FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Welcome back, Shin! Glad to see you back now.

I look forward to seeing your new idea finalized.

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Welcome back! I hope everything is alright.

Maybe you could ask someone to help you with the site while you’re busy.

Shin’s back! It’s nice to see you doing good.


Nevermind, the directory was too long.

How’s your work on the Burger King going? I’m anxious to see the final result!

…@shin19? The Graphics folder of the Google Drive: it’s gone. It’s all gone.

PLEASE tell me this is intentional.


I can confirm that I don’t see it either.


Oh no…

looks like the graphics folder spoke the name of the invisible kingdom ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It’s fine, we have backups. Even if we didn’t, I’m sure a bunch of you have probably downloaded the whole thing on a few occasions.

Yeah, Shin is trying to get the drive working so multiple people will be able to maintain it, and so it will link to the website. Of course, if any of you were to scroll up to when I first made the Repo, you might recall I used google drive too and it was horrible because google drive FUCKING SUCKS. IT’S A TOTAL PIECE OF SHIT AND I HATE IT REEEEEEEE

Sorry, past trauma hit me all of a sudden. I just remember the improperly sync’d files… the 7-day uploads for mere megabytes of information on my fiber connection.

…The trauma…


I want to thank you, they look amazing! I’m running into an issue with the Unarmed palette though. I’m very new at this, but it seems unusual that it’s different from the other animations. It looks fine on the generics, but when a Character palette is placed over it I run into this…



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It is probably because the character palette distribution isn’t the same as the animation, that could explain the bug.
To fix that you would have to change the colors order in the character palette.
I hope it’ll fix the issue.
If that doesn’t work you can ask me on discord, i’ll look into it.

Unfortunately this is after I re-did all the character palettes. Before that, they were all like the second image. Now, just the Unarmed animation.

I will look into discord.

I just want to confirm here that all assets are now re-synced with the ability to allow permissions and edit from multiple places.

I can also confirm that google drive’s diffing algorithm is real bad, real bad for repos of this size in that if the file comes from a different location (for a totally not real life example, not a backup on my pc) it’s considered an entirely new file, gets removed, and gets reuploaded…

TL;DR: we’re back and better than ever!


Will the site be updated eventually? I find it easier to get the animations from there.

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The goal is to make the site autopopulate. This will mean Shin’s role will be to perform maintenance, while the other people in the repo chat take care of updating the repo, maintaining it, and standardizing it.

Maybe we’ll even get around to renaming a few of those badly named animations from my era!


Since the website is assumedly going to need some changes to accommodate those plans, would it be possible to request a couple of fixes and improvements to the search system on it? Obviously not expecting it to be done lickety-split especially since the site is usable as it is, but if overhauls are being done, I feel like it makes sense to suggest and plan for them now versus trying to incorporate them down the line and requiring more work than may have been needed if done earlier.

Right now, it basically seems like you need to know exactly what you’re looking for (since it apparently requires something in the Description field to even run the query) in order for the search to pull up any results, which I feel like diminishes its usefulness. If I’m wanting to look at any packages that have a Lance animation with the aim of wanting to have a “non-traditional” Base -> Promoted class set (ex: let’s say I wanted to have a Soldier promote to something other than Halberdier 2.0), right now, you kinda have to know what to look at (which isn’t always intuitive when you have “Lyn-Merc” under Myrmidon or “Adventurer” under Rogue (when it isn’t even based on the Rogue animation and uses Bows instead of Swords)) or you have to go through every dropdown item to see what’s there. (More that goes hand-in-hand with this below.)

Also, while I was playing with the search option just a bit ago, I found a mostly harmless bug where you can click the header for the panel that pulls up and, in the case I found (searched “”, “Ross”, “”, AXE, “”, M, gave two results), clicking the header would cause one of the two results to bounce in and out of showing up, but the panel itself wouldn’t clear without refreshing the page. With additional testing, it seems like it only happens when you’ve dismissed a search result and then search for it again a second time.

Relating to both of the previous points, it doesn’t seem like the Category field really helps all that much when searching either? Trying to search Brave to intentionally get Hector Brave as a result when listing something in that dropdown just prevents any results from appearing, even though that package has a Sword animation and I were to pick SWD from the list, but searching for it with the Category left null does populate results. I feel like each package should have some kind of “metadata”-like tag to it for every weapon type that it can use so that the Category can actually pull up every T1 package that uses Swords or every T2 package that uses Staves, etc. More robustness and usefulness would actually make it feel like it has a use on the page.


I don’t think that my fixes to @flasuban’s female SALVAGED Paladin Axe anims have been added in the GDrive repository, and neither have the palettes that I made for the whole set in general. If I compile them into a set of folders and share that, would that suffice as a fix?

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Here. This should be everything. Hopefully they have palettes. If not, tell me and I’ll add a folder with them.

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Ah, thank you! I’ll probably edit that second casting frame so that the sage closes his eye, but aside from that, these look great!