[FE6] FE6 - Dual Lords [Full Release]

Time for the full release!

To patch use a Clean JP fe6 rom. If patched properly title screen should look similar to this :

Now for the changes (from vanilla). there will be 3 sections, Gameplay, Story, and Graphics. note that these are the highlights. Full changes are in the readme.


Everyone can seize maps.

No ambush reinforcements.
Repeated reinforcements are also gone.
Post CH.16 reinforcements are promoted.

No more status staffs.
Some enemies still have them, but they will never use them.

No more fog of war.

Optional casual mode.
You will be asked if you want it after the intro cutscenes.

New Classes :
Lilina now has her own Lord and Great Lord classes with unique animations and map sprites.

Both male and female thieves promote to Rogues. A custom female Rogue animation and map sprite was made for Cath.
Male Rogues were backported from fe8.

Player cavaliers were split among two classes to diferientate them.
No enemy cavaliers/paladins were changed.
Both unpromoted and promoted from both classes use the same weapons. the difference is class stats and animation.
Crusaders promote into Paladins. They have higher speed and Resistance.
Cavaliers Promote into great Knights (backported from fe8). they have higher strength and defense.

New weapon types :
Roy can use swords and lances from the start and gets bows upon promotion.

Lilina can use anima and staves from the start, and gets light magic upon promotion.

Everyone can attack! (no enemies were given new weapon types) :
Priests and Clerics use light magic.

Troubadours use anima magic.

Dancers use swords.

Bards use light magic.

Complete rework of item mt, hit, weight, and rank required for use.
Some highlights are :
Weapon durability has generally increased and weapons/items are cheaper to buy from vendors and armories.
Higher availabilty of lightbrands (available to buy wherever you buy javelins amd hamd axes).
New mid tier ranged swords, lances, and axes. available in armories ch 17 on and in chests ch 20.
killer weapons have 20 crit. Wo Dao and Devil Axe, which is now the axe equivalent to Wao Dao have 25 crit and are much stronger than killer weapons.
Devil Axe is exclusive to the berserker line.
magic triangle reworked to in ascending order of power (Anima → Light → Dark),
Fimbulvetr is now a reaver spell (strong against dark), and siege tomes are now magic longbows 2-3 range.
All bows besides longbow have 1-2 range. Only short bow is effective vs fliers.
New light magic added. A killer tome - Shockwave, and a brave spell - Brave Light.

Delphi Shield negates all effectiveness. a shield was given to all of the wyvern generals (Gale included).

Legendary weapons are only effective vs dragons (not wyvern rider/lord), and nothing is effective against the final boss.
Along with this you do not have to beat the final boss with the binding blade to get the true ending.

Lockpicks and Fae’s dragonstone are infinite

Major base stat boosts to player characters. Growths are boosted and/or redistributed on both player units.
for player growths, ~290 is standard for non-prepromotes, 350-380 for pre-promotes, and 310 for Roy and Lilina.

Here are some examples of new bases :

Promotion changes :
There is now one promo item all units use : the Emblem. It is a renamed Hero crest.
Roy promotes with an emblem.
All promotion bonuses Hp + 5, and other stats (besides con) are +3.

Many maps redesigned for easier transversal.
Arenas added to a lot of maps for those who like to use them.
Balistas were added in places meant for the player to use them post chapter 8/8x.
Desert treasures were moved to chapter 16.
A few maps, 8 and 22 for example, were completely redesigned. 8 is probably self explanitory, but 22 might raise some eyebrows. Basically, I found the fact that one side was less optional for fighting the boss, so I made both equal making the flow better.
Many maps have small changes to facilitate the new seige tomes. This means areas were enemies with siege tomes were opened up as they would be useless otherwise.

many recruit able allied units now start as player controlled.

Misc. Gamplay changes :
vulnaries heal 20 Hp thanks to 7743. more info in credits.
HP bars appear below max hp. Also warnings are shown for enemies with effectiveness vs selected unit or more than 25 crit. This is thanks to the amazing patch by circles and Vesly. more info in credits.
Minimum EXP earned from encounters is 5. see credits.
Weapon ranks increase faster. Staves are included in this (thanks to CedAodh. More in credits).
Supports increase faster. The rate starts fast (for vanilla standards), and gets faster the later the unit joins. Support bonuses were also standardized. They give +1 damage dealt, -1 damage taken, hit +5%, avoid +5%, crit rate +3%, and crit avoid +3%. This puts all the bonuses you could get frok supports in a middle ground, meaning you get all effects, just must are lessened.


Lilina joins from the start, and is present throughout the game.

Lilina is in most cutscenes as well.
Route splits are handled by a yes/no prompt. You will be given info on the paths, and a prompt. Yes puts you on the path mentioned, and no sends you on the other.
A small non-cannon addition made to make lilina’s dragon slaying prf weapon make sense, and not come out of nowhere.
A scene was added after defeating the final boss to make sense of why you don’t have to beat the final boss with the binding blade.
New battle quotes.
Other than that it is the FE6 you know and love.


Roy has new Lord animations and DIFFERENT Great Lord animations and map sprites.
Lilina has new Lord and Great lord animations and map sprites.
New female Rogue animations and map sprite.
New Dancer sword animation.
New bard Magic animation.
New priest Magic animation.
New cleric Magic animation.
back ported Great Knight and male rogue animations and map sprites from fe8.
Item icons either touched up or redone.
Binding Blade
Brave Light
Levin Sword

De-saturation of colors/palettes.
Intended to look like fe6, just not give you a headache from how bright it is.

Credits :

circles for making the amazing HP bar and warnings patch and Vesly for porting it to FE6.

Hexator for making the animation loop hack and 7743 for porting it to FE6.

circleseverywhere for making the casual mode patch and 7743 for porting it to FE6.

The anti-huffman patch made by Hexator and 7743 for porting it to FE6.

Fixed growths made by TR143

NULL Move display made hy 7743

Updated L button cycling made by AuraWolf.

Weapon Lock EX by 7743.

Continue music after battle patch by 7743.

Play and dance music patches… Unfortunately FEbuilder does list an author. If you made this let me know and I will credit you.

FE 6 analysis material for the patch that makes delphi shield negate all effectiveness.

7743 for Don’t stop BGM when Defeat Idun.

FE 6 analysis material for limitless trading.

FE 6 analysis material for Hard selectable from the beginning

Magrika is Now Canon for making Prevent Healer Mistarget and 7743 for porting it to FE6.

set staff experience - again no author listed just let me know.

FE 6 analysis material for preparation store even on hard.

Set Default Option “Message Speed & etc” - once again no author listed.

FE 6 analysis material for stop price increase the Preparation shop

Attack Miss EXP - No author listed

7743 for the patch that let me set vulnary heal amount to 20.

7743 for the patch that me set the transport unit to Roy.

CedAodh for the patch that let me increase staff Wexp per use.

At last here is the link :

Fire Emblem - The Binding Blade Dual Lords

Also once again feel free to use any of my work. I just ask you credit me for what I did. The resources folder has some of it, but feel free to use any of it. I just couldn’t export everything.

Thanks all for the kindness you’ve shown me!


You have piqued my interest and I am readily awaiting the full release of this hack!


This looks like fun! The only qualms I have with it is the infinite durability. I’m not a big fan of that. Would there be a way to remove that?


I thought about it, but since this hack is just me, it doesn’t seem plausible to make that by the end of this month. That change in particular would require a complete rebalance. However, over time I want to make a ‘community version’. I am aware my tastes are not typical, and want to make a version with changes the people who play it want. I will note this post as something to strongly consider for that version. As for when that would release, I simply can’t say yet.

Fair enough. I appreciate you even considering this because this seems so interesting! What other balances did you make for infinite durability besides the merchants?

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Items were reworked to try and make most items (iron and steel being the exception) good throughout the game. This included might, accuracy, and weight changes for all weapons. Idea being straight upgrades being rare. For example you could use a killer weapon with 1 less might than a steel weapon, or use a silver weapon for more consistent damage. To keep with those two as an example, due to killer weapons being so good, they also require A rank in that weapon type. Along with this is availability. You cannot get killer weapons until chapter 9 and there is only one of each killer weapon type in the game. Same with brave weapons (you get those much later). Other weapons like silver have two of each and are given relatively early, but take a while for anyone except pre promotes to be able to use due to weapon rank. Also, to make sure it was clear, only staves rank up in 10 uses. Weapons are unchanged in terms of WEXP gains. The starting a C rank was to make it so you have access to a few more weapons than only iron at the start. Namely iron, slim, and steel.

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Just started playing this along with the DC version. Really enjoying the casual experience so far. Recommend this rom hack to other fellow Casual gamers.


Sorry it took me a bit to reply, but I’m glad you are enjoying it. Might as well take this time to say the 1.0 release is getting near. The focus will be, like you said, a more casual fe6. Meaning better QOL and Lilina as a secondary lord. I have added a lot since the 0.9 release and look forward to finishing this project. Thanks again for giving it a try.


Yup no problem. If there’s one thing that’s bugging me regarding the animation sprites its pretty much Lilina, hers look something weird that I prefer her go binding blade animation one but I understand why you wanted her different. Anyways Im on chapter 2 or 3 and I’m enjoying the new experience with this rom hack along with Project Sienna.

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Thanks for the feedback! I honestly feel the same. It always felt… off to me. You just gave me the motivation to redo it. While it’s not done, here is WIP animation(s) :


Now that’s what Im talking about! I can’t wait for the next update! I wonder when that will come out tho?

I don’t have an exact timeline. I need two more test playthroughs before releasing it to make sure it’s polished (hopefully). Also, Working at an American college gets real busy this time of year. My hope is by the end of the month.


Nice! Whelp either way I can’t wait for the patch to come out and good luck to the finals!

Good afternoong… a question… can cath be promoted to a murderer or assasin? Or is it still just as useless? Which is a shame, I like that character

Cath promotes to rogue, just like Chad (Astolfo is now a pre-promote). I made a custom female rogue anmation and map sprite as well. I’ll take this time to mention 1.0 is almost done. Just taking a bit longer than anticipated.


I assume Lilina got a touch up on her animation as well?

Well it’s been a while since the dude that created this patch comment. He’s probably still finishing his exams and stuff. Hopefully he finishes the update soon cuz we hungry for this next patch.

Sorry it took me so long to comment, but I believe I should have 1.0 live by tonight.

To answer your question yes she does. While I don’t have a gif right now here is a in game screenshot of unprompted and then promoted :

And since someone might notice a specific detail in that last screnshot here’s this :


Looks good, although I’d rather keep my boi Roy wielding swords and lances but meh it’s yo hack man and besides, fixing Lilina’s animation is a big fix for this. Can’t wait to try out this update on my steam deck and on my 3dses.

Fair enough. Just to be clear though, Roy still has access to swords and lances from the beginning. He just gets access to a third wepon type when promoting. Same with Lilina and light magic.

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