FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

send report7z.
Previous report7z cannot be reused

I have updated it. it is in the same folder as before.
Here is the link to the report.7z again helpme - Google Drive

How do you remove the fog?
Which event?
Without a reproducible method, I can’t check.
If i can’t confirm it, I can’t fix it.

In the meantime, try reloading the screen.
The easiest way is to display a black image with the SetBackground instruction and then immediately turn it off with the CLEAN instruction.

the fog is removed by the unit moving in game; vanilla means

I was able to reproduce it.
I investigation this, this is because you have set the weather for MapID00 to 0x7 Cloudy.
If you re-set the weather to 0x0 and restart the game, the problem is solved.

Do not use cloudy: weather, as it has been deprecated.

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Huichelaar’s 256ColCG is now available.
However, there are some limitations.
イベント test1

Although the name “CG” is included in 256ColCG, this is a patch for BG.

How to use.

  1. InstallPatch
NAME.en=Using 256, 224 color BG(256ColCG)(Installer)
INFO.en=This patch allows the use of 256-color and 224-color BGs that do not utilize TSA for the background.\r\nFor cut scenes that do not show portrait images, 256-color images can be used, and up to 224-color images can be used when portrait images are shown.\r\nThis is useful when you want to display pictures that are difficult to display with TSA, such as pictures with gradations.

AUTHOR=Huichelaar https://feuniverse.us/t/huichelaars-assembly-adventures/8229/138

Convert the picture you want to use with the Color Reduction tool.

At this point, you need to choose between two selections.
The choice depends on whether you want to display Portrait in that BG or not.

When creating such a scene, 255 colors can be used.

When using such a scene, 224 colors can be used.
イベント test1

It is not possible to pass items or gold while displaying BGs.
If you create such a scene, the palette will look strange.
If you want to pass items or gold, turn off the BG or use a vanilla TSA background.
イベント アイテムを渡すな

This time, we will reduce the colors by 224.
Select the following settings in the Color Reduction Tool, select the image you want to use, and then reduce the colors.

Register the BG.

Since this is a test, we will overwrite an appropriate BG.
Let’s assign a 224-color BG to BG 0x1D.

To import the BG, click the Import button and you will be asked.
This is to let you decide which format to import, since three types of backgrounds will be available with this patch.
In this case, we want a 224-color BG, so we will specify this item.

Specify the image you have just reduced the colors of and load it.

Import Complete

Import is now complete.
The TSA is 1, which is a mark indicating that the background is 224 colors.
For color 255, TSA is 0.

Testing by specifying from an event

Let’s test by specifying the background we just imported in an event.
There is nothing special about this, just specify it as usual.

Test the operation

Press the F5 key to check the operation.
If it works well, it is a success.

イベント test1

Other limitations

224BG, 255BG is not compatible with patches that display other backgrounds.
For example, there are patches that change the background of the sound room or the background of the store, but 224BG, 255BG cannot be specified.


Thank you for explaining this in greater details. Just to clarify, what do you mean when you said “two patches” i.e. where can we find/modify them. Thanks!

Is it possible to change the status text in the unit window?

Go into “Advanced Editors”, “Patch”, then search for the two
I mentioned. You need to use “Change Edition” in the same event as the route split you just erased, and the other one’s in effect automatically so you don’t need to do anything else.

Go into “System Icons” and then “BAD Status”. Export the image, edit it and import it back, making sure to preserve the palette.


Thanks, I was able to change it.

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At the begining of the event, I have a [LoadOverworldFaces] Command in the text. I have used the template “Execute events side-by-side during a conversation in order to change music,” but have instead changed the background. the result of this has made the conversation event NOT resume and instead cause this glitch:

This is because you destroyed the event template example without understanding it.
You also forgot to remove the background.

I am attaching the ups with the problem corrected for your reference.

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Hi! Just checking to see if anyone else had this problem. I do not know what caused it, but when I went to play test a new chapter, the Wait command was no longer there. I went to the Menu Commands tab in the editor and could not find Wait in there. I have not messed with anything in this tab before, so I am confused about why it is suddenly gone.

Do you have the Skill System Patch installed? I can’t be sure of the cause, but something like this happened to myself a few days ago. We’ll need a report7z file for figuring out the problem. Check the main post to figure out how if you don’t know how!

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Usually this happens when you apply patches that add commands, such as the “Special Event for each unit” patch. Just go into Menu Commands and copy the data from Wait from a vanilla ROM and that’ll restore it.

However if the Wait command is already in the Menu Commands editor but still isn’t appearing, then it’s something else and we’d need a report to make sure.

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Thank you both. I had recently installed the “Display Escape Menu” patch, so that might have been it. I copied the Wait data from vanilla and it fixed the problem.


Question, how can I have a class that uses both sword and magic if possible?

Other selectors besides SkillSystems include the MeleeAndMagicFix and Limit Weapon Rank Display patches.

this time they are small errors, thanks in advance

Meanwhile i was working appeared a pair of errors: after receiving an angelical robe appears a visual glitch in chapter 20 (0x1E: The Liberation of Illia) during the end event and in chapter 16x (0x15: The Pinnacle of Light) during the end event appears a visual glitch, if you press start to skip the cinematic, this last error occurs some times and another no

Why are you attaching this chapter data?
I want you to attach the chapter data where the problem occurs.
RE6 BETA v5.84.0 (Illia).emulator
RE6 BETA v5.84.0 (Illia)_2.emulator

“0x1E: The Liberation of Illia” because you are using a LOW instruction.
This LOW instruction does not contain a REMA that terminates the conversation.
Therefore, the conversation has not ended.
Yet you are bringing up the item menu, which breaks the screen.


Are you referring to this screen, “0x15: The Pinnacle of Light”?
This black rectangle is a specification.
If you pass an item with some of the backgrounds displayed, this can happen.
There is nothing we can do about this, so please give up.
Please pass the item without showing the background, or use a different background.
Another option is to make the background black.
RE6 BETA v5.84.0 (Illia)_3.emulator

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