[FE8] [Complete] The Dark Amulet v1.6 (08/08/2024)

Which chapter is this? And did doing this break the game?

ch 10, turn 3, and beyond him not having a death quote, nothing really broke

was there something supposed to break?

Nope, just making sure. In the update I’m working, there will be a death quote and consequence to killing Zeddard in Chapter 10. He’ll be tougher, too.

Hey there just wanted to give a quick update since I’m still making my way through the game! I’ve been really enjoying it so far and I like the story quite a bit! Just finished 16x and really really liked the story for that chapter! If I think something could be added maybe there should be a battle quote in chapter 16 if you battle the boss with Sophia? Haven’t had glitches I know of minus the energy ring thing I mentioned a while ago

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Dark Amulet (285)
The Dwalt agenda will be preserved.


Does he really? I mean like can I just keep letting him be my second lord and savior :grin:

Think I found a glitch! I am unable to promote a couple units with a master seal, despite them being level 19 and 13 respectively. The units that are affected for me Donnal and Julia.

Julia has a plot-related promotion in Chapter 22x. She can’t be promoted beforehand.

Donnal should be able to use a master seal. I’ll fix that. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. :slight_smile:

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Good to know! Also I found a typo! In Rivkah and Hadima’s C - Support it says “foughht”. Also! I should mention Donnal can promote with a normal promotion item, but not the master seal

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Wait, that guy has a personal weapon? How did I not notice?


Lewyn is hungry for this…


Dark Amulet (312)

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Yes man, I see it… But I don’t know to get it

Did you do the chapter where you fight Braggo?

Dwalt has a Talk convo with the boss.

I didn’t notice the talk convo at all. Well no matter, I’ll play the game again when the update drops.

Gave this hack a try as it uses Orion animations from DLATMOL like with my hack (play it!)

So far I’m quite liking it even though I’ve only played the prologue, only nitpick is Edric’s colour palette is wayy too similar to Orion’s, could suggest mixing it up a little otherwise it’s almost a direct copy.

Still though congrats on a completed hack! I might LP one day.

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The update is nearly ready, but people keep pointing out additional things to fix, and then I need to test that the fix worked. Surely sometime this weekend, maybe even today :slight_smile:

@Armory is LP ‘Let’s Play’ - like on YouTube? I’d love to see that, if so. Also, Armory, I used some of your amazing F2E mugs. Thank you very much!!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes, a Let’s Play on Youtube, no problem about my mugs, happy that they’re being used.



I found a massive bug that forces you to replay a previous chapter and softlocks you if you overwrote. Spoilers.

Chapter 13/14

If Tancred isn’t at full HP at the end of Chapter 13, he will die in the cutscene when Zeddard attacks him. This sets a Game Over flag, and it remains active during Chapter 14. The consequence of this fact is that in Chapter 14, moving ANY UNIT causes a Game Over. Restarting Chapter 14 and skipping the start cutscene does not fix this, because the flag is set in Chapter 13. Therefore, you need to replay Chapter 13 to fix this and make sure Tancred has enough HP to avoid dying in the end-of-battle cutscene – and if you can’t, you’re softlocked.

Here’s a funny video showing how I discovered this.

mGBA FIREEMBLEM2E (60.1 fps) 0.10.3 2024 03 01 15 13 38 - Gifyu

That is massive, run-ruining bug. I’ve fixed it in the update I hope to release very soon. Thank you for noting it. If you overwrote your Chapter 13 save, you can fix your run by opening FEBuilder and adding an event in the Chapter 14 Start Event that sets Flag 65 OFF (the Game Over flag). :slight_smile:

I made an account here just to say how great this game is. The story, the characters, the custom art and other assets, just chef’s kiss. I actually couldn’t put it down and have been playing it non-stop since I (blindly) downloaded this. I played on Normal mode, which I appreciated being an option because as much as I love Fire Emblem, I’m not super great at the games and typically don’t play on Hard difficulty. The chapters felt fair and balanced, except for the final chapter which had me resetting quite a few times, but I think that’s more of a skill issue on my part than anything else. I did find a few glitches though, that you may or may not already be aware of:

The most prominent one I found, although not game breaking at all, was when Edric gets a crit with or uses a ranged attack with Lionheart (I think that’s the name of the weapon), the music totally cuts out except for sound effects until the battle is over.

In the second garden chapter where you’re just talking to your teammates with Edric and Julia, if Harlan has a lockpick in his inventory he continually tries (and fails) to use the lockpick on the right door, using up the lockpick of you’re not quick enough.

There were some text glitches in the end credits where it gave the “what happened to them” text.

The lancer, whose name I don’t know, that’s supposed to join in Chapter 10 by talking to him either never spawned or I killed him accidentally and he didn’t have a death quote. His dialogue about fighting his former teammates did play, but I didn’t see him anywhere on the map.

In chapters where large amounts of reinforcements appear, the camera moves way too fast and/or glitches out to show where the reinforcements are actually coming from. I’m specifically thinking of the “big battle” towards the end of the game, although I don’t want to say against who to avoid minor spoilers.

Saying all that, I just wanted to make you aware of these hiccups and nothing I came across was game breaking. I had a really good time with this and can’t wait for more from you in the future!