FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

Hello, FeUniverse community. Good morning/afternoon/evening.

Well, I’m pretty new to drawing pixel art and how to use FeBuilder, so I wanted to know what I’m doing wrong here:

I’m trying to import a custom sword icon into a Fe8 hack, but it ends up giving me this error, and giving me options to “fix” it, but the options give colors that don’t match what I did…

Here’s the icon I’m trying to import (I used Sieglinde’s icon as a base and Photoshop):
custom blade

Hmm, I think you’re Icon is using colors the GBA console can’t reconize? I think the colors that couldn’t be used are the ones marked with “!!” at the end:

Perhaps the values of the colors aren’t in scope to the GBA’s?
I could be completely wrong, though.

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So I think the problem is the pink colors I used for this sword scabbard ribbon…but how can I see what colors the GBA accepts to use the right shades of pink?

Maybe try finding a pink color on a vanilla item icon, then export it with FEbuilder, and put the pink on you’re item icon? That might work? :thinking:

Item icons have to follow the same palette as vanilla icons in order to work properly - if any of the colors you’re using aren’t in the palette, it won’t work. There aren’t any pinks in the vanilla palette, unfortunately.

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Really!? I’m not on my main computer I wish I could check but wow! You learn something new everyday!

Wait, seriously?! Is there no pink color in the vanilla color palette for the icons?

Well, I can say that this is very strange, and at the same time I deduce that the color palettes for the battle animations are different too, but with more variations, because I’ve already seen the color pink, purple and etc on the units…

So it means that I will have to make changes to the sword icon, unfortunately… anyway, thank you for taking my doub :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Battle animations are limited to 16 colors (15+ background) per animation but can have whatever colors they want; you don’t need to share across different animations. Item icons must all use the exact same palette.

Thanks. I downloaded GBA Graphics Editor. Now, I can see the french pictures in FE7. So, I extracted what I need. :slight_smile:

But I don’t understand how to corectly use them. Even with a better program than Paint.net, the colors from the original pictures aren’t the same.
Have a look on the original file.

Here’s the words I need from FE7.

And the final result.

I’m still searching an easy way to have both of the terms in french and without ugly colors. :frowning:

I’m still trying to translate the menus in French.

Here’s my starting picture.

Here’s the same picture in French.

However, “Sauvegarder” is longer than “Save”. So, I just wrote “Sauver”. Is there a way to move this word lower, where I have more space and still have the game able to read it correctly ? In my FE7 game, it’s written “Sauvegarder”.

Other little problem. I can’t find “a” to translate it in french.
The full sentence have to be in french but “a” is a very common letter and it’s very difficult to find the location to change it in “un”.

I’m still stucked with “Sword” instead of “Epée” and I don’t understand why. :frowning:

Thanks again for your precious help !

Oh yes, I see. That was my mistake. You should import the graphics that you exportet via “GBA Graphics Editor” with “GBA Graphics editor” into the rom where you are translating. From what I know. FEBuilder can’t import images without a palette. And that’s why you use “GBA Graphics Editor”.

After writing my thing I don’t know if this is what you are looking for. But you can also extract the image with no palette and then edit it to get the FE7 ones into the images. I use Usenti for example.

And then to import it.
I’ve made this image real quick and made some color changes to explain the steps.
Just ignore the black circle. Don’t know why I drew it.
The red circle is to open the second window on the left where you see the blue circle.
The blue circle is the important part! First, you have to ALWAYS! uncheck the box “Import palette”. You must do this because you are going to import an image that has no palette because it has this red, blue, green color skeme. The Boxes in my blue circle are the only important ones. Always check “Import Image” because otherwise it won’t import it.
“Abort if new graphics are bigger than old” this option let you see if your graphic that you are going to import is bigger than the old one. If so, it wont import it on the exact pointer as the old one.
And then you have “Repoiont graphics pointers”. It does what it says. Changes the pointer where the new graphic is saved. In my opinion, because you are only importing graphics and make a translation. You can just check this box. There you should not get into any trouble. And FE6 is a 8MB rom, so this should also be no problem at all.
I hope this can help you. If not, I can try to show it to you in other ways. But if everything was right, the palettes are just the normal ones in the game.

The “Sauvegarder” is longer than “Save” Problem is something that I can not help you with. This has something to do with how the game was meant to read the texts from the graphics. And that was something we had no problem with in our german translation. So you either have to work with it or look how to repoint the whole image. Maybe you can just make the word less longer with a . or something else. I don’t know how often something like this is used in french to make a word shorter.

I thought that the “a” letter is also saved in the “Other text” editor as well. This is how it is in FE7 and FE8 at least. We did get rid of it as you can see here.
So I can’t say where it is saved for now. This is also something I would have to look up. Maybe you are lucky and find it yourself. But if I find it again I let you know.

I’m opening my FE7 european version with GBA Graphics Editor for a test.

I’m doing this without “import palette”.

When I’m saying it’s OK, there is this.

This time, I’m opening my FE6 rom and I’m trying to import an “easy” file (1 word) I’ve already extracted from FE7 and I don’t care about the size because it’s a quick effect in game.

There’s a problem with the size.

Same with ignoring because no matter how big/small is this picture during a fight. I’m saving and running the game.

I’m sure I’ve saved. Then I’m opening FEBuilder, there’s the good picture.

My FE6 version was saved just like I thaught. The time for the last version is correct and I loaded the last version of the rom. the proof is the new “sans effet” instead of “no damage” but only in the rom. Not when I’m playing.

Here’s the file with “no damage” in french from FE7.
sans effet FE7

Here’s the file with “no damage” in FE6.
sans effet FE6

OK for “sauver” instead of “sauvegarder”. Not an emergency but still in french. I’ll do it when the rest of the french translation will be fine. For the moment, I don’t know how it’s possible to repoint a picture.

This window is translated… but, just like “sword”, every “HP” I found is now “PV”. There is no more “HP” left. :cry:

Here’s a record from my Other Texts file. It was uploaded on my Youtube Channel.

If you can see “sword” or “HP”, explain me where. I checked many times for no result. :frowning:

Phew this is something… I can tell that you have made a mistake somewhere but I can’t say where. It is hard to remember everything when our translation is finished for 1 - 2 years now… But I think my best answer I can give you for now is if you can share your rom with me via discord or something and I try it myself. So I could directly try to change the things how I know it and hope it works. If you’re fine with that?
I’ll text you my discord tag later

Hi, sorry to co-opt this thread for a minute
When I playtest the game, when enemy unit’s are loaded, the game freezes

When I playtest the game, when enemy unit’s ar loaded, the game freezes

An infinite loop is created by 2bb34.
Probably because you have both Growth_Mod and passive boosts patch installed.
Only one of them should be used.
I think uninstall Growth_Mod patch to work fine.

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same patch, diff issue.
I’ve set the HM bonuses for the chapter to 15, yet the enemy is not getting the bonuses.

This is because the enemy UnitID is 0x2D.
In FE8U, hard boost is only applied when the UnitID is 0x3B or higher.
The following patch can correct this behavior.

NAME=Hard Mode Bonuses For Playable Units that appear as enemies
INFO.en=Changed so that player units that appear as enemies (Unit ID <= 0x3b) will also benefit from the hard boost.\r\nThis means that units like Joshua can benefit.

Hi everyone !

I’d like to know if someone knows how to… repoint the lenght of graphics.

The FE7 picture.
changement de niveau fe7
The FE6 picture.
changement de niveau fe6

And know how it looks like.

I’d like to watch the whole “Changement de niveau” from FE6 in my FE7 rom. Any tip to do this please ?

Same here for the “appuyez sur start” instead of “press start”.
Is it possible to change the portion of the screen where the picture is ?

Thanks again for your answer !

How do I give the custom weapon I’ve created to a unit in-game? I want the character to start with her custom sword in her inventory. She has the Eirika PRF checkbox and so does her weapon.

You can have a Weapon Item in the Unit Placer.

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Thank you, my character has her proper weapon now.