FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

Is there a patch that makes weapons become broken when they reach 0 uses instead of completely banishing of your inventory?

I do not know.
However, I don’t think it would be surprising if someone is making them.
But in GBAFE, weapons are implemented in such a way that when they are used up, they break and disappear.
Therefore, I think it would take a very hard HACK to change that.

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Is there a way to make a character’s level cap go over 20? You can make it get to 10, so I wonder if there’s a way to do the opposite.

You can use the patch to increase to lvl 31.

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You can search for specific things in FEBuilder’s list of patches very easily. I just typed in level cap and the first one it narrowed to does exactly that.

I should warn you that you can’t raise the level cap above 31. Basically any level value higher than that can’t be loaded in the unit placer.

So i made some custom units, but i didn’t expand the data, instead i overwrote the villagers in the game. Experience gain had been fine until i have reached promoted units. similar to the other promoted units in the game i checked off promoted unit icon and have a class relative power of 3, yet they are gaining much too much exp. Has anyone experienced this? is it an issue of the classes overwriting the villager class?

In this case, I don’t think the class ID matters at all.
If you hover the cursor over the class relative power label, you will see the experience calculation formula, and we recommend that you try to calculate it by hand.

Also, there are various patches that change the experience calculation formula, so please check to see if you have added any strange patches.

Make sure the promoted class has a “menu class” set. If that value is 0, then the class will gain more exp than usual.

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thanks i will check this out

This did fix the issue thank you

If I write a patch in /config/patch/, can I make FEB get values from a pointer?

For example:

ORG a_pointer
    POIN pointer_to_msg_index

// ...
    SHORT a_msg_index

If I have only put the a_pointer in a permanent location, can I make FEB get its value through pointer?

I’m refering to this toturial for now.

Basically, this is not possible, but there are some exceptions.
I have neglected to update the documentation, but the syntax EXPORT has been added.
It is used as follows.

EXPORT:01=ASMC_Draw.dmp	ASMC_Draw

This will make the label ASMC_Draw available to other patches.
When installing an EA, FEBuilderGBA will automatically set the label of the EA to the address of the data specified as EXPORT if any.
In this case, if the “Draw attack effect on map animation when battle animation off” Patch is installed, the data in ASMC_Draw.dmp is searched from the ROM and the label is written.

Due to the specification of searching data from ROM, you cannot use just labels that cannot be searched as data.
For example, in the example you presented, the label name a_pointer is a 4-byte pointer, which is too short to search as data.
You need a dmp file as the target to search.
If there is no dmp file of a certain size, it cannot be explored.

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I understand that I can increase the READ_AHEAD_BUFFER_SIZE constant of the GBA lz77 up to 18.
Because 18 - 3 = 15.
This is because this data is recorded in 4 bits minus 3.
Therefore, the maximum value that may be defined is 18.
We now know that we can compress even better if we set the prefix to 18.

So the lz77 compression ratio has been improved.
I also made a routine to scan and recompress the lz77 compression in ROM.
Menu → Tools → lz77 tools
Recompression tab (leftmost tab)

With Kaitou, I was able to secure an additional 900kb or so.
After doing the lz77 recompression, I want you to do a simple test of the operation.
When I first made it, there was a bug that broke the moving sound, and I finally solved it, so I am releasing it to the public.

After doing the lz77 recompression, you can completely fill that margin by rebuild.

I’m not sure how long ago this started, but it was quite a while. The emulator debugger in FEBuilder can’t seem to hook into VBA-M anymore for me, it just says it can’t identify what memory to load (page 02, page 03). It’s always said that for the first few seconds the emulator was loading but then it would correct itself, but as of maybe 6 or so months ago, it just stays like that and I can’t use the debugger’s functions.

I can send a report but the debugger doesn’t work even with an unmodified rom, so I don’t think it would help. It seems like it’s a program issue and not a rom one. Is there a way to fix this?

Just download the emulator from the Init setup wizard.
MENU → Settings → init setup wizard

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Would it be possible to get a silent version of the “give skill scroll” command? It’s not a huge deal, I can certainly handle the way it is now if that would be an issue.

I understand it’s not currently possible to have a unit spawn with a skill scroll in their inventory with the unit placer, so I thought a good workaround might be to use an event to give them one silently after the unit is spawned in.

If there already is then I apologize. I looked but wasn’t able to find one.

You could use set unit status to set an item and its uses (ie: the skill ID), I think.


Oh yes, that works just as well! Thanks!

It is also possible with set unit status, but for items, there is SilentGiveItem.
For gold, there is SilentGiveGold.

NAME.en=Add Event: SilentGiveItem
INFO.en=Secretly give the specified item to the unit or Supply.\r\nThis feature does not show a hopup that says you got an item. You can also Enemy and Supply.\r\nIf there is no space for a player unit's item, it will be sent to Supply automatically.\r\nIf Supply is also full, the directive will be ignored.\r\nTherefore, be careful when using it with important items.
NAME.en=Add Event: SilentGiveGold
INFO.en=Give money silently. \r\nYou can increase or decrease the money as well as give. If you increase or decrease the money and it exceeds 0 or 999999 gold, it will be automatically adjusted.\r\nYou can also reset the money to a predetermined amount.

The game hangs whenever text is supposed to play. Whatever is causing this is affecting every instance of event text. You can skip past the cutscenes to circumvent the infinite hang if you do it before the text is supposed to appear, but otherwise it’s impassable.

Here’s the report.