[FE8] [Complete] Fire Emblem: Vision Quest (v3 by Pushwall - 1-Oct-22)

Heya, so one of my friends had something annoying happen to them.
On Dewi’s join map, she used Rescue on one of their units, which messed up their strategy.
Can something be done about this (beside just recruiting her), because this could definitely cause someone to die, especially on HM.

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The hype is real!! :eyes: Good luck with whatever you have planned, I know it’ll be great regardless of what the outcome is :ok_hand:t2:


Yeah I’ve seen this before. I can look into her AI and adjust next time I make an update.

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Hey, I downloaded this last night, it’s the first RomHack I have ever played and I am really enjoying it so far… One thing though, it says to check the guide for more info but I don’t know where to find the guide? Theres a relationships guide in the drop box link is that what its referring to? I am not the versed on older FE games you see so I want to see things like how far away do i have to be from other units for affinities etc


The guide is an option in the menu (like suspend or end turn), like in regular FE8.


Thanks for downloading. Knabepicer above is correct. There’s a “guide” option in the menu in game that contains info about the mechanics, such as how supports work.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Ah, thankyou to you both! I was restarting the game and looking in options, looking in the download file, googling haha! I haven’t actually played the original FE8, went straight to this ROM Hack i thought it would be cool to have a modern hack to an older game where people have learnt from the newer games in the series and incorporated it backwards, thats what a review on another site said Vision Quest was and I like that you added an easy mode cos i am not very good at strategy games but still love them :smiley: thanks again for the quick response, really loving the game so far


Enjoy!! Let me know if anything in easy mode feels off or if there are any weird difficulty spikes. I haven’t tested it as much.

Thanks again for downloading and have fun.


Hi there, I stumble across a bug while playing your hack, not sure if this is a known issue or not but when I finish chapter 3-3, this happens and I can’t progress.

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Thanks for reporting - haven’t seen this one. Maybe try switching your emulator?

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Thank you for replying, I’ll try that.


That’s exactly what was happening to mw !

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Hey, still loving this game, it’s up there with main games, seriously :slight_smile:

I wanted to raise to you maybe a bug I have found, I say maybe because I am not sure if it’s intended and I abuse it tbh so I am glad it’s there :joy: . So you know when brigands destroy houses, are the rewards in the houses supposed to disappear? / you should be unable to visit that house after its destroyed? because on every map so far where this has happened, I have been able to walk up to the ruin and click visit and the guys inside are super happy to see me lol… I am not very good at the game (hense playing on easy) so I appreciate not losing the reward for getting to the houses late but it feels like that shouldn’t happen so thought I would bring it to your attention (not sure if it happens in the base games as this is the first GBA FE i have played)


Thanks for reporting, is this happening in every chapter?

Not sure what is causing this since I’ve had it happen inconsistently over the years in my own testing.

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My guess for a cause would be if village destruction and village visit don’t have the same completion flag.

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It’s happened inconsistently, even with the correct flag set. Not sure what the issue could be.

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Hey, I am currently on chapter 9 and its happened consistantly for me in any stage that has village destruction possible. I play on easy, maybe that has something to do with it? I imagine many of the play testers will be on normal and hard :smiley:

Like i said though I am happy for the bug cos i can never get to the villages in time haha

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LOL I’m glad it’s been beneficial to you.

I’ll investigate this - I’m guessing I messed something up with the tile change allowing the event to occur.

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Alrighty, now that I’ve finally beaten VQ, I can safely say its one of my favorite games ever.

If I were to rank the parts in overall enjoyment I’d say 1>4>3>2. Part 2 was definitely way too difficult (which you definitely already know) and Part 4 was way too easy. Now, this might sound weird because last time I said that I got softlocked in Part 4, but I also had a whole eleven units left over, while this time I had everyone.

To me, VQ doesn’t seem to really be built around Ironmanning in the sense that I use it, but rather it’s built around being Ironmanned with prior knowledge of what’s to come. Something that could drastically improve the experience is to make dead units’ inventories spawn in the convoy at the end of the chapter, though I don’t know how hard that would be to implement. Seriously on my first playthrough I had nothing left by the end. No money, no weapons, no units.

I didn’t mind the lack of on-map events. The story was very engaging to me, and while there were a few strangely or haphazardly written scenes (4-E’s opening scene went by far too quickly), I do think that the worldbuilding, characterisation and description of cuisine was excellent. My favorite character in the story was definitely Storch.

So TL;DR: hack good, would recommend.


Thanks for giving it a play and sharing your thoughts, glad to hear you enjoyed it.

Totally get what you mean - there’s def a lot I’d do differently to make it better for blind iron man (namely removing part 3), but I didn’t become fixated on the idea of the game being iron man friendly until later in development, which is why stuff like part 3 exists, or why it takes til ch5 to get 10 units.

I agree that it’s prob best to play iron man on a 2nd run when you have knowledge of the game. I feel confident a blind run is doable, but it’s 1) definitely harder, and 2) hard for me to say with any authority because I can’t actually experience the game this way, unfortunately.

I’d say being able to play past some mistakes is doable here, versus needing to reset for every unit. If you die a ton though, you will probably softlock, as you probably would in a vanilla game.

The convoy warp stuff has come up to me a few times recently. I see the benefit, but personally I don’t care for it. I like the added stakes that come from thinking through what items they have on their person and overcoming that. I guess in a lot of ways it is more QoL than anything, but I dislike that it could change how you engage w/ the game (ie sacking units to warp items around to save turns or w/e)

Hope that’s helpful to share a bit more context/thoughts on it. Thanks again for sharing.