FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

Firstly, if there are any animations in the Repo that have been dumped from roms that the devs don’t want, I’m right here. You can tell me to remove them if they’re illegitimate.

Secondly, @explosionwolf, isn’t this your game?

That looks like an animation from the repo, one by Khrene Kleaver. I’m not saying you guys can’t have your secret animations or whatever, but it never fails to amuse me when people take things from the community and use tools made by the community but also have strict “Nobody can use my toys!” rules.

“The community helped me out. But will I give back to them? No!”

That’s the common attitude I see.

What leakage? What animations have been illegitimately used or put in the repo so far?

I’m ambivalent about decrypting intentionally encrypted roms, by the way. I just shake my heads at people who take-take-take but never give back, but I’ve no interest in stealing their work, either.


Trying to fight art theft by trying to develop stronger encryption is frankly a losing game, especially when the material is not being kept secret in the slightest; it’s put on display for anyone to see if they play the hack. The only reliable way to make sure no one else uses something you made is to not put it into a public release in the first place.
More generally, art theft is a cultural/societal level issue, so approaching it from a technical standpoint is unoptimal. The best way to deal with it is by creating an atmosphere where it’s not tolerated. For communities to require properly credited and properly permissioned usage of resources to host projects, and removing projects that break those rules.


I understand that you want to hide it.
But I want to see the data.
The more it is hidden, the more I want to see the data.
Whether or not you then decide to steal it is they decision, not mine.


I’m not talking about our common repo. If people can directly dump animes from other works and insert to their own rom, uploading to repo is not profitable for them.

At the same time, I’m not advocating for people to stop contributing to the public community. The existence of a large number of non-open source authors is an objective fact. They do not agree that their resources are misappropriated by others, and that’s just the fact.

Both properly credit to the open source material, and respecting the encryption behavior of non-open source authors, the goal are the same, which is to inspire more people to participate in the FE Hack cause. And the work you mentioned is not my game. What I’m working on is just c-SkillSys.

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A resource that is dumped by skilled hackers, or it is exposed to anyone who has the FEB, these are not the same thing. Especially when you take into account the difference in the numbers of these two groups of people and the difficulty of obtaining encrypted resources.

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My point is to respect the needs of non-open source authors, not take away their rights.

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Anyone who’s intent on stealing from someone’s ROM has already been able to do so, and this update doesn’t make a major difference. The most this update does is skip a few steps in the reverse engineering process; a thief still needs to perform that reverse engineering themselves for a number of things. This doesn’t crack anything wide open, it just makes FEBuilder able to apply what someone’s reverse engineered.

7743 may have oversold the feature and other people may have overreacted as a result. The technological impact to FEBuilder’s internal structure is major, but the practical effects on asset theft is small and niche. The thieves still need to find pointers themselves.


How you use this feature is up to each of you.
I think we should do as we please.

I think this discussion will probably end up sterile.
This is because ultimately we are talking about the right to repair, the pros and cons of reverse engineering, and the pros and cons of ROM Hack.

So I think everyone should be free to do as they please.


yep, once again, thank you for your time

when Raigholm moves next to Near the game glitches out and eventually crashes, this has happened previously relating to other units but those issues have been fixed before.

02833E: B8

I’m not sure why, but it looks like 02833E needs to be B8, not 09.
It is a 1 byte correction, so I will not send ups.
please do it yourself.

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once again I thank you so much for this, I have no idea how this keeps happening.

I hope you can help me because I have got some issues with the Weapon Rank EX patch in my Rom which i hoped I could just ignore but now even if I am not to far in this rom at the moment it still is a bit annoying and I don’t know what the problem is there.
If you could see through it that would be great :smile:

Beansy is the one who created WeaponRankEX, so please ask him.
I do not use WeaponRankEX, so I am not familiar with the specifications.

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The patch in FEBuilder should note that the patch does not function. It did for a short time, then I added some code and everything broke and I have yet to fix it, I am sorry.

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I see. I looked through the thread on FEU and found nothing about this, that it does not work probably. But it is at least good to know that this is not something that can only happen to me now.
Then I have to think what to do for the time beeing because from what I think only the first weapon ranks got this problems and not the ones after a specific rank. Maybe I can try to work with this for the now. Otherwise I have to think of another solution for the weapon rank system :thinking:

Now let’s add a warning so that we don’t install it by mistake.

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@7743 Is this something you could add to the skills “petrify”(FA), “enrage”(FB), and “deadeye”(FC) in the next skillsys update?

Those Skills have already been added.

//Petrify: Inflict stone status. (Skill% activation)
//By Sme
#define PetrifyID 250

//Enrage: Inflict berserk status. (Skill% activation)
//By Sme
#define EnrageID 251

//Deadeye: Doubles hit rate. Skill% chance to inflict sleep.
//By Sme
#define DeadeyeID 252

I don’t know about its implementation.
If it has been merged in github, it may be in.
If it has not been merged in github, it will not be included.

Do you know who is in charge of that github?

Sme is the most in charge nowadays, though anyone can contribute to the github if they want

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