[FE8] [Complete] The Dark Amulet v1.6 (08/08/2024)

Boss has 18 Speed, that doesn’t double.

You need to deploy the 4 mov armor that I didn’t use.

Implying any magic user can double the guy. They couldn’t.

My Edric was getting DOUBLED BY THE GUY. He’s not fighting him.

Morgana, which is the Axebreaker unit, got murked before I could even reach her. Also, her stats don’t look like she’s doing shit to the boss, lol.

then unequip the hammer or use body rings/constitution essence - the game is already kaizo-y at times, and if you actively reduce your chances (since you’re “juggernauting”) to acquire better tools to juggernaut, can that be blamed

you’re getting slowed down by a heavy weapon with a class that doesn’t have a strong speed cap

I am not saying that the design is good - you’re just making things worse for yourself

Agree to disagree in regard to this being okay design.

Also, the ending to the story sucks, I forgot to mention that. Feels like an insult to those who cared about the outcome (me).


Virtually nothing gets resolved. 25 main story chapters and 2 sidequests, only for the ending to introduce entirely new threats, have your ally betray you, and give no closure to any of the characters.

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@Pottsie and @Vulgard Thank you both so much for your detailed feedback.

I’m sorry to hear that some aspects of the gameplay weren’t to your liking. I appreciate the feedback on the number of enemy reinforcements, their timing, placement, and the few ambush-like spawns in the game. No one wants to be bogged down in any chapter. With regard to the reinforcements, I guess at the end of the day I designed a hack that I would like to play - and I like defeating waves of reinforcements. I have toned down the early chapter reinforcements based on early feedback, but I understand there’s still quite a bit to wade through.

For the ambush spawns… there are a few times in the game where the heroes are legitimately ambushed. It’s never right at enemy phase so they act immediately, but it can happen in the middle of the player’s turn. Yes, that can lead to some restarts. But really, it promotes a more risk-adverse style of play. @pottsie as you noted, you had overextended units to eat up experience, assuming talking to Alos would end the chapter. But narratively, the conversation in the inn and at the chapter’s start suggests that Alos is kind of a bad dude. You took a risk, assuming the talk would end peacefully. It didn’t. Boom, combat continues! That’s (in my view) a super cool twist. Others will find it frustrating. I get that, but I’m happy with it’s design.

Similarly with party members being removed. The narrative pulls some party members away from you. Some chapters have small, forced deployments. I make sure to include relevant weapons for those characters early in those chapters, but yes, it will be awkward if you haven’t trained them up. It presents a novel challenge, in that case. Those chapters are core to the game, they won’t be changed. But I can see toning down a few parts to make them less punishing. For example, I added a new character supporting the party in Chapter 9, in v1.1, to help players if their Edric and Shorn had leveled poorly.

The game will continue to be balanced, but not reworked. Definitely feel free to use save states if you need them.

@Vulgard the ending… hey, I totally understand wanting a happy ending and feeling robbed. Honestly, it’s not a particularly unhappy ending. It’s just complicated.


Zeddard is stopped. Redenze is kept united and is saved. Edric is king, and as far as we can tell from the game we just played, he’ll probably be a good one. If he A-supported one of his romance options, his ending card suggests he’s quite happy, in the years that follow.

Yes, he is a king under false pretenses. His mother told a lie to catapult her into power, and he feels compelled to maintain the lie to avoid civil war - not for his sake, but for the sake of the people of Redenze who suffered enough during Zeddard’s tyranny.

Issues around the value and morality of succession by bloodline remain. Edric may attempt to be a reformer, but how far will he be able to push things? We don’t know. It’s a hopeful but not perfect ending for him and the kingdom. It’s imperfect because Edric’s imperfect. He admitted many times that he is not a schemer, and so he was out-schemed. He wanted to create his own fortune, but was drawn into the politics of Redenze, and ended up trapped in a position he did not truly want. Such is part of life and adulthood, to a certain extent.

As for the prophecy of the evil doings of the mysterious Queen of Dawn and King of Dusk… well, that time will come, but it doesn’t take away from the success of the moment. There’s always another challenge. Let’s just hope Tancred remains hidden.


Well if you are ever going to make a sequel of this, he won’t :rofl:. By the way, is Tancred x Sheile canon? In their couple ending it is said that he runs away along with Sheila after all. Can we expect those 2 hiding away together in the hypothetical sequel?

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My position on supports being canon is that all A-supports are canon unless they contradict each other. So, Edric can’t be married to more than one person - only one of his romantic A-supports is canon. But his A-support with Edgar can be canon alongside his A-support with Catrine, for example.

Sheila has two paired endings, and the two are contradictory / mutually exclusive. Either she runs away with Tancred, or starts an orphanage with Shorn in Tellias. Whether we’ll find Sheila with Tancred in the sequel depends on which of Sheila’s paired ending A-supports I decide to be canon. Also depends on whether I actually make a sequel :stuck_out_tongue:

Luckily, many characters only have one paired ending, or have several paired endings that do not contradict. For example, Rivkah can marry Dwalt and start a revolt in the Ghormar Empire, and ally with Hadima and revolt against the Ghormar Empire. No problem, there.

I’m not certain which of Edric’s romantic supports is the canon one. His ending with Elyse does provide a lot of room for creativity in the future… :upside_down_face:

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I’m actually in chapter 24, again, and this time I am going to ship them (if it isn’t bugged again). I just hope that PLEASE she doesn’t do the same her mom did (Fenix x Elyse support read). I’ll be back in a while to curse you if that happens.
Edit 1: by the way, Ruslan supports are by far the funniest thing you could do in this game. Thank you, Vorgus.

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truly a KAROO! moment of all time


Alright @Vorgus , Elise and Eldric A support is still bugged. I am in the endgame now and I still can’t have them speak. Sophia and Othelo’s A support is impossible to get, too, just like in the previous patch (although they can at least achieve B support this time). Even after bringing them to every single chapter they were available in. If you need my save or anything, DM me.

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Made it to Chapter 19.

I think Im gonna put this one on hold though given how many characters are having trouble getting their A-Supports. Hoo boy…

It does feel like tbh a lot of characters have specific story points that need to happen first to unlock their Support chain- and others outright feel like they need such a long time that unless you’re very exact with it, you get locked out of that A-Support.


Honestly, I doubt Morven is Edric’s father going by him and his demeanor.

If anything, I strongly suspect it’s actually Zeddard. Probably in a moment of weakness…

16x is also honestly sad to watch (and I found the easter egg for that one with the boots).

The sleeping God is also… deeply disturbing yet fascinating to look at. If I had to personally guess what Julia’s mother did to repel it back during the Incident, I would wager it was probably some kind of protective spell fueled by… well… love.

Selfless, kind, unconditional love, as cliche as it sounds.

Now gameplay wise- Chapter 16 is kind of a mess because the way it’s set up, you need to take the long way around to get everything… but the issue is that because it takes so long typically for the two groups to meet, especially since Sophia needs to be Rescuedropped to get to the escape point, that getting out before all the False Paladins start swarming is… insanity at best.

Unless there’s another way that I somehow missed.
Especially since you need to take the narrow side tunnel to the right of the start to get the chests before they get looted. Not exactly my definition of fun…

On a less spoilery note:
Catrina honestly could use a higher Mag. Growth- especially since she’ll be your primary healer for a good chunk of the midgame.

Rowan… honestly needs better bases. He’s fine when he first shows up, okay the second time… but after a while, his low defenses and speed fuck him over badly.

Freya too needs better bases- especially since she’s forcedployed and her availability tends to be… spotty, if you will- and her being required for a few key chapters also kinda screws her over.

Even with what she gets in terms of items, it’s not necessarily enough, I’d wager, to help her.

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Hey Telos - thank you so much for your feedback! Totally appreciate where you’re coming from. One piece of advice with Chapter 16 - rushing Sophia to the exit before the paladins arrive is tough but doable. Try not to waste a single turn, always be moving her forward, and bring Eleanora to help dance Sophia to the finish line near the end.

Or, you can trivialize the map by giving Catrine your warp staff. Warp Sophia to the south hallway once you’ve cleared it, and then walk to the exit point at a leisurely pace. You can do this, grab all the treasure, and escape with turns to spare.

You’re welcome!

trivialize with Warp Staff.

With respect, considering her base Mag stat and her Mag growth, unless she got Promoted or something, she… really isnt warping far.

Speaking of which, this is also why making it to the southernmost house in Chapter 15 is a pain- you NEED to use the Warp Staff on a Paladin to get there in time given the timeframe you have- and I personally think that it’s just too brutal of a timeframe to do it in (as that house gets destroyed the turn those Bandits show up… and you need to kill at least two during EP and lure in the third to keep them from doing so).

Again, it’s why Catrine needs a buff to her Mag. Growth- if not her base Mag. too because it’s so important to being able to use the Warp Staff. Nobody else in the midgame at a certain point CAN unless they promote and that’s… not always a guarantee.

And while we’re on the subject of Chapter 15- the mogalls and deathgoyles being able to fly over the town walls makes sense, but also makes it REALLY hard to defend against.

And also I should correct myself slightly- escaping is not necessarily the problem; it just gets a bit… ridiculous in places.

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I hear you. In terms of the warp skip I was talking about in Chapter 16, even Catrine warping Sophia two spaces south (so, over a wall much closer to the exit point) saves you about 5 turns of rescue-dropping Sophia.

Higher MAG growth on Catrine would be nice, sure. But that’s not her niche. As the maker of this game, I want to act on feedback from players, but I think I need to resist the urge to buff characters (unless they’re really underpowered). Strengths and weaknesses both form a character’s identity. Catrine’s got solid SPD and RES. She has the Slayer skill to boost her damage against monsters. But she’s not a high MAG healer. That’s Julia’s bag (especially once Julia promotes).

Not to say I’m totally against ever buffing characters. Even Catrine, if enough people really find her middling MAG growth intolerable. Just want to be careful about that.

With regard to the southernmost house in Chapter 15… there’s nothing worthwhile in that house. It’s not meant to be saved. I thought it was impossible to save, really. I know as a player not knowing that, you want to save every house and get all the treasure, but once you see it’s only 5000 gold in there… maybe restart the chapter and save the warp use :stuck_out_tongue:

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Just finished playing through, it was a fun time! For seemingly having come out of nowhere, I was impressed with how fleshed-out it felt. A few bugs here and there, but nothing game-breaking that I encountered. As a whole it gave me a similar vibe to Dark Lord & Maiden of Light.

I ended up pairing Edric with Shorn. Their paired ending was really disappointing but I did like the twist at the end. Nice setup for a possible sequel.

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You thought it was impossible to save?
Huh. Genuinely didn’t know that. I consider myself stupid now for having busted my ass to do so lmao

As for what you’re saying about niches, sure, I get that, but it’s just…
You need a healer, and while that might be Julia’s, Julia’s not always around. So… yeah. That, and because Catrine’s niche only really comes into play once she promotes, well… it… honestly makes her a unit you mainly run because she (seemingly) starts as a healer first and foremost.

That said, what exactly is Nadya’s niche, then?
As an anima mage, she gets outclassed by both Alexios (if trained) and Elysia (who… yeah, honestly starts off doing around the same as Nadya and can consistently get better at slinging spells around). As a flier, sure, she can do stuff- but so can Freya- and Freya can consistently get WTA against a good deal of sword users.

Freya only gets WTA vs. Light Mages. And other stat wise, I think Nadya’s got some really weird ones… I have to remember to check it.

I personally think that niches that only become apparent on promotion is not a good idea simply because it, well… like it is with Catrine, if I was going in blind, I wouldn’t see that niche you pointed out for her at all.

What I’d see is an earlygame healer who has a magic stat that leaves something to be desired for no good reason, and gets outclassed immediately by the troubadour… and then I have to use again for a good chunk of the midgame even though she’s potentially underleveled.

It’s not exactly a fun process.

I mean, I tend to use every staff user I can get my hands on. I don’t deploy Julia or Catrine, I deploy Julia AND Catrine :stuck_out_tongue:

Thankfully by the time Julia temporarily leaves your party, you can have up to 3 guiding rings. Promoting Tancred or Nadya gets you another healer, if you’re not interested in using Catrine.

To your point on being forced to use an under leveled Catrine not being a fun process - I see your perspective. Mine is different - being forced to make use of non-optimal options and coming out on top is a fun process, to me. You cobble together what you’ve got and pull victory out of the jaws of defeat! :slight_smile:

Nadya’s niche is flying + magic. She’s the only class that can do that until Chapter 23. Flying, magic, very high availability. She doesn’t throw spells with as much strength as footlocked Elyse or Alexias, she can effortlessly cross mountains and rivers. If she had high magic growth, too… we may as well rename the game to Nadya Emblem: The Dark Nadya.


I’m in the final chapter and Edric can’t A support with Elyse.

Btw, I am using the latest version of this game. (1.1)

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No worries - I’ve fixed in the patch coming to today. V1.2 is on it’s way :slight_smile:




So the Edric / Elyse A support should be 100% fixed in v1.2. But starting from the final chapter won’t work, as that will skip the fix. Load a save from the start of Chapter 25, and as long as Edric and Elyse already have their B-support level, their final support conversation will be available. :slight_smile: