[FE11] FE1DS

This project’s name isn’t confusing at all.

FE1DS aims to replicate FE1 in FE11 as much as possible. There are two patches: The first patch keeps the reclassing system intact so you can have some dumb fun. The other patch removes the ability to reclass any units which should be quite a challenge.


FE1DS - Google Drive


Scuba's Boot Emporium


I won’t bother listing every little stat change as they all match that of FE1, though if it’s asked for I’ll add more stat lists to the download folder. Below are a bunch of notable changes from normal FE11.

Significant Changes
  • all stat caps are 20, HP cap is 52
  • no magic and res stats(other than Gotoh and statboosters)
  • weapons are generally a bit cheaper, further enabling forging
  • wing spear and Hauteclere are gone
  • Gordin has a bowgun(basically a killer bow)
  • Jagen still has only 1 luck
  • vulneraries have 5 uses
  • Hyman(chapter 3 boss) is weaker :slight_smile:
  • Gomer(chapter 2 boss) is stronger :frowning:
  • Gazzak(chapter 1 boss) is the same :expressionless:
  • however, Hyman and Gomer are both much easier due to hand axe changes(weaker and 13 uses)
  • excalibur/aura require A rank for anyone not named Merric/Linde
  • effective weapons have less might and uses, but are also much cheaper
  • except the hammer, it’s hammer time
  • Hardin can use that silver sword
  • Wolfgar take on a very different role
  • statboosters are absolutely bonkers
  • ballistae have 2 range, swarm is 1-2 range
  • dragonstones have their FE1 stat boosts(they only boost DEF)
  • Mercurius is locked to Marth
  • brave weapons have been replaced
  • Falchion is epic
  • you’re definitely not warpskipping endgame this time
  • Wendell is god-like

Removing the ability to reclass allows the game to be even more faithful to FE1.

Additional Changes in NoReclass
  • knights, fighters, pirates, and hunters cannot promote
  • horsemen are an unpromoted class
  • myrmidon characters are changed to mercenaries
  • sages and sorcerers are changed to bishops
  • mages promote to bishops instead of sages
  • bishops have the appearance of sorcerers
  • rip wolfgar

Through working on this project I learned a lot about Shadow Dragon’s inner workings. For example, dragonstones don’t actually have stat bonuses, they temporarily transform manaketes into other “dragon” classes, using the bases and caps of the “dragon” classes during battle. The biggest thing I learned, though, was that this is… fun. I thought that making FE11 have FE1 stats would make a hilarious mess of a game, but it doesn’t. It all works so well, better than the actual FE11. This makes me seriously wonder, why did IS change anything in this remake? It turns out that FE1 was fine as is, all it needed was a new modernized engine. Instead they made huge changes that maps did not account for, like allowing you to have 30 def generals walking around taking zero to single-digit damage for most of the game, and making ballistae and swarm 3-10 range and ignoring the consequences. By reverting these absurdities, you now have to actually play the back half of the game.

Credit to Blazer for making the Nightmare modules used to make this.

I hope all you FE11 fans out there get a kick out of playing this.

All four of you. :wink:


Press x to doubt


but why tho

Is the weapon triangle still present?

Weapon triangle is present. Couldn’t find anything to edit or remove it.


Oh well. But it’s fine since everything else is basically the same as FE1. Which is nice because I hate the fact that FE1 doesn’t display enemy range, so I’ll just play this instead.

this is really cool but I hate it in the best way possible
mainly because I hate FE1


Made a small update to the patch, FE11’s base heal amounts for heal staves and mend staves were 8HP and 15HP respectively, I just now found the value associated with this so they now heal 10HP and 20HP respectively, as they do in FE1.



Good work bro, might give it a try if i find the time as my experience with FE1 is far less than with FE11 H5

New update!

Real talk, when I made this thing, I didn’t actually ever play FE1. I just looked at serenesforest for the stats and punched them into Nightmare, including what quirks and stuff I did know about and were possible to change. By now I actually have played FE1, and turns out I did pretty good for someone with no experience playing the old NES game. There were just a few things wrong that were possible to change, and they have been in this update:

  • Excalibur is no longer effective against fliers. Apparently it was meant to just be a strong killer tome, not an effective weapon. I never noticed from looking at wikis, since a weapon’s entry wouldn’t say that it is NOT effective against something.
  • Thunderbolt now has 53 uses. Most wikis say it has 23 uses, but Beck joins with a 53 use thunderbolt in all observed versions of the game. It’s the only thunderbolt you get, so I don’t understand why wikis record it as having only 23 uses.
  • More thunderbolt stuff, it now is no longer a magic weapon, using strength and hitting defense.

For all 46 of you that downloaded, this makes a strong steel bow forge even more important, as that Ch7 perfect Excalibur Dracoknight oneshot is gone (sad as I am to see it go). It also means the thunderbolt is probably a really cheap forge, as 700 gold worth on a 53 use weapon is pretty low cost per use. If you’re using the 2-range ballisticians at all, that is.

And that’s all. This is probably as far as FE1DS will go, but that doesn’t mean the journey is over. I’ve got something new in the works that will hopefully release in less than a month. Though anyone who remembers the Yarudr project knows what kind of work ethic I have (that’s not dead btw I swear).


I believe it’s because Beck’s thunderbolt is glitched to have 53 uses when it’s only supposed to have 23 uses.

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The Xdelta patch files (both of them) have a secondary decompressor error, and I can only use versions of Xdelta patchers that are online. does anyone know what the problem is, and how I can fix it given these restrictions?
the other shadow dragon patches work fine, such as donlots pme, and the norne always recruit patch.

The patch files were created using xDeltaUI version 1.1. I tried looking for an online xDelta patcher that could create a new patch, but they only seem to apply patches.

rompatcherJS can use the original rom compared to the new one.

rompatcher JS can’t create xDelta patches. Other formats are possible but the patch file ends up pretty big then.

if you are willing, would you PM me the bigger patch then?

I’m not sure what you mean. I can’t post a patch file in a message, it isn’t supported. And the patch file is too big to upload at a reasonable rate.