[FE5] [Complete] Fire Emblem: New Theory of Thracia 776

Yes, Sluef can it.

Yes. These things need to be in the recruiting guide, but they are not there now. Will add them.

Edit: I added them. Sluef has been moved to the regular units list.

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Marita doesnt get her green portrait when promoted to forest knight (she gets a green pallet) but does when promoted to sword master

It is the intended design. I don’t remember exactly what I was thinking at the time when I did, but maybe I thought it wasn’t the look for riding a horse.

Hello, thank you for the amazing project. Wonderful new way to experience FE5 in a very different way from the original.

I have three questions about unit uniqueness / performance, if that is okay.

The first is about the Beo’s Sword, Dragon Spear, and Holy Sword, which were previously only available to select characters (Felgus, Delmud, Deen, Olwen) in the original. Now they are usable by any characters who fulfill the basic weapon / class requirements. Given that Finn and Othin, for example, have bonuses for equipping the Brave Lance and Pugi, which were originally weapons exclusive to them, I wonder if any similar bonuses are in consideration for those other characters.

Second is somewhat related, and about the Elite Sword and Carrion. The Elite Sword is an important weapon to Carrion’s characterization and his gameplay in the original, being tied to his family’s story. But in this version, Carrion already has the Elite skill, and thus strangely has no reason to actually use the sword himself. I wanted to know if there are any plans to add incentive for Carrion to keep the weapon in his inventory.

Lastly, I tried out a scenario in which Felgus has both S ranked swords and the Elite skill, and found that Felgus could not equip the Mystletainn despite hints in his character’s lineage. I was wondering if this was an intentional choice.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Thank you for playing and interesting.

I decide whether or not to apply the bonuses based primarily on the strength of the lore. This means that if there is enough legitimacy in the narrative to claim their exclusive use, I will give them an advantage, and if not, I will not. Except as limited by bloodlines.

Like the Light Brand or the Earth Sword, if held for a long time, one might claim ownership. Incentives may be offered for weapons that are loved with certain users, such as the Brave Lance and the Pugi. But it is strange to suddenly start insisting that only they can use something that was just given to them by someone else, or that it is only advantageous when they use it. (Based on this theory, you might ask why the Goddess Axe cannot be used by others. Assume that this is not their claim to exclusivity, but that the restriction is imposed by the goddess.)

It can be said to follow the gameplay of the original, or not. It is considered that the original game had many exclusive weapons to differentiate the uncharacteristic units, but now in this romhack, all units have unique skills, so there is no need to differentiate them by weapons, then I thought it would be more enjoyable to loosen the limitations. But they do not completely lose their meaning, since their presence is still necessary to obtain certain weapons.

When I changed the Dragon Lance from being exclusive to Deen and Eda to being exclusive by class type, I could have made Beo’s Sword exclusive to Forrest Knight as well. However, I didn’t change it because I had made it an S-rank weapon for a long time, and I didn’t think it would be a good idea to impose the limitation now. It might be better to change it.

I have no plan for that. As for the Elite sword, in the original, it was used by others more than it was useful to him (when dealing with ballistae, or thieves / dancer and staff users just holding it without using it for an attack). I did not feel the need to give him an incentive to use it. And now, he will be given the weapon that he cannot use immediately, I made up for it by giving him an Elite.

I think you misunderstand the origin of Felgus.

About Felgus' background

The epilogue says that he is an illegitimate son of Beowulf, or a prince of Conote. Assuming both are true, his mother is shown to have been a princess of Conote and the Crusader blood his mother and he have is probably minor Nova. And Beowulf had no Crusader bloods. There is no reason for him to be able to use Mystletainn.

One could argue that someone with Hezul’s bloodline from Agustria has came the Manster district, considering that Ares’ mother is from Lenster, but I thought it more natural to assume that the princess of Conote has thin Nova blood as a branch of the Lenster family.

By the way, this hack currently uses the spelling Mistoltin which is more faithful to the Japanese kana, but I may change it to Mystletainn, which is used in FEH and other places. This spelling, which differs from the supposed etymology Old Norse Mistilteinn, is also strange, but if neither has any basis and is strange, the one most people are familiar with should be used.



  • Mode selections are now saved immediately when a player selects Maniac and/or Casual mode at the beginning of the game.
    • And if the game is reset and restarted after the selections have been made, the choices will no longer be presented to the player.
  • The NPC Magi in Chapter 6 was renamed to “The Magi”.
  • Sword Fighters and Sword Masters in Chapter 7 etc. were renamed from “Mercenary” to “Sellsword” (to distinguish them from the class “Mercenary”).
    • And changed the name of Shiva’s affiliation in Chapter 7 from “Mercenaries” to “Sellswords”.
  • Changed unit IDs and names of enemies in the arena, they now have the name “Opponent”. They too were called “Mercenary”.
  • Proofreading of English in chapter 11 (by Plague)
  • Changed some English dialogue such as the release quotes and in the arena.
  • Changed the arena entry screen and shops display processing.
    • Reduced unnecessary processing and did not jump processing to the extended ROM area. No changes to external specifications.
  • Changed the spelling of Mistoltin to Mystletainn.
  • Added the unique skill “Ruggedness” to Marty. Holders of this skill will not increase their fatigue when attacked by an enemy.
  • Added the unique skill “Plunderer” to Gomez. Holders of this skill will gain 100G in funds when they defeat an enemy.
  • Added the unique skill “Gale Arts” to Ralph. The holder of this skill will halve an opponent’s AS if their the holder’s Skl is higher than the opponent’s.
  • Added the unique skill “Light in Dark” to Julia. The holder of this skill can use Dark magic of same rank as the Light weapon level.
  • Added the new promotion to Patti. She can now be promoted to Forrest if she uses Master Proof while she is Master Thief.
    • This gives the same stats for promotion from Thief Fighter, but the skills gained are different, with Ambush remaining if from Thief Fighter and Canter if from Master Thief.
  • Added the new promotion to Phee. She can now be promoted to Princess if she uses Master Proof while she is Mage Fighter.
  • Added the portrait when Phee is promoted to Mage Fighter or Princess.
  • Normal Phee’s portrait slightly modified.
  • Added support effects that Homer receives from Jeanne (10%), Patricia (5%) and Asbel (5%).
  • Added the support effect that Homer gives to Shannam (10%).
  • Game balance adjusted.
    • Increased the number of bow-equipped enemies in Chapter 4x. Tanya could not get a usable weapon when she returned in that chapter, someone should bring it.
    • Changed some of the Chapter 5 enemy’s Long Bows to Iron Bows. Many Long Bows were causing a lot of problems.
    • Lowered Ralph’s initial level in Chapter 14 (from 17 to 12).
  • Fixed an abnormal value appearing on the stats screen when displaying Mov for enemies with a non-moving algorithm, changed to output “–” in this case.
  • Fixed a momentary screen bug that occurred when Asbel and others were leveled up in real combat animations with certain backgrounds.
    • This occurred because the process of checking enemy unit IDs for portrait switching was time consuming. This process has been simplified.
  • The in-game guide now includes more detailed descriptions of “Terrain Effect”, “Throne and Gate”, and “Seize”.


Have been playing New Theory lately and enjoying it. I like a lot of changes and additions to the game when compared to Vanilla Thracia. They mostly work well : D

That said, there’re some points that kinda stick out to me that i wasn’t really big on and wanted to leave some feedback in regards to them:

  • Chapter 14: Almost all the changed made this chapter much more fun to play! Then there was the forced max deployment. Might be a me thing, but i find controlling so many units (30 iirc) to be a bit of a chore. Maybe it would be better if you set a min limit of like 20 maybe? That’s still a lot, but imo would reduce the tedium a bit. Other than the max deployment thing this was a big improvement of the original imo!

  • I think staves might have been nerfed a bit too much. I know why was that done, at the same time, staff’ing around like crazy is one of the most fun things to do in Thracia, so this change leaving me a bit conflicted.

  • Kinda related to the staff nerf - Sara. While she did get Witchcraft, she got nerfed everywhere else a bit too much if you ask me. Bases nerf, big growth nerf, Paragon (Elite) removed all that without reducing her base level and coupled with staff nerf (reduced durability and higher fatigue upon use) really feels like she got the short end of stick - I don’t think she needed any of these nerfs honestly. And since Rewarp is now one durability only, Witchcraft can’t be used that much, even. Maybe tune her up/remove the nerfs? Even with Loptyr Sword she needs a lot of favoritism, and Narvi comes super late.

I have a question regarding a certain late game recruitment


To recruit Saias, Tina needs to die, correct? Safy can stay alive if i recruited her on ch.3, right?

Keep up the great work!

Edit: Finn getting his movement reduced inside while dismounted is a bug, no?

He is not fatigued or anything.

Edit2: could it be the wing ring?

What program are you using to change things here? And does it allow you to recolor the characters battle sprites?

Thank you for playing.

The deployment in Chapter 14 is now organically connected to the storyline, as the army is squeezed into a place where there is no escape, thus making it impossible for units not to be deployed. However, Linoan, the non-combatant who was inside Tahra’s gate in Chapter 14, is accompanying Leif’s army in Chapter 14x, which means that some members of Leif’s army could also be inside the gate. It might be a good idea to reduce the number of maximum deployments.

Perhaps this is because you are playing in Maniac mode. The differences in fatigue accrual for the staff in each mode are as follows:

  • In Normal mode: E:1, D:2, C:3, B:4, A:5, S:7, Prf:10
  • In Hard mode: E:1, D:3, C:5, B:7, A:10, S:12, Prf:15
  • In Maniac mode: E:1, D:3, C:5, B:10, A:15, S:20, Prf:25

Even if they were fatigued, there are a number of measures you could take, such as injecting S-drinks as needed. The staves have not changed in performance except for fatigue, and I think you can do more maddening things than the original Thracia, because there are more staves with crazy performance.

Her growth rate is still set as it was when Mag was treated as it was as Res (not halved), and it was too low now. It should have been readjusted, I will increase it a bit.

Elite has now been transplanted to Miranda. In the original, Sara outperformed Miranda in everything, even though they both joined at the same time. It was a redistribution to give them individual advantages. I have made the Elite M obtainable in Chapter 18 to give Sara the Elite again if you want, but due to the changes in the specifications of the Elite, which have increased its value, no one may be willing to put that skill on Sara. There may be room for reconsideration.



Saffi, who joined in Chapter 3, has no relationship to Saias.

I don’t know. This does not happen with the data I have. Please send me the save data where this happens.

I am not sure how to answer your question as it lacks specificity, but the overall romhack is having the code defined in ASM translated into hex data with Asar. The palette is loaded from a file edited in SNES Palette Editor.


I am doing normal mode actually - i guess i just like going crazy with staffing xD

Although i feel like the durability nerf might be the one hitting me harder than increased fatigue.

Here i feel it’s the other way around - except maybe for staffing. Sara’s base 12 HP is really low, which makes her get fatigued very fast. That combined with her low HP growth makes training her with scrolls hard, as Sara desperately needs HP - but her other stats aren’t that good either. Compared to that Miranda can be safely scrolled up and easily trained.

Maybe Sara’s base level should be 1 instead of 7, with the same stats? Will give her some more room to grow and probably increased exp gain for a few levels.
Additionally/Alternatively, to go with the Witchcraft theme, maybe have her not get fatigued as much by Rewarp - and/or let her get, an extra use of Rewarp so she can use a Rewarp staff twice before it breaks instead of once? (Other can only use it once, still)

I overwrote the save already oops :sweat_smile:
However, after checking Finn’s inventory again i think it’s the wing ring - as it gives flying movement so probably even unmounted Finn got hit by indoor penalties - intended interaction?

I was a little surprised to get this feedback, as I made the restrictions much less in Normal mode, but durability is indeed reduced from the original. This is because in the original, if you took one, you could just use it for the rest of the game (there would always be a surplus even if you obtained many), reducing the enjoyment of robbing items from enemies. If you want to use a lot of staves, steal a lot.

As for a Rewarp, there was a plan to provide the item the same effect, with more durability, and exclusive to her, but it has not been done yet. I will make it ready in due time. On a related note, there is also a problem with the exclusive staff being too fatiguing, so I plan to change the fatigue value to be determined by the ratio of the maximum HP. Currently, the problem is especially happening with Tina, it is not good to get fully fatigued after only one use of a staff that says “oneself only”.

A wing ring works that way. Items currently do exactly what the description says. It doesn’t say it doesn’t work on the floor, so he is treated as flying on the floor (moving cost is 4).

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That answers my question. Im used to the GBA hacking side of things so FEBuilder and the like. I didnt know what was available for SNES hacking. Thank u

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hello, I usually don’t ask for changes since I love almost everything on this hack, but I always wondered why selphina has a low strength growth, she starts with 8 strength points which is fine but she has the same strength growth as ronan and phee, but ronan and phee have an easier time training than selphina, I would say that giving her a higher base strength or a higher growth could be very good like a 45% strength growth instead of 35%, or having 12 str instead of 8

one last thing, I always felt that wundergust was very heavy when I used it, I feel like 15 weight could be enough, I know it gives + 5 skill and +10 speed but compared to grafcalibur feels very heavy, especially in endgame

Maybe, but it makes sense. Asbel is already the best mage in the game (in the original game, at least), they had to nerf him somehow. If the tome weighted less, Asbel would easily be on par with Ced, which is canonically impossible. It would be, narrativewise, a nonsense.

This is because her Str growth rate is 25% in the original. Her power is low, this is the public image.

However, the growth rates in the original are Tanya > Selphina > Ronan, but now in this hack, Tanya > Selphina = Ronan, so it might have been better if she had 40%.

He now has 50 AS, I think it’s high enough. Most endgame enemies only have 30-40 AS, he can meet Adept requirements. If you want more than that, you can increase his Str.

thank you for answering, much appreciated :pray:

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