FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Are you sure about that?


I have the files set up as icons because that makes them easier to sort out, and you canā€™t see the dual sword part if itā€™s an icon

Well, donā€™t view them as icons then lol

In other newsā€¦


There is an all new version of the Repository. This is Version 0.85, and itā€™s almost entirely courtesy of BwdYeti!

Size comparison:

Itā€™s 70% smaller! Yeti created a tool that, in his words,

[quote]itā€™ll remove the duplicate without comment frames and fix the without comment scripts to point to the original files, delete duplicate image files and update the scripts, and then re-export gifs with proper timing

So it re-exported all the gifs into FEditor format, so all animations should have proper timings now:



Gifs also tend to be a smaller size.



And he removed tons of duplicate frames caused by the Dump All FEbuilder functionality dumping two sets of frames.



So yeah, BIG changes. If things get screwed up, Iā€™m keeping the Version 0.80 Repo in the OP, but adding the 0.85 Repo as well.


Oh, one other thing. The Bolganone, Excalibur, and Wind spells have added FE8 versions for compatibility reasons. If those break, lemme know. Thanks to Snakey1 for that!


OHHHHHHh nice ; )Does anyone know where to find this one?



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Am I seeing this right and thereā€™s no Bow version of the general with shield?
Is someone planning to make it?

Yes you are right Slendy. It simply wouldnā€™t make any sense.
How is he suppost to shoot the bow while holding a shield?
The bow is considered as a two-handed weapon.

Uhm ā€¦ thereā€™s also an animation of the normal knight with a bow, and his shield seems to be strapped to his back.
Thatā€™s why I was asking.
It feels incomplete otherwise.

Excuse me but which knight do you mean?
I only know these two armor knight w/ bow animations.

@Klokinator Der did the Lloyd, I did Jaffar and Limstella :wink:


So normal armor knights use some of their chest armor as a shield when attacking, you can see them removing it.
In the bow version it looks like that chestpiece is strapped on their back.
Thatā€™s what I thought could be done with the bow general, just so the shield is at least somewhat present.

Well I get your point but tbqh I donā€™t see the shield in the old animation. Either isnā€™t it there in the first place or simply so well hidden that itā€™s difficult to see.
That can be applied to the general as well since the shield is even smaller in comparison to his size and the fact that he donā€™t turn around.

Donā€™t get me wrong. I donā€™t wanna appear toxic or something.
To me itā€™s simply unlogical to carry a shield on the battlefield while using a bow. Therefore I didnā€™t made it. :wink:

Clearly the solution is crossbow shield knights! (Yes I know you typically fire a crossbow with two hands., Iā€™m joking.

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You could go off of the cannon general animation where the ā€œbowā€ happens to also be a cannon

Iā€™m actually planning to do the canon general, when I have the spare time. :wink:

Hey Klokinator, it turns out the neither of the T3 class you had for FE7CM has a melee range magic animation.

Wait, seriously? Are you 100% on that? I never experienced any issues in FE7CM with them.

To everyone elseā€¦ I think the repo is completely up and running. All animations should work fine. Please report any issues.

I placed them into FE8, and checking in FEBuilder, they only have one frame for melee animation.

Edit: I just tried to reimport the High Magus animation and FEBuilder report that there is an error and the animation can;t not be imported because Magic_000.png is missing

Edit: Same thing happened with the Patriarch animation. (Both of them are the male version)

I just imported both from the old and the new repository without any problems. Try redownloading their folders?

I just download it, and now it works; however, the magic animation still doesnā€™t work at melee range.

Come to think of it, we never tested in FE8, only FE7. Does the animation work in FE7?