FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

I have a question, is it possible to add the patch “Switch portrait images by class,chapter,flag” in Fe6 ?

Thank you for the answer.

Thank you for the patch and showing where is it located.

Alright, I guess this patch doesnt work then. Maybe you could label it outdated or remove it from febuilder because its misleading.

No patches.
There is no way to put a pfr on the staff, so there is nothing we can do about it.
There seems to be no other way than to write the asm yourself.
Or you can try your luck with events.

Probably the easiest implementation is to divert Hammerne’s staff routines.

It is not made for FE6.
Basically, most patches are developed for FE8.
If there is our extra capacity, they may be ported to FE7.
However, FE6 is not often ported because the data structure is quite different from FE7 and FE8, so it takes a lot of work to port it.
And there is not much demand for it.

If you want one, you are advised to make your own.


That patch works in FE6 vanilla.

Default is that the shop is not available in hard mode.

Enable this patch and it will be available.

It is not clear why it does not work in your environment.
Perhaps something is different from vanilla.
Perhaps you are using the version that has been translated into English, at which point some extra routines have been added.

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Yeah, I have noticed a high regression in compatibility from the 1.1-release of the translationpatch onwards. I personally consider it a seperate romversion because the seperation is only likely to get worse over time instead of better.

I think we need a custom branch of FEBuilder and ASM/data-research because like with the PAL/Prototype-roms, it can’t be expected of 7743 and others involved to maintain support for nonstandard versions of the games. Tldr: Unless someone comes fourth to be a hero, we should work with what we have, lol.

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Promoting in FE8 crashes regardless of equipped weapon, I need 3 promotion options for Amelia and I want 4 trainees so I applied the relevant patches, maybe those patches conflict
report7z: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13F1fG02r92BscP7AjZdgZ7TyR85dXVwh/view?usp=sharing

Using promotion item fades screen to black then stays black and crashes, maybe a conflict of 3 promotion options patch and allow 3 or more trainees patch


This problem was caused by a patch being installed that was not available at the same time as Promotion 3Branch.

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The best thing to do is not to use FE6.
This is because the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

Thank you 7743 :grinning:

I’m having a problem again; I attach the report7z.

Thracian Tale.REPORT.20220319213501.report.report.7z - Google Drive

Alright then, I went back to the original work and I found out what the problem was, the Boss was actually acting all funny and I changed it, and about one of the player units disappearing, it was because it was set to disappear after the chapter was finished, and one last thing, I’m getting this error

How many times do I have to explain it to you?
There is little I can do unless you attach the data.

This is the third time.
It is time you understood.

As stated at the top of this thread, if you have any questions, please send a report7z.

About the question
If you have any question, please create a report7z and send it.
For how to create report7z, please click here.

When I want move a unit I can move but the menu action no appears and freeze the screen, this occurs with any unit (for now I only tested with Leif, Finn, Eyvel, Osian and Halvan).

This is a problem because you have assigned the ItemID of the DoorKey to an odd item.


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I’m having a problem with battle quotes and preparations screen. When fighting someone with battle quotes the game freezes, and when the game goes to pull up the preparations screen, it freezes as well. For the preparations screen, it freezes even on chapters that I have not edited like ch 6. Thanks in advance.
Report File

Chapters with preparation screens freeze, even the chapters that I have not edited. Battle quotes also cause the game to freeze such as in the prologue, I moved the MC next to the boss to test it and it freezes no matter what I do.

This problem occurred because the internal event script for displaying battle quotes was destroyed.


Ty! It’s crazy how fast you do these.

I have a problem regarding the mechanics of the rescue. The game crashes when I want to return the rescued unit to the map.