[FE8] [Complete] Fire Emblem: Vision Quest (v3 by Pushwall - 1-Oct-22)

Great game! My favorite character is Gunner,hope he and Cassius will be fine :slightly_smiling_face:


Your Gunnar looks super good in every stats department.
Cross my fingers for the sequel.
I’m planning my Vision Quest Playthrough in the near future with a Team that I have in mind.
Congrats on your favorite character in your playthrough.


Hey Pandan. Fantastic hack. Finished it about a week ago. Loved pretty much every second of it. It definitely opened my eyes to how much fun FE hacks can be. I’d only really played Shining Force hacks up to this point.

The only thing that kinda bugged me can actually be seen in that Gunnar pic a few posts up. Gunnar is a Res tank, but his Res cap is so low. I’m sure that’s just because of him being a Hero, but I was wondering, is it possible to adjust stat caps on a per character basis? Or are they hardcoded on a per class basis? I only ask because my Gunnar in my game capped Res at like level 1 promoted, so it was kind of a bummer knowing he wouldn’t get Res on a level up again (not that it mattered). Maybe something like a 10% increase to certain stat caps at the expense of a 10+% decrease to another cap? Something like that?


Hey Tyler, glad you enjoyed the hack!

Yeah this is something that is coded class by class.

I could’ve made a special hero class with a higher RES cap, or increased the cap in general (I did this for sniper), but admittedly, I forgot.

I can remedy this in a future update since I agree 22 is kind of low for Gunnar.

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Not entirely a bug, but its more like a suggestion/designig tip.

In 4-2x please make Indah move AFTER the villagers, thanks to that, i lost one reward, where she and the girl were next to the escape point, then, the other phase started and Indah escaped, leaving the poor girl behind, thus missing an item.

It was a cool chapter, loved the concept, but that happening was very sad :frowning:

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Unfortunately the move order priority is something I don’t think I can control because of how the NPCs are loaded in. The green units will move in a sequence dependent on when they load in (ie when a village is visited).

If I recall correctly, the most recent load in unit moves first, so assuming she was last to load in, she’d have the first movement priority. I don’t think there’s anything I could do to mitigate this, at least nothing easily.

Apologies for the confusion - know that can be frustrating.

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Thanks for the review! Glad you had a good time with the game. I echo many of your sentiments around favorite and least favorite chapters as well, and it’s fun to see which units you used (Menahan has been regarded by some as the worst unit in the hack, or at least one of the worst, so it’s nice to see him get some love here). In particular, glad to hear you liked the ending since I felt similarly when writing it and thinking through how things would wrap up (or in many ways, not wrap up).

I get where you are coming from w/ the effective weaponry. I agree that much of the hyper specific weaponry was a little limited in usefulness, and that’s mostly the fault of the enemy design. For horse slaying and wyvern slaying stuff in particular, when I was first getting started i was hyper concerned with trying to keep mounts in check because in vanilla FE they are so dominant, so I wanted to mitigate their movement by adding a lot of these (and just generally making smaller and denser maps). Probably would take a different approach if I was to redo VQ from the ground up since I have more perspective and a better understanding of the game’s systems.

You’re not alone in thinking 2-3x is the worst map in the game. I’ve gotten some positive, but mostly negative feedback on the map, and it stands out as one I’d probably redo if I could. I recall the early survey last year had quite a few people cite it as the worst.

I wanted to experiment with the elements you mentioned, and it was good learning for me to see what works and what doesn’t in context. Knowing how it played out, I probably would’ve taken a different approach.

On length, yeah, I agree - map making is my favorite part of FE hacking and I went a bit overboard here. There’s a lot I’d do differently with regards to late game / post-promotion FE, and I hope I took away some lessons from this.

Appreciate all the feedback and glad you enjoyed the hack. Call of the Armor is a fast and fun hack, and I enjoyed working on it. I contributed 2 chapters, curious which ones you’ll think are mine.


Thanks! And no prob I appreciate you sharing so much. Always cool to hear feedback.

Yeah it’s def an issue with lategame in general. Knowing the end is coming completely changes how players will feel about a map and their resources. It’s def a tough thing to account for and I can see why it’s a drag. Part 4 is my least favorite as well, but I also generally like working with lower numbers. The game def can feel bloated around that time and it’s something I couldn’t really figure out how to work around without redoing a lot of my first drafts more heavily or cutting down on content.

I’ve been experimenting with slowing down the exp curve and am thinking about how early to give out promo and how much promo should matter. I def struggled to balance vqs big gains in context since I gave so many seals early. We will see how it works in practice.

Yeah I think for menahan it’s an availability issue more so than anything else. As you can tell he’s def useful but prob hard to justify on average, which is a level of viability I am okay with. We would be having a diff convo if he joined before the end of part 2.

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How long do support points take to build up?

In the early chapters, it takes forever.

I am on Chapter 1-7 and the only supports I have seen are Vagelis to Storch/Arckady or Esfir to Storch/Lera.

Supports really helped in Hard Mode of the regular FE games and some other hacks, I have played so the fact it taking so long to gain any support is a bummer and just makes the early chapters harder to beat.

The normal way to gain supports had its advantages.

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Supports are chapter based like in PoR (so each time characters are deployed in the same chapter, they gain a point, and they do not build otherwise). I’d estimate it takes like 3-5 chapters for characters to hit C support, for the relative earlygame.

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Except some characters don’t follow this theory.

Osane to Bosco support showed up in 1-7xx and they only joined in 1-7x

Arckady to Natsuko or Storch to Larisa has not showed up at all despite those characters having been deployed for more chapters.

Arckady and Natsuko C support should be available after 9 chapters of same deploy, Storch and Larisa after 8 (I think I misread the support build rate, 5-9 to reach C seems more accurate for most). Bosco and Osane I think just start with a particularly high rank because they’re siblings.

So I’ve gotten up to 2-4 now and encountered a pretty weird bug: I triggered Natsuko and Hokulani’s talk and C support on the map, but trying to use canto with Hokulani just triggers the support convo again. For some reason doing a trade seems to fix it, and upon testing it does happen consistently. Not a major bug by any means, but thought I’d share anyway.

Have still been enjoying the hack so far, though!

This is a known bug and can be found under the “Known Bugs” tab in the original post.

Hi Pandan! About 9 chapters into Vision Quest, and I absolutely love it! Congrats on the incredible achievement!

I just had a quick question about the support system. I understand that it’s PoR and RD style, could you or someone else expand more on that? Are the number of supports unlimited (not capped at 5) but you have to manually choose which supports to activate at a time before a level begins? Just wanted to make sure I can support with everyone and not be locked out of other supports that I’m excited for. Thanks again!

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Supports operate almost identically to how they do in path of radiance. You can get up to 5 support convos (1 A and 1 B).

Support points are gained at the start of each chapter if two units are deployed at the same time.

To answer the question above and add more to what epicer said, each unit has a different base value and gains total points at different rates. Generally early game units have slower gains because they have more availability. Some pairs will be faster than others pending the pre existing relationship or other gameplay factors.

You can trigger supports on the map and view all conversation in the support room.

If you’d like more details on the calculation, there’s an affinity bonus and support calculator excel sheet linked in the OP.

Hope this is helpful.


I’ve been getting back into Vision Quest after 2-4 kicked my butt a few times and then I was busy with some other stuff for a while. 2-4 feels like a bit of an outlier because I haven’t really had much trouble since or before. Even 2-3x wasn’t much trouble despite checking a lot of the “Difficult Chapter Boxes”: desert, fog of war, and moving boss. But Lera was OP enough to not really have much trouble. I’m assuming that this is atypical, but right now she’s tied with Storch for third highest defense at 15, behind only Larisa and Titus.

But I wanted to ask if the level 15 Warrior in 2-5x was intentional. He’s much stronger than the bosses, so I had to wonder if you were quickly setting the unit state on a bunch of units and put in the state for the chapter’s unpromoted enemies on him. The Warrior and the right side boss also decided to start moving toward me on the same turn, which was pretty dicey. He wasn’t unbeatable or anything, but he seemed out of place.


Yes. That warrior was an oversight and was removed in the latest patch.

I’ve seen some wild Leras so not surprised to hear she has 15 defense. If any of the early coinflip growth units go on a roll it can change the game drastically which I find helps keep it fresh for me.


I remember that you’ve released an update since I started playing, but I’m playing through it on my Raspberry Pi because I just have a weird thing about preferring to play games on my TV over my computer. The downside is it’s not really easy to repatch mid playthrough.

Sorry if this is also something that’s been brought up before, but was Vision Quest made before it was easy to edit walking sounds? It’s not a big deal or anything, but it throws me for a bit of a loop whenever I move a Paladin and hear footsteps.


No worries at all!

The footstep thing has plagued me since the earliest days of development, and I was never able to properly fix it.

Unsure if it had to do with builder functionality in 2018 or my own incompetence (likely the latter), but I was never able to fix all of them.