[FE8] [Complete] Fire Emblem: Vision Quest (v3 by Pushwall - 1-Oct-22)

I’ll add one more thing. I think S-ranks should’ve had more than fifteen uses. Your units get to S-rank by Part 2 where you’d really really want that extra damage and the Slagzwaard speed boost, but because of how limited the uses are I had to be extremely careful with them, to the point where i used Slagzwaard thrice in 2-4, Boogjacht once in 2-E and then i just unloaded it all in 4-E. I’m sure the intent was to make sure the player uses it more strategically than regular weapons, but in reality it just made me not really want to use them at all.

(Also while I’m on the topic of S-ranks, what inspired you to name all of them (except Mörke) in Dutch?)


I treated S ranks as emergency weapons mostly, and was concerned by giving them too many uses, the player could go a little wild with them and trivialize the game more than I felt comfortable with. Can understand if that isn’t your preference though.

S ranks I wasn’t sure what to do with. Originally I thought it would be cool to do FE6 style gaidens where you get them, but I felt that legendary weapons ran counter to the narrative of the story, especially in part 1, so I decided to just make them one-off “powerful” variants with little puzzles to get them.

That said, I didn’t want to come up with lore reasons for the names or try to recreate TLP-tier edge, so I took a shortcut and ran common words through google translate. Most of the ones that sounded best to me ended up being Dutch, a language I am not familiar with.

My personal favorite is the Gezond, “healthy” staff.


my personal favorite is “Houthakker”, because it sounds a lot more badass to me in my native language (skin cleaver) than it actually is.


My sound has gone weird when I turned the game on today, the music is really loud and the sfx are really quiet… Is that a known issue with romhack? Using mgba through retro arch

Also did I read somewhere that you could promote every unit with an earth seal or an I confusing with another hack because I can’t use a seal with storch

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Could vary by track some of the volumes may be off? Otherwise unsure, I’m not familiar with retro arch.

Storch is a Lord and promotes with a special item. Earth seals work for every other playable unit except for Titus, who also gets a separate promo item.


Ah yes I just got the item for storch :slight_smile:

As for the sound… I’m not sure what’s going on it only started happening today, its like (if there was a volume slider) all sfx are set to 10 and bgm to 100… Can’t be the specific tracks because it’s happening on the Battle preparation screen too which is the same music each time… Weird, must be retroarch but I didn’t change any settings so not sure how it managed to break itself

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Yeah, that’s odd. I’m not sure either. Sorry for the trouble.

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Hey, been playing through on normal so far and been really enjoying it! The difficulty is enough to keep me on my toes but not so overbearing that I get frustrated, which is a nice balance I don’t see too often in rom hacks, so kudos there.

I have encountered a bug, though; when trying to recruit Honeydew in chapter 10 the game freezes after the recruitment conversation - the convo ends but Honeydew never spawns on the map. I warped Zoya onto the stairs where you recruit her (to catch a thief) and waited the following turn (without moving) to trigger the recruitment, not sure if that has anything to do with it. I tried on both VBA and mGBA, it freezes on both. Also freezes whether i skip the convo or not.


Thanks for playing! Glad you’re liking it so far.

Was there another unit on the space adjacent to the stairs? Unsure what else could be causing it, although I recall testing to ensure that she loaded in regardless of whether that space was blocked.

To confirm, Zoya was recruited already by this point?

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Yes, I had recruited Zoya. I did kill the thief on the open square next to the stairs on the same turn, so maybe the game is still registering the square as occupied?

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Hmm, I doubt it’s that - I’m guessing it has something to do with either how I set up the event, or has to do with Zoya because she loads in as a red unit, which could mess up the check on the range event that triggers Honeydew recruitment.

Have you tried with another unit?

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I restarted the chapter and tried it with Otilie, it worked this time thankfully. Maybe it is just an issue with Zoya

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Awesome - glad that worked.

The event checks to see if the unit visiting the space is allied with the player, but because Zoya starts as part of another faction, it may not register. This leads me to believe the CHECK_ALLEGIANCE functions checks what they load in as vs. what they are at time of check.

Never came up in playtesting because Zoya is usually far away from Honeydew. Apologies for the confusion! Thanks for reporting.

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Yeah, I think I ended up rescuing her and a few other units down because my units at the bottom were struggling lol. I’ll keep that in mind in case it ever comes up again


Hi. I beat your hack after around 5 days of playing? And I really love it. Can I ask, are there multiple endings. Or is there only the one ending?

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Some characters have paired endings pending their support partners, yes. Thanks for playing!


Yo, i got a question here. I played 2-1 or the chapter where the Monk and the Female Warrior appears as green units, however, i didnt get to talk to them because, well, lets say Storch is a beast and murdered the boss when he started moving. The chapter ended and the scene where they say they like to travel with me appears, but i didnt get them. I thought that in the vanilla FE games, green units just needed to survive to join you, i dont know if that can be fixed :slight_smile:

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Thanks for playing - odd, I thought I added that in - I’ll make a note to fix this next time I update. Appreciate the feedback!


Did 2-5x get changed from the original 1.2 release?
If so, I love the new redesign- feels a lot more brisk.

Though I think the brother could show up a turn earlier and things would be just fine.

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Yes it did - glad you enjoyed it!

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