FE8 But With Child Units

Further confirmation that Ephraim/Lyon is a terrible pairing :relieved: But I love the Ephraim/Innes kiddos!

And yeahhhh, the project’s still dead. It exists, by all means, but I’ve learned a lot about romhacking in the 3 years since I posted this that I’m more likely to reboot this project and start fresh than to continue with it.

My goal was to prove if I could create these characters and implement them into the game without conflicting too much with vanilla FE8. And I could! All I had to do was run a Check Support Level event at the end of certain benchmark chapters to trigger a cutscene that would allow the child characters to be recruited. Aside from some extra pieces of text, this was doable.

If anyone wants to implement this kind of feature into their own romhacks, I say go for it! I know Awakening-style 2nd gen units can be controversial, but I have a soft spot for the concept and would love to see it more.


Big fan of FE4 version. Awakening works and has a Dragon Ball feel to it.

Absolutely hate Fates version… its gross


I would love to play this with skills
They look so cute


kinshivette candy
wait why’s my Yvette on a golden kite (also possibly a blonde Iola’s Marcia)


add purple erika kid pls

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