FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

Is there a download or installation guide for making HP bars visible on the map for FE6? I wanted to implement it in my hack if possible.

Thank you!

I forgot to create the first time, sorry. Dropbox - rpt - Simplify your life

Where is the asm you are trying to install?

I added it to the link. It’s one from one of the ASM threads on here.

As it turns out, there is a problem with your installation method.
However, I recommend that you do not install it just yet.

If you install with EA, you need to add Installer.event with EA.
It seems that you have already installed it.

If you are compiling ASM, you will need to set the compile options.
Since this code is written in lyn, you need to set it to generate lyn.events.
The default is to generate the dmp format.

However, you do not need to compile it unless you have made additional edits to the ASM.

It is not recommended to use this patch at this time, as the only way to add functionality is to change the events file.

There are some features missing in this patch.
I’m hoping to make a version of this patch for the FEBuilderGBA in the future.

And one more.
What do you want to do with this patch?
I want you to tell me that for reference.

thanks for the advice. for what specifically I want to do is add secondary effects to consumable items EG. after you use an elixir it poisons you.

Report 7z: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ulKusLOgNu7SzFpFkwNUtjCIsmZgzWBQ/view?usp=sharing

I’m using the Vanilla + Swords and the Vanilla + Swords, Lance, FE7 Mage Knight animations and for some reason, they do a follow up attack before their spell animations are finished when attacked at close range. This causes the battle screen to freeze kinda like the Pierce Glitch. This doesn’t seem to be the case with vanilla Mage Knights, even with lengthy spell animations like Fimbulvetr (which the non-vanilla Mage Knights are having trouble with) so does anyone know what’s the problem?

I think there is a problem with this Mage knight’s Mode 3 (melee Critical) motion.
Probably because there is no image after calling the magic.
Therefore, I think the wait instruction is not working well.

Changing his Animation to Sage works fine.
Therefore, there is no problem with magic animation.

Works correctly when he attacks range.
Therefore, there is a melee motion problem.

The first attack seems to be a critical motion because the screen is shaking.

A closer look at his critical motion reveals that, unlike other motions, there is no frame of image after the magic is triggered.

For these reasons, this is the cause.
As a test, just copy and add a 1-frame image here and it will work fine.

fix animation:

“Special Event for each Item”
“Add Event: Display and recover the effect when using the item”

I Added these two patches.

You need to poison the player, which is possible with “AddEvent: Set Unit Status”.
So now that all the pieces are ready.

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Thank you. If I may ask, can I have a fixed animation for the female Mage Knights too?

I haven’t confirmed female Mage Knights, so I don’t know.
but, I’ve already explained how to find a problem and how to solve it, so do it yourself.
If it doesn’t work, please send report7z that can reproduction the problem again.

Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see the image in your response post until now lol. It’s fixed now. Thank you so much.

FEBuilder can crash when writing a new event. Does not seem to happen on Japanese FE6, but it does happen on the English patched version. l normally use Event Assembler for eventing, so l do not know how long this has been an issue for FEBuilder. Anyway, the provided ROM is built off of the English patch with a few minor edits for a small thing l was testing. The report.7z lists the edits l made, but they do not seem to matter. This FEBuilder crash happens with the original English patched ROM l have.

Steps for recreation:
Open provided FE6 ROM, open Turn Conditions, click Data Expansion, use Reallocate Data and Repoint to add new turn-based event, select the newly added event, click on the New Event button to create space for a new event, open the new event in the Event Editor, insert the MONE command (or seemingly any command), and finally Write to ROM. FEBuilder should hang and need to be forcibly closed.


Fixed this issue.
This is because the Spell Engine is installed, but couldn’t get a pointer to the table.
Therefore, the process of searching the table was infinite looped.

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Report 7z: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TUJGaqyx45iE3K_tctEvvZXSoigcMBO1/view?usp=sharing

I’m starting to have problems where anytime I try to import new portraits or animations, I get a message saying I “ran out of free space”. I imported some music from other GBA games, so that might be the culprit. Is there any way to purge them to free up space? I tried replacing those songs with empty tracks, but I’m still having problems with space. Also, is there any way to view how much space is taken up in the ROM? I made a back-up and tried to rebuild the ROM, but it stopped midway through and said it couldn’t “locate the pointer”. What do I do?

EDIT: I successfully rebuilt the ROM, but all I got was the rebuild files. My friend told me I should have a rebuilt ROM alongside it too. Any idea what’s happening?

You’ve used up all 32MB and need to rebuild.
When rebuilding, it seems to be reduced to about 22MB.
//Rebuilding only after the default 0x1000000 will reduce 10MB, so I think that’s enough.

Be sure to test the operation after rebuilding.

rebuild test:

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Any chance of the fe builder devs to create a hacking tool just like this one but for advance wars? (1 and 2). Since advance wars hacking is suuuuper behind and still uses really old programs/tools and makes it hard to hack even the simplest thing. Im sorry since this isnt related to fe builder at all, just wanted to ask you guys since you made fire emblem hacking easy for anyone. Its hacking really has potential, it just needs a better way to do it. So did you guys have any thoughts about it or not at all? Its fine either way just wanted to ask : D

If you want it, you have to make it yourself.

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Is it possible to change the unit 1B slot into a playable character or is there a specific reason it is blank?