[FE8][Complete] Bells of Byelen (24 Chapters)

Ooooh okay! I’m new so i didn’t know. Thank you very much, guys.

yeah you win like 4 fights ndthey give it to you and then the last guy unbeatable sorun like your life depends on it lol

I really like playing fire emblem with fixed growth modes on, so i usually enable the flag that turns it on by default with skill systems (0xEF) by using FEbuilder. however i noticed that you in fact already used this flag and set it to ON, did you override the flag that is normally for fixed growths? And if so, is there still a way for me to still enable it? Thanks!

The Skill System’s fixed growths mode shouldn’t work, due to the level up function being changed and the new one not accounting for any fixed mode, so you would have to write the functionality yourself and build a new patch, which is likely high effort.

it looks like my lifelong dream of playing thracia 776 in fixed growths mode will go unfulfilled yet.

How the hell do you beat zeus in the chapter 6 arena?

I’m in chapter 11 this time. Once again, there’s a big bug. The game alerts you that you shouldn’t have any enemy held during that turn and from turn 10 onwards, otherwise the game will crash when you sieze the altar. I’m in turn 9, dropped the held enemies but the game crashes when I try to sieze the altar. I also tried to wait for one turn, then seize the altar but during turn’s 9 enemy phase, the game crashes right before entering your 10th turn. What’s happening?

You don’t. Run for your life, there’s no way to beat him no matter what characters you use or how powerful they are up to that point.

Assuming you mean Chapter 12, you should read the “Known Issues” section in the original post. It explains that this is an emulator issue that some outdated/inaccurate emulators may experience. Switching to one of the recommended ones should be fine.

Yes, I meant chapter 12, sorry. And no, I’m using Visual Boy Advance M (1.8.0) and still happens.

This seems like a fairly outdated version of VBA-M, given the most recent one on their website is 2.1.4. You could try updating it, and if that doesn’t work, there should be zero issue on mGBA since I tested it there and experienced no problems.

It didn’t work in VBA-M, but it did in mGBA. Thanks for the help. I’m guessing VBA-M will work after chapter 12 just fine, so here’s hoping I can export my saves from one emulator to the other.

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Aaaaalright, now that I finishd the game I can finally say this: 9/10. The Thracia vibes are god tier, the characters are great, Cromar’s skill is little bit too annoying but whatever. I’ve got only 3 complains about it and they aren’t even that relevant:

  1. Final Boss: he has too little HP. I mean, at that point of the game the final boss was destined to be easy, but he’s so weak I couldn’t even enjoy all his battle conversations without having to load my save states. Trivial stuff, as mentioned.
  2. Why are there not Stamina drinks? They’re even in The Sun God’s Wrath, why wouldn’t they be in a game as similar to Thracia as this one?
  3. This is the only one which didn’t affect my rating, and it’s the supports. As such, it’s just a personal plea: romance. I’m a romantic and wish to see some romantic paired endings. I can’t speak for Cromar x Leina’s A support since the change of emulator bugged my A rank, but I was expectin Loewe and Iskra to have a lovey-dovey ending because they’re always so close, not just a bff ending. As I said, nothing relevant, just thought I would live this here.

IMO there is nothing more romantic than the love between best friends


That’s friendship, not romance. They’re different kinds of love. Anyway and as I said, that’s a personal thing, no need to put it in the final version.

Hey, glad to hear you enjoyed the hack. For Number 2, the tech to make a S Drink is technically in the game, but I’m not really a fan of them in general. They’ve always felt like a bandaid to me so that certain units won’t miss events on specific maps, or otherwise used to avoid the “point” of Fatigue, unit rotation. The only problem I see it resolving is if you need a specific unit on a map in some kind of ironman context, but I think that this game mostly resolves this by having a steady stream of competent units. I’d consider adding S Drinks in the postgame though (if I ever get to that).


Neat. Keep up the good work, the game was truly enjoyable.


Really enjoying the hack so far, and I’m nearly done with it (Just finished interlude 3). I did notice a pretty major bug in Interlude 2. I recruited the General with Acrobat (Peleceye), but he didn’t show up in the roster in the next chapter.

I received another report about this today, so I made the fix and uploaded the new patch to the downloads folder, along with some other minor changes and fixes. Glad to hear you’re enjoying the hack despite this bug.

Just finished the last chapter, and wanted to put down some thoughts about the game. Spoilers ahead!

Story Thoughts

I thought that the story was handled pretty well. I got really invested in many of the characters, and some of the twists were really surprising. Korovai and the repercussions of his death were a highlight, although I was a bit disappointed that it was dropped completely once Loewe confronts Cleo about it (not a big deal, just wanted to see Iberis confront Cleo directly lol). Also, did not see the twist with Kwame coming, so that was pretty awesome.
I did think the story could be a little disjointed at parts. Chapter 17’s cut to Loewe being found without his sword is perhaps the biggest example of this. Some characters seem to almost change personalities as well, like Kwame becoming a goofball as he’s flying with Loewe, or Loewe / Cleo jumping from angst to normal from cutscene to cutscene. Nothing major though.


This was the first time I’d ever played a hack with Thracia mechanics, and they were really enjoyable to play with. Especially enjoyed how most units felt viable in certain situations, and how riders don’t dominate the game as they usually do. Some random thoughts about my two favorite units:

  • Carl was absolutely busted, and I love it. Enemies with no adjacent allies are easy enough to come by, and 70% crit with a 60-use Murasma wrecks everything. Gave him the scroll for a 10% boost to strength/skill/luck, and got lucky with movement growths s that he had 11 move by the final map.
  • Apsis is such a cool unit, and (most of) his tomes are really good. I’d say absolute zero is pretty meh, considering terrain isn’t that important, and the 1-range nosferatu spell he has does a better job at tanking than anything else.
    The maps were both varied and excellent, from quick escapes to unique objectives. My favorite was probably Chapter 21 (the map really gives the feel of a country that has been torn apart by warlords).
Summary + Bug

Overall, an excellent product. Great job to everyone at Team Adversity for a wonderful experience. I’m definitely going to replay this for a while.
I did notice a bug that occurs during Chapter Endgame #2, where the inventories of the Immortals that join you reset if you restart the chapter, deleting any extra items you give them.