[FE8] [COMPLETE] FE: Dream of Five - Definitive Edition

Stray Polytheism?

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In early drafts, a few characters invoke ‘Gods’. It was only later that I really cemented Talis’ central religion as monotheistic, so now they invoke the Greatmother instead.


Oh, Cool. Thanks for clarifying that :+1:

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Is looking at growth rates disabled?

The same amount of disabled it is in any vanilla game, yes.

I haven’t played vanilla in so long I forgot about it being off in those lol

yeah it’s less disabled and more that we just chose not to apply the patch

if you really want growths and stuff they’re on the site though


How can you get portraits to change with promotion? I’ve been so curious about this, I just made an account! Made me post for the first time, using this website for years. Amazing game, thank you!


There’s a hack for it:


Thank you so much! This is amazing! I loved seeing this in the hack and was obsessed!

I am sorry to bother you can you tell me how to make Rophon become my companion

Try exploring different areas, listening carefully to information and assembling context clues. The signposting’s all there if you keep your eyes open.


Started playing today. Music choices (FF1 and 2?? you shouldn’t have) are making me fall in love. First couple of chapters I had time to play are good fun; big glowup compared to the old (old, old, old) demo in pretty much every aspect. All the descriptions of characters, classes and even UI elements being from Rena’s perspective is a fabulous touch.