FE7 Boss Recruitment (v1.8 as of 11/10/21)

I’ve been playing this patch and i want to asked, how
do you recruit ursula? I haven’t recruited any of the special boss group but their isnt the talk option when i send Eliwood near her. Am i missing something?
fe boss (1)

hm, maybe you do have someone from that group? double check, idk what the issue is

I’ve check and no. Unless if recuiting bug and beyard cause it.

Hey people, just found this hack. Anything I should know before jumping in? I plan on trying to recruit all the bosses I can. Would love any tips

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anything youd need to know is stated in the OP

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Has there been any resolution to this issue? Just curious

How can you kill Carijga before he calls the reinforcments to get the secret character?

like i tried getting to him fast but i couldn’t do it in time can anyone give me some advice?

go faster, no other real trick about it

What i did is rescue drop lyn to him and prayed for a crit because the calvs make it 1 tile away from him and a slightly trained lyn can double him

got the same fault here just i had Bug instead of glass and suddenly i got this batta.

I managed to “fix” it that i moved batta AND migal to a different location and they appeared alongside Bug. i can only recruit one of them so in other words they are fodder.

but i think bc i did an ironman where units died. (Non in lynmode but in hector hard mode) that it became buggy.

alright i found it. you see the condition branch? For Batta and Migal was it Batre and Oswin sooooo if they died those errors happened where they suddenly join and it gets wanky. I changed to characters who are no

Hi everyone, after several runs of this patch I wanted to ask you if any of you know which setting needs to be changed on FEbuilder to add bosses to recruit. Obviously I don’t want to spoil this patch but it was just out of curiosity.