FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Lute looks like it’s missing an outline and some pixels are getting eaten b/c of it? Might be worth doing another pass over on it.

Keep up the good work!

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Since the site is updated regularly, it would be convenient to have something like a filter for new animations to let other users know what animations have just been released without searching the two forums.


Hello people, here I share this. It’s not my design, but I was able to do the Battle sprite.

Egyptian Cleric

El diseño es de @FahadRashid327


made staff and unarmed

I’m sorry if my English is not very good.

I am a beginner, some advice or detail to make or change, go ahead, there is no problem with that.


The [T1][SWD][Mercenary](Gerik)[M][Aruka, Yggdra] animation seems to be broken. It imports fine (well, after the usual ‘import/export with febuilder’ routine), but trying to play the animation in game just causes the screech of death.

Anyone know of a solution / fixed version?

@FahadRashid327 Since this is an animation of your still, are you okay with us adding it to the repo? I don’t want to step on any toes.

Its more then ok


hello guys I’m needing some help remaking some maps from FE4, specially this one

I’ve already remade the colums, carpet, floor and walls, thrones (I’ve changed their disposition due to a tile disproportion in the original FE4) and stairs, but the thing is that no tileset that i’ve seen has this kind of buildings with kind of 3D or depth effect created with this side diagonal walls… this is what I’ve done so far


Maybe it’d look better to try and capture the feel behind the throne room rather than try to recreate it 1-1. You’ll probably need to make a custom tileset to include walls that create that unique perspective.

Did the vanilla Valkyrie disappear from the repository?

The Valkyrie on the far right includes the vanilla animation.

I’d like to add that at some point. In the nearfuture, I could pretty easily add some time selectors to the detailed search to grab all anims from the last day/week/month/year(?–probably too large).

With that said, I’ve got a few other obligations keeping me busy and likely won’t find time for adding features until end of May.

Also @you, regarding Valkyrie. Good catch! The DB was missing the staff and vanilla magic animations. Fixed.


Thanks for the fix! Since it was actually missing, can I ask what happened to the arbalest? It’s the one I’m replying to right now.

I think an entire animation set actually disappeared from the repository.

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For the arbalest, have been meaning to fix it, but it’s fallen on the back burner with other things on my plate. Hopefully will get a chance to fix it up in the next week or so


Yeah, I added the unarmed, then heard about the palette error and removed it. The rest must’ve slipped between the cracks with those rapid changes. I’ll move the unarmed to the needs work folder and re-add the arbalist until unarmed is fixed.

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What do you guys think of this? I’ve been trying my hand at pixel art and I might animate this guy if y’all think it’s worth it.

Regal entombed


It’s worth it. He even should be a main character in a hack!

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I’m a bit too lazy to paste the fixes for that Dart anim, any chance you could upload an insertable version?

Off-topic edit: The drive is mostly up to date; the site won’t be touched until next week when my workload eases a bit. Lots of exciting anims with this next one folks :slight_smile: congrats everyone.

Uhh, Itranc, Salvpal exists now lol
Nice contributions, though, and thanks for fixing it :smile:

Salvaged Geoffrey time.

Finally, now that we’ve gotten that boring old SALVAGED Cavalier/Paladin/Knight out of the way, we have room for the true big boys to show up.