FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

Using the casual mode flag option, I’ve run into an unusual issue. I have a unit who just seems to have gone missing. I’ve tried to force his return, but I’ve got nothing so far. Said bug is in chapter 4, which is important for the differences that’ll follow. I played through again in a second save slot, up to the same point, but this time the unit is still there. The only difference is that in the bugged file, the unit died in chapter 2. Not a big deal in casual mode, because he was back during chapter 3, no problem. But curiously, once I get to chapter 4, he’s just gone from the roster.

When I thought about why he would be there for chapter 3 after dying in 2, and gone again in chapter 4, I realized that the difference between chapter 3 and 4 is that chapter 4 is the first time the preparations screen is called, rather than forced deployment right out of the end of the starting event. Is it possible casual mode doesn’t work with the preparations screen? The unit still shows up even in the event that precedes the preparations screen launching; as in, his sprite loads and moves and all that as the script calls for it, then he’s gone once the preparation screen is called.

Anyway, here’s my report.7z and the save file that has both the bugged and unbugged saves with it.

Does not reproduce.

If kill Kent on ch3, he will automatically resurrect on ch4.
Please send data that can be reproduced.

ch3 kent dead


Perhaps the feature has not yet been implemented on skillsystems strmag split.

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I was actually able to replicate my bug, but it turns out the cause was a little more tricky. At least from how I was able to solve the problem.

To replicate the issue in the build I sent in the report.7z, you have to turn on two other global flags (global flags AE and AF), and in that old build, having both of those on just seems to do something wonky at the same time as having the casual mode flag on. I dunno what, or even if it’s just having too many on at once rather than those specific flags. In that build, turning on flag AE required flag AF to be on already, but having all three on caused the above issue where units who died would just be gone from the preparations screen once it became available. So I changed it to where turning on flag AE turns off flag AF, and suddenly the issue was gone.

After implementing that fix, I played through again, letting Kent die in chapter 3 and Sain die in chapter 2, and both were present in chapter 4 as intended. Then just to ensure I wasn’t crazy, I went back to the old way, where all three global flags would be on at once, played through again, and was able to replicate the bug again by letting any character die before chapter 4.

As an aside, I’m sorry if in trying to replicate the bug, you got a game freeze in chapter 3 at any point. I haven’t gotten around to finishing the ending event to work if Leila dies during the battle as an NPC. It just hard freezes when you kill the boss if she died, but that’s not a bug, it’s just something I haven’t finished yet.

If you’re looking to replicate the bug I had, and maybe find the root cause of it, you can do it in the build I sent you by stepping on the two tiles pictured below. Stepping on them activates the AE and AF flags. If you don’t step on the spot in the prologue, then stepping on the spot in chapter 1 won’t do anything. Lyn is highlighted for a second to let you know the flag’s been activated.

hidden flags

Casual mode:(Ver Flag 0xB0)
You are talking Flags: 0xAF,0xAE

I don’t think that changing 0xAF and 0xAE affected 0xB0.
Did you accidentally turn off 0xB0?

I discovered a strange phenomenon.

Flag 0xB0 is valid when restarted.

However, immediately reset and resume, Flag 0xB0 turns off.
Not only Flag 0xB0 but also surrounding flags are turned off collectively.


Maybe it’s an EMS(ExModularSave) or some other bug ???

EMS is required for strmag split.
For this reason, from SkillSystems Ver 20200213, the management of save data is left to EMS.
There may be some bug in EMS ??

Be careful when resuming the game with “resume”.

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stan fixed the EMS.

However, it has not yet been merged into the repository.

I will release a modified version of SkillSystems over time.
I want to release it in March.


Thanks a lot for getting to the bottom of that! Even though I wasn’t right about the cause, I feel proud knowing I was kinda close, considering I don’t know anything about coding or debugging.

I’ll keep an eye out for the updates/fixes for this issue. Thanks again for letting me know.

Hi, kind of new here. I’m not sure if it’s possible, but is there some way to add new Units or Classes for either Sacred Stones or Blazing Blade?

I know about the extended list, however it doesn’t seem to appear anywhere in the Class Editor no matter how much I try. I’ve tried to possibly increase the class count as well, but that just ended up with not so great results. So I hope someone could help me? (Thanks in advance)

Settings > Options > Function 2 tab . Expansion button change to 1
Afterwards the button will be at the bottom.

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Thank you so so much!

It’s not a good idea to expend the classes

I haven’t tried doing it through febuilder, but it should work fine if you have ExpandedModularSave installed.

He asked I gave him the notes. Hopefully he doesn’t break his game.

Well I did indeed try it. Made a seperate axe cavalier class with logo, using team SALVAGE’s in SALVAGED Cavalier. They worked really well, and I even experimented and successfully gave them some skills. Which both also worked perfectly fine.

The only real problem I actually ran into so far has been with trying to change the Chapter 1 Sacred Stones boss into a new class with extra skills. It did work, but with (at least the emulator I used), I crashed after flicking through the info screens. Oh and a random fighter had 329 MT for one turn. That’s all the bugs I ran into, though.

I made stan’s EMS fix available.
This fix addresses an issue where global flags were not being saved.

Update FEBuilderGBA
and Apply this patch
and start your game with a new game.
I think the problem has been solved.

NAME=Fix ExSaveModule Glitch for SkillSystems 20200223
INFO=Fix Permanent eids Bug\r\nWith this fix, existing save data flags will be redefined and broken, so you will need to play a new game.

If you load existing save data without starting with a new game, the flags will be messed up.
This is because the storage area of the flag has been modified.
So you need to start with a new game.

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Is there a chance that the statusinflicting weapons-patch and holyblood-patch that are compatible with skillsystems will be included some day? Just asking out of curiosity, I am already more than happy with the version of skillsystems currently existing in FEBuilder.

That’s awesome. Thanks a lot for letting me know about the fix!

I’ve adapted it and so far it seems to be fully working. If I come across any new issues, I’ll be sure to let you know.

Could This fix some tower issues? Some people said they could not pass floor 3 of the tower, I don’t have a savefile to test it yet

I do not know.
please, try it.
If it doesn’t work, please send report7z.

Due to a bug in “Personal Info” in SkillSystems 20200223, I released a patch.

Fix PersonalInfo Glitch for SkillSystems 20200223

Please read here for detailed explanation.

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