FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

Randon Weapon Triangle questions - can I make it that if the user has weapon triangle advantage that when the user hits the opponent they can inflict a status condition? My thought was to have something akin to break from engage when the user has advantage.
Second, is there a way that, in the case there is no advantage or disadvantage, can we still force a weapon triangle advantage using stats? I was wanting to have a unit’s CON trigger weapon triangle advantage if they have enough points above the opponent.

My assumptions are that this would be a more complex setup so just learning about how I can edit these areas to begin with would help so I can mess with the settings as needed, thanks.

As you said, it’s possible and complex, and not something that pertains to FEBuilder. I recommend searching for tutorials in ASM and C, and joining the FEU Discord and asking in the gba_coding channel if you need help figuring things out.
The skill system may have some setup done to make it easier to implement changes like this, so you could look into it as base as well.

Hello there kind people,
It’s me again! (Twice in one month, I know.)
This time my rookie mistake is my game crashes after the starting cutscene and I’m not sure why. You can safely skip the crash if you skip straight to the first chapter.

Here is the report.7z. Thanks in advance to whoever can help, I’m very grateful this forum exists.

At the end of the event, you have several MOVE commands without an ENUN. When you try to erase units with CLEA_CLEN+CLEE, you still have units moving due to no ENUN, so the game freezes. Add ENUN and it no longer freezes.
Fire Emblem TK.emulator

It solved it!
Thank you so much. I appreciate it.
I’ll add it to the list of things I need to remember not to do. :sweat_smile:
Much love.

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Hi I come with a new problem; I hope you can help me as always


EDIT 13/05/'25
Thanks for trying to help me, but I discovered it on my own, FE8 only can load 29 nodes the last is 0x1C and I was trying to load one over than that

So, I’m making a game using FE builder for my brother, and I have a monster class as a lord. However, this means that it can’t trade or show up in battle preps. In chapter 4, it stops showing up on the map altogether! What do I do?

You probably gave the unit or the class the Supply ability, which prevents trading and hides them from battle preparations. Make sure the Supply ability is off, and if you want to change how the supply works, search in the patches menu.

Oh my gosh. Thank you so much. It worked! I didn’t realize that the skills patch would render the supply toggle useless!

So I’ve come across an issue that has perplexed me for a few days. For some reason, if I try to place Zombie dragons or zombie maneketes, they are unable to use Retched Air. This is the case for both player and enemy units. The only ones that seem to work are the ones placed in vanilla. Why is this, and how can I fix it?

You must be using the skill system, as it invalidades the monster lock property of not requiring weapon rank. Simply make Wretched Air not have a weapon rank requirement, as it has A-rank in vanilla.

Great, thanks! Is there a way to make player zombie dragons not just have a floating head?


I was wondering if it is possible someone can help me for removing level reset after promotion (so you stay the same level you were before promotion) and also how to increase the max level to 40? I can’t go higher than 31 with the patch.


Removing the level reset after promotion is done with a patch. Just go into the patches menu and search for it, there are multiple versions.

The highest level value that can be saved is 31. If the unit becomes level 32, when the game saves it will go back to 0 and restart from there. Changing this would require editing saving and loading, which is something you’d code with ASM or C, and by editing the ExModularSave patch.

Hello, you lovely people.
I am back with a very minor issue. I have a small glitch with one of the portraits in game. Some pixels on the sides show up coloured, and they’re not supposed to be there. They aren’t visible in FEBuilder, nor on the direct exported portrait when viewed in an editing software (I am using Usenti).


Is this a known issue that can be solved? Any help is appreciated. If you need a report.7z, here it is.


It looks like the right-most wing is reaching into out of bounds by a pixel. The upper right part of the head area is used to fill empty areas (for some weird GBA reason). This hackbox template shows how the quadrants are aligned. See that yellow square in the upper-rightmost corner? That can’t have anything in it unless you’re working on FE6.


And, here’s that trouble spot in your portrait:

Solved the issue with this, thanks so much!

In the battle Animation Editor how does one loop a cape flapping in the air during a spell animation (like what Sages have).

I know there’s the code for Sages but the editor says to avoid using it due to being buggy.

For custom animations we use a patch to do a casting anim loop, and the following commands ex:

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Hate to be a pest, but how does the code work?

This is what I have but it still doesn’t loop: