[FE8] [Complete] The Dark Amulet v1.6 (08/08/2024)

Found another typo! During Sophia and Nadya’s C - Support Sophia says “my my”. Also I second that this is a great hack, made my account here as well just to comment on this post. Really loving it so far. I’ve played tons of rom hacks before and I’m really happy I found this one especially so early after release

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Dark Amulet (491)
To whomever decided to spawn brigands to raid this house on the other side of the map after Turn 1, making me spend three warp uses:

I hope both sides of your pillow are cold tonight.


Ahahah that house is meant to be destroyed! What did you get for it? 1000 gold? :stuck_out_tongue:

This is absolutely astounding!

The hack ticks a lot of my boxes so far:
*Lord reminds me of Ike
*Jerk Mage that’ll win you over
*A Trainee I adore with all my heart and soul!
*Tough, but fair difficulty
*Custom Sprites, animations and classes
*Kickin music
*Implemented Supports!
*Siege Maps(my favorite in FE is Elincia’s Gambit)

My only issue was something I didn’t even notice till Chapter 7 because I’ve been having a blast, and that was the old Knight/Defender sprite. I’ve been playing games from here and I’ve been spoiled with their Knight redesigns, but it hasn’t and won’t take away from my enjoyment.

11/10. Keep up the good work, and thank you for making this!


Dark Amulet (494)
Dark Amulet (495)
Dark Amulet (496)

A couple unsatisfactory lines and 5k. :agony:

A reminder that you are now breathing manually.

Edit: BigMood did it in one warp I am dead

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Welp :joy:


Now that’s commitment to Sheila supremacy. Bravo! :rofl:


Has the update been released yet?
I got to Chapter 14 where the game gives me a Game Over after any action

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Your wish is my command - just finished the update and edited the top post :slight_smile:

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Can I patch my current patched rom with the updated patch? I don’t mind playing through again if not I’m just curious

nope, you need a blank copy of FE8

Gonna be honest, was waiting for the patch for keep playing the game.

Thankfully my Dwalt is still blessed with that +1 spd because I’m continuing my save.

I’ll report my final thoughts when I’m done playing the game (unless I encounter any bugs).

That girl is broken af


I hope Edric x Elyse ending is not about Elyse doing the same thing her mom did… Please.

Hey loving it so far.
Got a question how do i patch the file without having to restart my entire game?

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Simply copy over the .sav file from your emulator’s save folder.

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I found a funny “bug” in Chapter 22


The event with Elyse and the cyclops keeps happening even if the Cyclops is already dead, which I managed by warping Leandra (best girl by the way) over the wall and sniping it with her personal tome

Really enjoying the game by the way. I hope my earlier posts didn’t come off as too negative, when I was worried about reinforcements and some units growths. I still think some of the early maps are too reinforcement heavy, but so far this hack is seriously impressive in a lot of ways and I plan to write a longer post once I’m done!

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Chapter 22 Bug

Impressive! I’ll let that stay, even if it’s a bit odd from a narrative perspective, because otherwise Elyse won’t promote. Well done on sniping the cyclops down! :rofl:

The main group with Edric isn’t even supposed to know that Elyse is there and in danger. But I get as the player you’re worried and want to save the little mage girl.

Thank you. seemed it was a mistake on my part why it din’t work.

All right I wanted to do a longer post and I’ll best do it, while my thoughts are fresh:


Like I said in my last post, I’m very impressed with this hack, especially with it being a solo project. My highest praise would go to your character writing, both the quality and quantity (full supports right away is a rarity for romhacks) is some of the best I’ve seen, and I’ve played a lot of hacks over the years. The plot itself was also at its strongest when it was focused on the politicking between characters, some of the more magical plot beats felt a bit more contrived and in service of forcing certain things and maps to happen. Mostly the short arc of Edric being manipulated by the Sleeping God, I felt that didn’t have enough buildup to it and consequences afterwards.
Overall I also ended up liking the gameplay, I’ll go into detail on characters and maps in separate sections, the tl:dr would be early game maps meh, midgame maps great, lategame maps good.
Not a fan of number ratings, but I’ll say I don’t often feel compelled to write long posts like this.


Like I said above this is in my opinion where the hack shines, the character writing is great, most characters have Prfs and/or skillsets that make them feel unique in gameplay and even supports to flesh out their relationships. I think I’ll do screenshots for some of my top performers and also a few other characters I want to give my thoughts on:
1997 - Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)(TrashMan)
I’ll go in rough MVP order, meaning somehow the swordlocked early game unit ended up the top performer for me. He just leveled up ridiculously well early on, the prison escape chapter would have been impossible if he hadn’t been as good as he was. His strength was a bit iffy at times, but he got an Energy Ring and the Strength fragment for a total of +3, but even without it he’d have been fine just being an unhittable crit machine with Galeforce later on. Edric’s avoid aura + support meant that I could usually just park him in any chokepoint and he’d hold the line. Character wise he’s an example of really overused tropes being slightly rearranged and executed well enough to end up very likeable.
1997 - Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)(TrashMan)2
Putting Hilda or Shorn as the overall MVP was a tough choice. She definitely snowballed pretty hard in the early game and in most of the easier and more open maps she dominated, then a while after promotion she just refused to get more strength and also oddly little HP so she slowly became less of a solo monster and more of a team player. Character wise she’s fun and simple, I liked all of her supports.
1997 - Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)(TrashMan)3
Nadya was a quiet top performer, being a flying mage just tends to be very powerful and there were a lot of situations where she did a lot. I did give her a few statboosters, particularly HP and Defense so she’d be a bit safer on solo missions. As one of the least plot important characters I don’t have much to say about her character sadly.
1997 - Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)(TrashMan)4
Oh Leandra, probably the most fun character to use due to her busted Prf, luckily she also leveled up very well for me. As a character her antics with Alexias were fun too (he’s up next) and with her connection to the religion of the world I wish she had more of a presence in the story. Sadly I barely fielded Catrine or Tancred to get more of her supports.
1997 - Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)(TrashMan)5
Alexias is also very fun, both in gameplay and writing. I’m usually not the biggest fan of midgame trainee units, but with 3 range tomes it was quite easy to train him, he supported three other top performers and his stats turned out predictably amazing. One of my favorite characters to read, because he’s basically the high charisma/int low wisdom bard every D&D party needs, I fear for the other kingdoms if he acquires that wisdom with years.
1997 - Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)(TrashMan)6
Writing about Alexias reminded me that I needed to put Eleanora as the dancer somewhere near the top as well, considering her availability this spot seems fair. Another character who’s more of the comic relief variety, she’s a bit of a spoiled brat but considering her family that’s a mild outcome.
1997 - Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)(TrashMan)7
I swear the last time I’ll describe a character as simply ‘fun’, but a Wyvern with a one word vocabulary still managing to have great conversations qualifies. In gameplay he also started being very effective once he got Deathstrike and some con boosters to use it unimpeded.

A few more honorable mentions for great performers would be Rivkah, Dwalt, Hadima, Griss, Sheila and Harlan. For the next few characters I primarily want to talk about them in the story, so I won’t screenshot all of them.
1997 - Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)(TrashMan)8
I’m a bit ambivalent about Edric, in the early and mid game it felt like he had a decent amount of agency and good dialogue, later on it felt like he moved where the plot demanded of him and he mostly gave generic leader speeches. I liked his family arc, but the following part where he communed with the amulet came a bit out of left field, maybe a few more scenes with Tancred and Catrine leading up to his choice could have made it work better for me. I expect it was done to give him even more parallels to Zeddard, which already worked quite well due to their stations in my opinion. As a unit he started off very disappointing, a really questionable base speed and growth made it necessary to give him two Speedwings and the speed fragment so he would stop getting doubled, he also got it a bunch in his last few levels, but if he wasn’t the MC he’d probably have ended up on the bench. With good early and amazing late Prfs, decent supportive skill and lots of supports he’s definitely not bad, but in some chapters like the Prison Break his mediocrity really made the game quite painful.
1997 - Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)(TrashMan)9
Elyse was another of my favorite characters and she only didn’t make it into the top performer section because of her availability, I also gave her a bit of stat booster favoritism. As a character I really liked her relationships with both Fenix and Edric, and her basically being a human phoenix was an interesting bit of mystery and lore too. Unsurprisingly my A rank choice for Edric.

1997 - Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)(TrashMan)10
Freya was a really cool character. And I really didn’t expect her to have so much personal story after starting out as an early game bosses subordinate. Her theme of wanting to redeem her house despite the odds and adversities were well realized. Gameplaywise she was a great early game flier, but missing out on some maps and her lackluster strength meant that at some point she was just kind of outclassed by the alternatives, still a pretty useful unit overall.

1997 - Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)(TrashMan)12
The true heroine of the story, Julia was another character I liked a lot. Imo you did a great job writing different kinds of ‘strong’ female characters without using the by now overused trope of making them physically strong or aggressive. Great relationships with her parents and Harlan. As a unit she reflects her character well in being a great supporter, only somewhat iffy availability and exp gains held her back a little, but insane promo gains made her able to do all the staffing she needed in the late game.

1997 - Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)(TrashMan)13
Sophia was one of my surprise favorites, when I heard about Zeddard’s long imprisoned wife I didn’t expect her to end up such a quiet badass, but I guess it makes sense that someone would be both patient and vindictive after that treatment. I also liked how she remained constant in her dislike of Edric, since he definitely earned it from her point of view. As a unit she was mostly a pretty solid staffbot who occassionally chipped. Because of her I’m hoping for Cassius to be the MC of the sequel.

Finally two units I would have loved to keep using but their level ups really just wouldn’t cooperate:
1997 - Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)(TrashMan)14
Miley is probably the only character I’ll be more negative on. In my opinion she really doesn’t do enough to earn that ‘essential’ tag for most of the game, which is a bit sad. I feel like some of her informed attributes (I think Galen or Shorn calls her smart in one of their talks/supports?) don’t really get shown off in the story much. She definitely shows emotional intelligence and empathy in some of her early talks, but at some point just vanishes from the story. As a unit I’m aware that I just got very unlucky with her strength, she has a great prf and good enough growths to usually turn out decent at least I’m sure.

1997 - Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)(TrashMan)15
Finally Catrine. I’m very sad she decided to install a near 0% growths patch for herself for some reason, as a staff bot she was still useable for some amount of time, but even a staffbot needs magic to be worthwhile in the late game. I liked her role in the story, utilizing her visions and being a pillar for other characters.

I liked Zeddard as the main villain, his shtick of wanting to reforge the world is nothing new, but you did a great job of showing how he got to that point with so many people just having it out for him. His two sidekicks were a lot more one dimensional, but I assume intentionally so because there was already a lot going on.


I spotted and appreciated two clear WC3 references and just wanted to mention it.
The ending also felt VERY First Law-esque, but I’m not sure if that was intentional or not, if you haven’t you should read it.


Overall I didn’t run into anything game ruining, but like others have mentioned a few events and maps can ‘break’ if you use tools like warps and siege tomes a bit too creatively. Still for a solo project with just a few playtesters as I understand it the result is great.

Another thing I noticed were semi frequent typos and rarely bad text formatting (like the textbox being huge for just a short sentence). I didn’t take notes for this, because nowadays I’m sure there is some relatively efficient way to just feed your script to an AI and have it fix and point out errors. For the second it’ll probably come with more FEbuilder experience and it’s usually just a minor thing, but Klokinator loves to nitpick text formatting so much that I notice it now as well, best advice I can give is looking at how other hacks with good formatting like Dreams of Five do it.


Hey @4bundy thank you so much for your detailed review. I especially enjoyed your deep dive into the characters both from a gameplay and narrative perspective.

Elyse, Freya, and Julia were some of my favorite characters to write - glad you enjoyed them. And kudos to you for hitting A rank support with Edric and Elyse. Because of Elyse’s poor availability, I think you need to deploy her in every possible map and always take the Edric support the map it is available in to hit A rank before the game is over.

Great eye spotting the WC3 references, one right after the other. I loved that game growing up, both the gameplay and campaign story, so I had to throw those references in there :stuck_out_tongue:

I have read the First Law trilogy. The similarity in endings was coincidental. At least, the similarity wasn’t a conscious choice on my part, but maybe I was influenced / inspired by it.

So you noticed Cassius’s name being dropped a few times before the game’s ending. Very observant :slight_smile:

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