[FE8] [Complete] Shin's Week [7 Chapters]

I decided to challenge myself with making a hack in seven days. And this is the result. This project takes place in the same AU as my other hacks, feel free to check out my main hack: [FE7] [Complete] Elysium Ablaze - A FE7 PME expanded upon [16 Chapters]

Hosea, the Marquess of Santaruz, is shocked upon hearing that a mysterious summoner sends monsters to attack his lands and blackmails him to avoid the situation getting worse. So Shin and his allies get going to find the origin of the monsters and stop the evil doer without Hosea having to pay up.

→ 7 Chapters including plenty of rout maps with powerful enemies rushing towards you from all sides. The game can be completed in 2,5-3 Hours.
→ Easier difficulty modes and casual mode. The game is possible on the hardest difficulty option of course, but it is less Iron Man friendly than my other works. But I do not think it is impossible or anything. You do still gain new units every chapter and those are powerful.
→ Unique economy build around a prep shop where you can buy Master Seals for 3000. Better steal and find plenty of good stuff to sell.
→ 20 Playable units that all have five pregrown supports allowing for you to use the support system without any grind. (Plus one secret bonus character.)


Download (Updated Version, including QoL improvements and minor balancing changes.):

Download (First Version):



Shin Character by Dex
Shin Portrait by MeatofJustice
Anti-Huffman by Hextator
Worldbuilding/Character builder TheEmeraldKing267
Theodore Portrait by Smokeyguy77
Makalov Portrait by Quotedotlass
Simon Portrait by Its_Just_Jay
Nina Portrait by RandomWizard
Christof Portrait by CapibaraInSpace
Sound Room 100% Unlocked by 7743
Drumfix by circleseverywhere
Trouble! (FE11) .s file by Azula
Kittens ~ The Trek (Epic Battle Fantasy 2) .mid found here: MIDI Archive - Netcavy Media
Kittens ~ The Trek (Epic Battle Fantasy 2) .s by Trikki Nikki
16 Tracks 12 Soundy by Agro/Brendor
Skip:Game Opening Demo by Fati
Fix Weak Promoted Enemies by Grys
Toggle New Game Text by circleseverywhere
Bandit Stand In Portrait by Relic
Map Danger Zone by circleseverywhere
Patch Name:Enable Faster Movement By Holding A @FE8U
Author / Source:Gryz Unit Movement Speed
Patch Name:HPBars_with_warnings Cache @FE8U
Author / Source:Circles with additions by Tequila
Prevent Freeze for Event 0x3B by 7743
Patch Name:Convert Chapter Titles to Text_ver2.1 Support Lat1(Install) @FE8U
Author / Source:circleseverywhere,7743,gamma Hypergammaspaces' assorted ASM - #24 by HyperGammaSpaces
Jackson portrait by CapibaraInSpace
Batta (Older) portrait by SaintRubenio
Junaid Portrait by Rasta
Norne Portrait by MK404 and Nickt
Ana Portrait by Wasdye
Ann Portrait by Lonkfromcalifornia
Original Ukko Portrait by Lonkfromcalifornia
Sonic Adventure 2 - A Ghost_s Pumpkin Soup .s file by RandomWizard
Februar Portrait by BatimaTheBat
Samstag Portrait by XPGamesNL
Acht Portrait by Imperial
Acruta La Dnor (Epic Battle Fantasy 3) .mid file https://www.vgmusic.com/file/f219b76b880f6b480d3e2164fa8c2995.html
Acruta La Dnor (EBF3) .s file by Trikki Nikki
Twilight Of The Gods .s file by Sme
Derelict Factory of Twisted Metal .mid file by [Charles Stile] on Epic Battle Fantasy 4's "Derelict Factory of Twisted Metal" (700 Follower Special Part 4) Sheet music for Drum group, Synthesizer (Mixed Ensemble) | Musescore.com
Derelict Factory of Twisted Metal .s file by Trikki Nikki
Buford Portrait by HauntRS_0337
Mei Portrait by HauntRS_0337
Kasumi Portrait by MeatOfJustice
Orville Portrait by LaurentLacroix
Ferrah Portrait by LaurentLacroix
Anna (Shopkeeper) Portrait by HyperGammaSpaces
Sandra (Delthea Cosplayer) Portrait by RedBean
Prevent Freeze For Unit State Event 0x34 by 7743
Patch Name:Fix_GenerateBestMovementScript Move Glitch @FE8U
Author / Source:7743 Discord
Elfin (EBF4) .s file by Trikki Nikki
Elfin .mid file by [Charles Stiles] Shovel Knight - The Defender (Black Knight Battle) (Leo10Gama Transcription) Sheet music for Drum group, Synthesizer (Mixed Ensemble) | Musescore.com
Aurelia Portrait by LaurentLacroix
Patch Name:Casual mode(Menu at game start)(Installer) @FE8U
Author / Source:HyperGammaSpaces ,7743 ,Vesly Hypergammaspaces' assorted ASM - #10 by HyperGammaSpaces
Olive Portrait by It’s_Just_Jay

Credits (Updated Version)

Patch Name:ModularMinimugBox: VisionQuest Style with ItemList(Installer) @FE8U
Author / Source:Pandan,Scraiza, ZaneAvernathy [FE8] Modular Minimug Box 2018: It's here! (MIT License)

Patch Name:Null Move Display By 7743 @FE8U

Undertale Megalovania .s file by SurfingKyogre

Super Metroid - Lower Norfair .s file by SurfingKyogre

Patch Name:Set Default Option “Cursor & etc” @FE8U

GBA FE FONT (Used for Title) by dcapit8ed

Define the value that will be the base value of the staff’s hit rate.
Patch Name:Staff Basal Hit Value(Modifying status staff accuracy) @FE8U

Patch Name:FixedGrowthsMode @FE8U
Author / Source:TR143 [FE6,FE7,FE8] Fixed Growths Mode

Special thanks again to @Dex for letting me use Shin, a character he created. Also thanks to @TheEmeraldKing267 who helped me with this AU’s world and story greatly.


Hooray. This game reached 50 Downloads!
I ironmanned this game yesterday on the hardest difficulty, won, and had a good time!
Despite losing some units I managed to pull through!

I decided to make an updated version of the game now with 15 changes.
I know this games thing is being made within 7 days but I mostly added small things like some common QoL, some new music tracks, an actual title screen, buffing some weaker things to make it a tad more fair. It is still that same game design at heart.

I also added in a fixed growths patch to that new version.

So uh, if you haven’t played it yet I guess you can give it a shot. Like if you want a simple “pure fire emblem” you can play through in an afternoon.