FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

The file cannot be downloaded.
Extracting MGSFV.rar only results in the following exe file.

MEGAsync 32 BITS/MEGAsyncSetup32.exe
MEGAsync 64 BITS/MEGAsyncSetup64.exe

I don’t want to run this exe, so I can’t go any further.
If the file is large, consider another uploader such as google drive.

I’m sorry file mistake, well here is a link with the error in Google Drive

In the FE7 Turn Condition event window, the “4=Hard Mode” and “5=Hector Hard Mode” options are reversed. In my testing, 4 is Hector Hard Mode and 5 is generic Hard Mode. I believe 4 is the real Hector Hard Mode for Turn Conditions, and that 5 is everyone’s Hard Mode.

This is because the Character Custom Animation patch is broken.
Reinstalling it works fine.

NAME.en=Character Custom Animation by EA


I increased the list to about 50.
The trailing serra is a margin.
It is better to secure the tables in bulk than to secure them little by little.

Is there any ups that can verify it?
For the time being, I believe in you and reverse it.

Only was fix that, thanks for the help

I put together this quick edit of chapter 0xF (In Search of Truth). l made two Turn events that will happen on Turn 2. Assassins appear on all Hard Modes (5), and a dragon appears on Hector Hard Mode (4). The original version of the chapter utilizes everyone Hard Mode as well to save a bit of space. Another chapter is 0x17 (The Dread Isle) to spawn Nomads on hard modes using one turn event entry.

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/243267327586598912/824388621901627402/aFE7Utest.PATCH.20210324170331.ups (FE7, US)

hmm, I feel something different.
I feel that the reinforcements specified in Hector Hard Mode are also displayed in Hextor Normal Mode.
Perhaps this value is a bitmask rather than a simple number.

0x01 = eliwood
0x02 = hextor
0x04 = Hard?
0x05 = Hard | eliwood
0x06 = Hard | hextor

This is still a hypothesis, but.
Or, the specifications may be different between FE7J and FE7U???
I’m still not sure.

To help clarify, when you say “…the reinforcements specified in Hector Hard Mode are also displayed in Hextor Normal Mode,” do you base that off of what you saw in my UPS patch on Chapter 13? I realize l made new unit spawns, but l failed to separate the Events, so the dragon spawns in Hector Normal Mode way later at turn 7 because of the Event left over from vanilla.

Anyway, in my provided test scenario, the important part is what happens on the 2nd Turn. Two assassins and a bandit spawn on Everyone’s Hard Mode because their Turn Events use 0x05. A dragon joins them on Hector Hard Mode because that uses 0x04. I tested every combination and this held true for all of them.

I do not have a Japanese version of FE7 on hand, so l cannot speak for that version at this time. l would like to believe they act the same, but…

Having trouble using Sappy to play music. When I click the musical note icon, It says, “Please wait,” but then nothing happens.

I’ve left all folders in their default locations. I’ve gone into Settings>Options and Referenced the sappy.exe file, and saved it several times. I’ve also reinitialized setup.

Is there something I’m missing?

Thanks for your time.

Edit: My bad, here’s the reportZ:


Try reinstalling sappy. This has worked for some people

Try reboot your PC.

The sappy process may still be there as zombie.
If you see a process called sappy running in Task Manager, kill sappy once and for all.
The quickest way to do this is to reboot your PC.
The fastest way is to reboot your PC, as this will kill all the processes.

If that doesn’t work, try VGMusicStudio instead of sappy.

1 Like

Will try VGMusic Studio. Thanks a bunch

Edit: VGMusic Studio works like a charm!


I feel like this should be included in FEBuilder at base now that Teq has released it. This will really change text editing in romhacks going forward.


Hi, i am trying to use the skill system in fe8 and now strenght and magic are split in 2. I noticed that magic it’s not influenced by difficulty settings in chapter editor. How can i fix it? Thank you

I think it’s a Skill Systems issue, so there’s no way to fix it.
You have to wait for the problem to be fixed on the Skill Systems side.

Where can I get sappy and event assembler?

MENU->Tools->Settings->Init setup wizard

thanks, also, where can I change the stats display screen?

Hello all, I’ve been having an issue where items are randomly gaining +22 stat boosts(HP usually) that I can’t fix. There doesn’t seem to be a common thread between them either that I can see.