to go down at any moment - with the news flash threat spawning right at the end of the story, taking away the conclusion of the game by putting a cliffhanger on the end of it.

It kinda makes one feel robbed, honestly.

Also Megalovania is not a hype track for maps :agony:


On Chapter 15 now (Hard Mode).

These are my thoughts:

Honestly, I’m liking the story so far. But the gameplay is… well…

I think that (unit and chapter specific stuff aside) there’s three main complaints I have with it (and which other people seem to have as well; at least for the first 2):

1.) Growths and stats: Given how many characters are treated as essential, even with the presence of statboosters, it’s a bit concerning imo that so many of them rely on decent level-ups to carry them properly. I think I got onto the luckier side of things, but I know people who weren’t so lucky. (Especially with the lord Edric). I do think that which one needs to be buffed though depends on when they join, like…

I would say that the people that need better bases and growths the most are mainly Miley (who honestly lives and dies by her STR growth), and Nadya, who honestly comes off as really mid at best for when she joins and doesn’t really take off from there.

Meanwhile, Edric honestly could use better growths given how important he is- especially in the Speed department because from what I find, tankiness means very little if a lot of the enemies can double you (and while you have some bulk, it can get chewed through quickly).

2.) The Onslaught of Reinforcements.
Dark Amulet seems to just toss enemy reinforcements at you in a brutal sequence very quickly- and it can quickly feel overwhelming as all get out.

Especially since they’re hard-spawns, or spawns that will forcibly displace your own units when they come out, which can result in something getting messed up. And on Hard Mode, where enemies are stronger, well… things get chaotic fast, to say the least.

3.) Promo Items:
So I’m on Chapter 15 and it feels like there’s not as much promo items as there could be- mainly in the way of Knight and Hero Crests, because so many units here use them.

Not as big as the other two, but something that I would appreciate nonetheless.


I’m at chapter 17 and the game keeps getting more interesting. Just another question. Why does it say “Dummy” when I use the fragments I got after the memory sequence? it makes me quite uneasy…

Just a display bug. They should work fine :slight_smile:

Glad you’re enjoying the story!

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You need to keep them for the ultra secret good ending of the game where you use the memory fragments to pacify Zeddard instead of killing him, causing him to abdicate and let you claim your throne rightfully as the rightful heir.

Thus the game calls you a dummy for robbing yourself of the true ending

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Hey, don’t give me any ideas! :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t download the UPS huhu pls help

Review for Fire Emblem and the Dark Amulet:

The Good: Things I liked about the hack

  • Story is generally very solid. It’s thoroughly enjoyable and the characters are pretty good for the most part. There is some questionable lines here and there but the writer did a great job creating well rounded characters. The plot is easy to understand and has enough depth to get invested into. It may not have the most complex themes but that does not mean the hacks writing wasn’t enjoyable.
  • Most maps visually look good, the
  • The way the hack used and selected it’s music was well done.
  • The hack does well at balancing it’s weapon economy.
  • Units feel unique and have their own distinct boons and banes. They don’t feel samey.

The Bad: Things that we’re the best but can be fixed

  • The hacks presentation is hit or miss. Many player and enemy palletes look rough.
  • Many plot relevant enemies don’t have battle or death quotes. Ex: Ch9 Fenix, Ch10/21 Elyse
  • Minor typos or grammatical errors (not a big deal tbh)
  • Master seals don’t work on trackers

The Ugly: Things that I really disliked about the hack

  • So before I get into anything I’d like to acknowledge that this hack was made by one person. So I understand that it might’ve been hard to playtest this hack. However, I still feel like anyone whose interested in playing should use save states when playing this hack.

  • The hack isn’t the hardest, in fact the hack seems really enemy spamy. You face late game number of enemies early on. The enemies don’t seem to be strategically placed most of the time nor are they given challenging weapons or items to make them tougher. Most enemies don’t deal much damage but the shear amount of enemies makes them dangerous. It slows the pace of many maps, you just feel like your choking points and hitting end player turn most of the time.

  • So the reason why I say players should play with a save state is because of the reinforcements and the many many anti-player mechanics in the hack. Starting with the reinforcements, there are a lot of them. I typically don’t mind reinforcements but this hack uses them poorly. The biggest issue with them is that they aren’t telegraphed. Many issues with the hack are actually caused by this actually but the reinforcements are the worst of them. You never know where or when they come, and they often come in large quantities. You never have a chance to reposition your units, or even prepare for the kind of reinforcements you face. Chapter 12 and 14 have you routing enemies, but there are also plenty of side objectives (villages, chests, talk convos, shops). But the constant reinforcements bog players down, makes maps drag on for longer. Ch14 specifically was annoying because I had one enemy left but then the game spawned what felt like 12 gargoyles on the edges of the map which felt like a chore to kill. Some reinforcements come very early on in a chapter which serves to annoy the player and force them to halt and choke wherever they stand until the reinforcements are handled.

  • And most egregiously, the hack has ambush spawns. They are not the ambush spawns you may be used to, these ambush spawns are activated based on events (opening doors, killing a specific unit). You have generally no idea when you’ve triggered theses reinforcements, and you have no idea that what your doing may lead to reinforcements. By the time they spawn they’ve either thrown off your entire strategy because they’ve been placed right next you or you’ve already used many of your units’ actions and thus your units can be sitting ducks to onslaught of reinforcements. Chapter 18 is the ultimate example of this. You spend most of the time trying to loot the castle and escape. After clearing a couple rounds of early reinforcements you start to make your way to the exit which is blocked by a door. For me I had used many of units’ action to move closer to the door, and then I lastily used harlan to open the door. The moment the door opened, 6 promoted paladins spawned right on top of me. Literally right above my units. I lost 4 units because of them. I’ve never felt so cheated of my time. But the hack does this multiple times, and it’s not fun. Another bad example out of many is chapter 15. You don’t really have a clue how to complete the chapter you simply have to wait for the reinforcement spam to stop to kill a boss. Once the boss is killed the map seems over as your clear objective “talk to Alos” seems achievable because Alos finally appears on the map. You figure it’s the end of the map so if your like me you overextend some units to get kills for xp. But once you talk to Alos, he turns red and all the npc’s guarding him turn red. You of course had no idea. You figure the map will end after killing them. But no, the map continues. After killing Alos and his crew, 15 more enemies spawn on the edge of the map. Which was the most frustrating thing I’ve experienced from playing fe.

  • The game removes party members and does not return the inventories

  • 14 characters who serve as game over conditions (Sometimes that number is less sometimes it’s more). It just is another thing that makes this hack frustrating. I’m not certain some of them needed to be, and many of their story moments could be optional dependent on if they survived or not.

  • The game forces you to deploy units you might not have used. In ch16 you’re forced to deploy Freya a flier. But I didn’t like her and benched her, but I was forced to deploy her for that chapter, and she was under leveled. On top of that she was a game over condition so that was also an another annoying factor I had to consider.


I have nothing against the creator, I wanted to like the hack but it’s flaws and anti-player measures were too much for me. The amount of times I felt confused, punished and cheated really hurt my enjoyment for the hack. I feel like it needs to be rebalanced, and most importantly reworked. This hack has all the right pieces but it shoots itself in the foot. If the hack put more effort into telegraphing objectives, reinforcements (both ambush and non ambush) and including more player friendly mechanics, the hack would he great. There are many more issues with many chapters but I don’t have the chance to talk about them. I see a great vision for a great game but it needs to be heavily reworked. The game can be fun if you use save states and if your prepared to be unfairly punished.


Started playing this hack and have been enjoying it tremendously so far. I see you are a man of culture with putting Golden Sun tracks in there. Golden Sun is my favorite game and it constantly made me want to replay it :joy: but so far everything’s been really solid. I know people don’t like ambush spawns and enemies popping up out of the blue but I feel it adds a sense of urgency and I’m definitely the minority on this but thoroughly enjoyed the challenge. I know you want more people to play the game but please don’t nerf or pander to people. Too many games nowadays change up so drastically from when they’re released that it hinders my joy from just the sheer amount of updates. Lords of the Fallen and Elden Ring are examples of player pandering. Keep doing what you love and you’ll find people that enjoy what you’ve made even through its “flaws”.

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I basically agree with this entire review. I’d just like to contribute a few miscellaneous things:

  • In the chapter where you only control Eleonora on turn 1, every guard will attack her if she ends her turn in their range. This seems like it’s normal when taken out of context, but in-context, she is an invited guest to the event and the soldiers shouldn’t have a reason to impale her with a spear on sight – they don’t know she’s with the enemy! I’m not sure how you would change this, but it was incredibly weird immersion-wise.
  • The interlude chapter in the lategame has two enemy Berserkers whose unit descriptions suggest they are Braggo’s bandits… somehow. When Braggo is long-gone.
  • Elyse’s fire tome (mentioning specifics would be a spoiler) looks like it uses Recover’s animation as its map animation, which I find strange. Maybe it’s not Recover, but it looks like it. No fire…
  • On the topic of the maps that limit your party, the biggest issue with them is that you don’t get any units there who can handle the map at base level. You really need to train particular units in order to avoid getting softlocked, and since you don’t get to alter the units’ inventories (the maps have no battle preps), you can get locked out of certain options. In the case of the Julia-related map that’s like this, the units there actually miss the previous chapter, so if you didn’t set up their inventories correctly (and why would you? It’s 2 chapters ahead and you don’t know what they’re going to need…), you need to replay two maps to fix that. And you might argue that “hey, the units who participate in these chapters are essential units, surely the player will train them,” but there are ~14 essential units in this hack at various points, so I think it’s more than reasonable to assume not all of them will be trained.
  • On the topic of the “ambush spawns,” I had a lovely moment in Chapter 20 where reinforcements split my formation in the northern room down the middle, making things incredibly scuffed. Speaking of which, the boss of that chapter, and the boss of the turn-limited chapter before the Julia map, are both overkill - hitrates against them are low, they are really fast, and really tanky. My best bet against the latter boss was a Hammer barely above 50 Hit (which promptly shifted below that when the boss switched to a sword), which I couldn’t double him with despite my Rivkah having capped Speed (this is a General boss, by the way). As for the former, I had to rely on Hilda, like I have done for the entire game.
  • Speaking of Hilda, I feel like the premise of units not really one-rounding crumbles just as you approach the midgame – and from there, it’s juggernaut city all the way. In fact, 1-2 juggernauting is actively preferable, because there are TONS of enemies and almost all of them have a 2 Range weapon at all times, from physical 1-2 Range to Light Brands. Dwalt is potentially the best candidate for this, because he hits the highest benchmarks, but I’ve found success with my Hilda, who was unstoppable from the moment I promoted her to Paladin.
  • At least the writing has been carrying my enjoyment. It’s very good, what can I say. The moment-to-moment writing is particularly strong in my opinion, and like the person I’m responding to has said, the themes in the story are simple, but they work. Also, bonus points for including all types of romantic scenes and writing them in a way that’s neither cringe nor tasteless. I respect that.

After chapter 8, some of my characters like Elyse and Harlan started to disappear. Now I’ve played until chapter 15 but I still haven’t seen them return.

→ Hammer slows her down by 4, making her Speed 21 (if capped)

→ missed the Warhammer on that chapter (a damn better Hammer)

→ Broadswords, magic, or the unit you recruit on this chapter with Axebreaker as her personal skill:

I mean, while I do admit that the game sometimes punishes you for not investing on certain units while making investing in others not that much incentivized (looking at you, Gareth), there had to be a better option for you than a sub-50 hit Hammer, right.