FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

Support is capped at a maximum of 7 people in FE7 and FE8.
To go beyond this would require a major overhaul of the data format and should be considered almost impossible.

You can’t change the number of people , but you can change the number of supports.
In Vanilla, you can generate 5 supports per person: A+B, A+C+C, C+C+C+C+C
There is a patch to change this to 5 supports per person (10 supports). B+B+B+B+A

If you want to get SupportA with more people and have multiple marriages, you will need to make your own patch.
In theory, it is possible to get heavily married to seven people. A+A+A+A+A+A+A
However, the support status screen only has room for up to 5 players, so you will need to make a number of adjustments.

I have found an event command in FE6 that is unlabeled. Command 0xE is a MOVE command that finds the unit from the given coordinates, then applies a “move manual”. It is like command 0xD, but it places units with a move manual pointer instead of coordinates. An example can be seen in FE6’s attract mode event at 0x676250 near the very beginning; FEBuilder renders it as a series of WORDs.

Ah, and it appears this exists in FE7. It is command 0x25 and is known as “From this coordinate, specify unit movement”. Please refer to this when adding it for FE6 because the data is in the same order.

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Thank you.
I’ve added it.

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SkillSystems 20220301

Further bug fixes from last time
I want to make it stable…

Fixed the problem that the characters t,j,l are no longer available in NarrowFont.

Fixed a bug where the cost of gaiden magic increased by a factor of 2.

Fixed a crash when dropping a captured unit on the mine.

Additional features
When capturing an enemy, the drop menu will now be greyed out if the enemy is holding an item.
This is to prevent players from forgetting to take an item from a captured unit and dropping it.
Although it is greyed out, you can still select it.

If the enemy has a lot of items, this can be useful in combination with GiveAll+ Patch.

Additional Features
When exchanging items with an enemy, Portrait will now be drawn.
If the unit is a boss and has a Portrait, then the Portrait will be displayed.
If the unit is a common soldier and does not have a Portrait then it will be selected from the list.
If the unit is not in the list then PortraitID: 0x01 (transparent) will be selected.

The list can be set using the “Portrait of captured general soldier(GenericPortraitTable)” Patch.

source code


The CSA Creator for custom magic animations does not work with the English translations of FE6. Even on the newest translation (v1.1.3), the CSA patch will cause the game to hang when creating a chapter save. Is it possible for something to be done about this?

I’m neither the author of CSACreator nor the author of the English translation of FE6, so I can’t do anything.
And I don’t know much about FE6.
I recommend using FE8, which has a lot of patches.

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There is a problem with the menu for “Allow 254 generic minimugs” patches. When I click on the import button, nothing happens. This occurs for all games. I know it worked last year because I used it before.

So I playtested my Rom Hack in a Fog of War Chapter, but unfortunately the emulator said that it had the wrong bios files, what does that even mean?

Thanks for reporting it.

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I think that ROM is broken.
I can’t give you a detailed answer without seeing the data of the bug.

Alright I took your word for it and started the entire thing all over again, and hope that there aren’t any bugs this time, by the way, since I’m adding a Morality System, is this supposed to trigger branching pathways, or do I have to change up some stuff?

Question what part of the Febuilder can I change a unit’s class and it’s promotion branch?

And also how do I add a third promotion branch and class?


I have an issue with FE6 Hard mode. The battle prep screen dont have shop so I patched the rom in febuilder and tried to enable the shop. Upon playing the game to chapter 6(where battle prep screen is first available) there is still no shop. I have done this twice and made sure the field is “fix” while applying the patch(did this many times) it still doesnt work. If its any help, I’m using fe6 rom with the latest translation patch from gringe (1.1.3)

I tried creating the report to send to discord but the discord invite got messed up.

A unit’s class can be changed in the unit placer, where that unit is initially loaded.
Promotion branches can be edited from promotion branch editor, under advanced editors.
Adding a third branch has to be done with a patch (patches are also under advanced editors).

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I did not ask you to start over.
I told them to send me the data (report7z).
Images cannot be debugged, so if you want any advice, please attach reproducible data.

use patch.

NAME.en=3 Promotion Branch Options
INFO.en=Patches the ROM's promotion table to include the unused "Class Promotes To" byte in the Class Editor.\r\nThis combines with the standard branching promotion table to enable three total promotion options.\r\n


The prep screen shop is not available in FE6 hard mode.
This is a FE6 specification.
If you do not like this, do not choose hard mode.

Hi, do you have a patch that can fix one weapon to a particular character. And that weapan cannot be traded or putted into convey.