[FE8] [Complete] Fire Emblem: Vision Quest (v3 by Pushwall - 1-Oct-22)

Dissing everything else is fine, but dissing the recipes? That’s too much man.

Edit: Glad the recipes are no longer under fire.


clean yourself up if you plan on remaining on the forum.


I’m going crazy, where on earth did i get a light rune by 3-2 on my first playthrough? Didn’t need it this time but still lol

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Want to give a big thanks to @PentV for their documentary on VQ dev. It was fun to collab and recount how it all came together.

Still feels odd to hear some of these positive claims regarding something I worked on, but it is humbling and flattering all the same. Thanks again for all of the support, everyone.


Finished the hack. There’s no character endings or after-credits scene showing up for me.

Also, man. Reading through the support logs and the endings and epilogue that didn’t show up for me, you’ve written a lot of pairings that end in downers.


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Sometimes yes :slight_smile:

So why did you pose as a journalist in your deleted post?

Hey made an account here to reach out to you, finished a Normal playthrough of Vision Quest, I loved it! First fire emblem rom I’ve ever played, recommended to me by roommate. Music, story, gameplay ofc all stellar. Planning on doing a proper ironman on Hard. Just wanted to say thank you for creating such a great game!


Not to be a bug but any news on dis? :drooling_face: I’m fiending for it

I tried to make it myself but got lost real quick on how to scale units up & down properly :sweat_smile:

Ended up a bit behind on hack stuff cuz of irl life issues and such, just kinda been not thinking about fire emblem for a while, but its pretty close to done just checking for bugs atm really but its tedious and I’m slow so :weary:
Should be done soon hopefully though


They’re literally NOT posing, they literally have a page called Psymposia.

Ya I hear ya, such is life these days. Well, I have pretty much no hacking experience but let me know if theres anything i could help with on it.


What’s it like?

Based around psychedelics drugs. I’m sure it was the cactus (peyote) ,aka the Vision Quest , that were curious in interviewing about

I have been replaying this game (stopped around chapter 2-6(?) last time) and I am sure I am wrong about this but given when he arrives and his gaiden chapters, I always wanted to ask, is Gunnar supposed to be Storch’s brother? His similar class, the fact that he comes into the dream to pep talk Storch when Storch is broken down by fake August, his mysteriousness. I probably should collect his supports and realize I am wrong, but literarily I thought it made sense. Editing to add that they both start with a steel blade which I felt like was an allusion to their similarities. (also on a meta level people have complained about getting another storch like character here when a lance or mage would be nicer and it feels purposeful. just stating my reasoning )

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Nah, there is no relation or anything implied. You could argue that Gunnar serves as a foil to Augustyn because of their similarities, but I didn’t write with that intent.

Gunnar was a relatively late add to the game. I noticed during dev that after the first ~18 or so chapters, there was no other sword mercenary and felt that it’d be fun to add a unit that functioned more like a gaiden dread fighter than a traditional GBA merc.

The imbalances in other units (like not having a lot of lance users or magic users early on) was an intentional choice. I felt it’d be boring if distribution was too equal across classes/weapon types, so I leaned towards going heavy on a few to start and then diversifying as the game went on.

Frankly, early on I was concerned with making Larisa viable because noob me was worried that no one would ever use an armor knight. Mage units are often really strong and I didn’t want to go too heavy on 1-2 range early on, which is why Lera is your only offensive magic user until Titus.

Would I do it the same way again? Probably not (I did add Bosco later on in 1-7x), but those were my thoughts at the time.

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cool! allow me to say that I really enjoy the restriction of unit types. it made me covet Arckady’s prf axe and use Larisa when armor’s are usually an immediate bench for me since she was my only lance. (also honestly on the flee the port chapter she could just stand in a forest and super level off of the reinforcement cavs and soldiers which made her easy to justify). My point is I wasn’t trying to make a critique I was just using it as circumstantial evidence as to why I especially found it interesting to put a character with a similar class to the main lord and an identical class to august who has a mysterious past and is the requirement to get to the gaiden chapter that features august. Totally wrong I understand, but from a gameplay to story perspective I viewed it as an interesting possibility.

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Totally! I see where you’re coming from. Appreciate you sharing. Thanks again for giving the hack a try.

hey guys major issue, at the end of the sisters cheese and wine scene in 1-3 my game freezes. skipping with B or Start doesn’t fix it. Is it an issue with MyBoy(my emulator)?