FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

The way is completely different.
I recommended that you look for works that perform similar hacks and look at the internal data.

install “Reserved TextID:0xEFF as the display of the tack name” patch.
Set as described in the description of this patch.

install “Anti-Huffman” patch.

Set the name of eirika to textID: EFF.

Define “Call name input screen” in the appropriate place of the OP event.

Please refer to the actual working UPS attached.

I think Eirika doesn’t have Skill Supply (SkillID: 0x8F).

I don’t think there is an option to make this behave the same as vanilla.
Let me know if you know the options.

Set Supply Skill

She can Call Supply.

However, it could not call Supply even if it was adjacent.
There may be some other settings.

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If you are using the str/mag split, I found a solution that may be related to this: [FE8] Skill System v1.0 - 254 skills done, more on the way

It seems the latest version of the skill system has messed up some of the basic functionalities of the game. On top of the supply issue I described above, some users playing my hack have also reported some other stuff.

  1. Thy are also reporting the issue with gorgons freezing the game when using stone ( as @marlon0024 reported)
  2. It seems the game is treating skirmishes as main missions. When you attempt to do them, the main missions play again.
  3. It seems that it is no longer possible to “retreat” from skirmishes and the Tower of Valni. This may be related to issue #2

I have’t personally got to the point of experiencing these issues, so I can’t send a report yet, but this is all feedback I’m receiving from people playing my hack.

For #2 - #3,
Apparently, the GetChapterThing function is involved.
GetChapterThing is tricky.

MNC2 problem.
Blank bug in ChapterNameText Patch.

These two problems are caused by the GetChapterThing function.
we have worked to suppress these bugs.

As a side effect, “Worldmap Skirmish” is sacrificed.

Perhaps trying to solve this problem will cause the above problem again.
It is a bigger problem than this one.
So I don’t want to fix this problem.

FEBuilderGBA shortcut key.

//Very convenient.
Ctrl + K
Press the write button.

Ctrl + W
Close the window.

Run emulator and play a test.

//little useful.
Ctrl + J
Opens the data related to the first instruction such as an event instruction.

Returns to the first screen.

Ctrl + C , Ctrl + V
Copy and Paste. As anyone knows,
but pressing this key on the FEBuilderGBA list changes the meaning a bit.
Structure data can be serialized in text format.

//for hackers
Run Hex Editor

Ctrl + F5
Run no$gba debugger


SkillSystems 20200223

1.support Stairs.
2.fix Stone glitch.

Update Method:
Same as before.
From the Patch screen, select the currently installed SkillSystems and press the Update button.

Source Code:

Please send report7z if you have any problems.

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Update to “SkillSystems 20200223”.
That solves this bug.

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I have created a patch that returns the specifications of Supply, which are changed by SkillSystems, to vanilla.

Remove NewSupplyUsability, Return to vanilla specification(SkillSystems)

It could be just me but for some reason I get an error message when trying to update that tells me that something ist wrong with the pointers that are at the end of my rom. I am not shure why but maybe I have done something that doesn’t allow FEBuilder to update. I will send a report later but I can’t really explane what the issue is.

One problem was found.

The FEBuilderGBA patch has been fixed.
If you update SkillSystems 20200223 after updating to the latest version, the modified version will be applied.

However, if you updated SkillSystems 20200223 earlier than that, please use the hotfix patch.

Fix ReaverSplit Glitch for SkillSystems 20200223

If this patch is ready for installation, install it because it has a bug.
If it cannot be installed, the problem has already been fixed.

When updating from “SkillSystems 20200213” to “SkillSystems 20200223”, the following patches may be required.
After the update, check if it can be installed.

NAME=Fix: Uninstall Garbage Item data for SkillSystems 20200223
INFO=This patch fixes a bug in SkillSystems 20200211 that left an incomplete hook for magic booster instead of being uninstalled.\r\nThis bug causes an infinite loop when retrieving and using items.

SkillSystems 20200211 has its own Magic Statbooster implementation.
Due to compatibility issues with this technique, all have been removed in SkillSystems 20200223.
However, It may not be able to completely delete it.
As a result, garbage data can cause an infinite loop.
This patch is for clearing out garbage data.

Do you have the skill of drawing map, which can improve the efficiency and make it beautiful?

When using the “Unit must escape last” event, the game will not let you escape if a Phantom you have summoned is still alive. Is that intentional?

I did not consider this condition.
Currently, summoned units must also be escaped.

I want to fix it in the future.
However, it is quite difficult to judge the summoned unit accurately.
If it fails, it creates a new bug…

How to make Magic Statbooster.

In making Magic Statbooster, there was one mistake, so I made a patch.
This is not a bug in SkillSystems, but because I accidentally deleted this routine.

NAME=Fix Bug Magic Statbooster for SkillSystems 20200223
INFO=Add the routine that accidentally deleted.

Now, when you install SkillSystems 20200223, the patch is automatically applied to the patch.
If you have already installed, you need to apply this patch.

This time, change ItemID: 0xBB Gold Gem to Magic Statbooster.

From the Item Editor, click on StatBoostsAddress to allocate space.
This time, it is created as an item to be magic +2.

Select “10=Angelic Robe” in the “When Used” item of the Item Editor.

Press the Write button or press Ctrl + K to save.

This is not the end yet.
You need to tell the system that the item can be used as a statbooster.

Click “When Used”.

Click to display the screen for setting the effect when using the item.

“0=Determine whether items can be used”
“0xBB Gold Gem” = “08028B4C=Stat Booster”

Select StatBooster from combobox and press the Write button.

“1=define the effect of using items”
“0xBB Gold Gem” = “0802FF40=Stat Booster”

Select StatBooster from combobox and press the Write button.

“7=Define whether it is Stat Booster and Promotion Items”
“0xBB Gold Gem” = “0802A0D0=Stat Booster”

Select StatBooster from combobox and press the Write button.

This is the last.
“6=Define a message when using a Stat Booster”

I want to set “0xBB Gold Gem”, but it is not displayed in the list.
Therefore, press the “Extended list” button to extend the table.

After expanding the table, select “0xBB Gold Gem” and assign as follows.
“0xBB Gold Gem” = “0802F900=Magic Booster”

Select Magic Booster from combobox and press the Write button.


When creating Magic StatBoster items, I added two pieces of data because there was margin.
TextID:60 1T loot wait
TextID:61 1T near wait

These are margin data.
Use it with your own statbooster.

Now that it’s completed, let’s actually run it.
Give Eirika “0xBB Gold Gem” in Unit Placer.

Press F5 key.


Eirka’s Magic is now “1-> 3”.

Could you increase Magic by using Eirika’s 0xBB Gold Gem?

Sample UPS:

When you want to pass items dynamically using a debugger.

After pressing the F5 key to start the debugger, select Eirika in the game.
Then click on the Cheat tab and Eirika will be selected so you can pass the item here.
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eirika eats pure gold. Now on the news!
Cool that the feature is fixed now.

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Thank you. I have a question. Is it possible to make items with “passive boosts” to raise magic as well? Setting them to raise magic with the “stat boost address” does nothing.

iirc passive stat boosts and skillsystems are currently incompatible with each other.

You could have just the str/mag split and passive statboosts, though. Not sure if magic would work, but I would assume so.

They have been compatible through FEBuilder for some time now. Every stat works, except Con and Magic.