FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Yeah, I noticed it, the original sword animation lacks them too, I will add them in the future for both

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Doesnā€™t do any good if you upload them to imgur or the feu mainsite. I have to rename them anyway :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway, Iā€™ll add them on my end. Thanks for the submission!

Forgot to mention this before but the chainless shield general has some script fixes compared to the original shieldless one (which had some missing footstep sounds and played hit effects when missing). I realised that the updated script is still completely compatible with knabepicerā€™s original animation, so might as well spread the fix to that too.


They might add this to Project Ember

Piā€™s work is legendary. Always good to have his stuff in the repo!


Randal! The lad. Love seeing some Cipher OC love, especially those who appeared in Echoes.


Another doggo to add to the depressingly small catalog of ā€œGood Boysā€, along with Dewey.


Iā€™ve needed a wolf mug for some time now, so imagine my pleasant surprise! Great work.

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Hey I just want to ask really quick if map Sprites in the repository are F2E with credit, thereā€™s something thatā€™s been bothering me for a quite a bit, that I think would be rather easy to amend with just a bit of splicing and/or custom sprite work but Iā€™m not quite sure on the etiquette there.

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I donā€™t think anyoneā€™s going to care, even the original creators, if you fix a mistake in their sprites and resubmit them. If you make a hefty custom edit for your own purposes, a few people will possibly get annoyed, such as BwdYeti and his custom sprites, but thatā€™s the only time I think youā€™d run into that problem.

So, yeah, if you see an error, just fix it imo

Itā€™s more of a lack of a map sprite for an animation I see used fairly often, I donā€™t really plan on using it myself though, more so thatā€™s itā€™s out there for other people to use, but thank you for your advice.

BTW, rapo got updated, noticed that beauty



Anyway, thereā€™s a large amount of ā€œimprovedā€ or ā€œ2.0ā€ animations for classic classes.

(these are only few examples)

Soon enough, weā€™ll make all of them.
Hereā€™s a list of yet missing:

  • myrmidon line
  • female brignad
  • female warrior
  • female Derzerker
  • female armor knights
  • general
  • all of the fliers
  • all of the magic users

That might seem like a lot, but look how many we already have! Also, many of the missing ones are just female variants.


I did 2 myrmidons variants thoughā€¦

And the warrior isnā€™t supposed to be a 2.0 take on the gba original itā€™s just that i had no ideas how to name it lol (and 2.0 sounded fine at the time)


Repo update?


Itā€™d be kinda cool if you made a list of all the improved/updated classes, one by one, as well as the classes missing updated sprites/anim fixes/palette reorderings.

So uh, regarding Emblem Anims: Shin made a bot that can auto-update the mainsite. However, I donā€™t think itā€™s quite complete yet, but in theory, it will work. We control it on the repo volunteer server. Once he finishes it, the repo will be permanently fixed forever.

Itā€™s not quite as good as a whole new site with a much better layout, but itā€™s still an improvement.


I really, really believe EmblemAnims is OK as it is now. The only issue is that you can no longer download an animation by just clicking it, but thatā€™s super minor. We really donā€™t need a super well made site as itā€™s simply not needed.

My ideal repo website would have the following:

Tabs for all the types of resources. That means portraits, animations, maps, etc.
A better layout for animations overall, like the rework site Shin was working on.
A preview system for songs, allowing us to also use the music repo.
Donation button to help Shin pay the server costs.

ā€¦I mean I could probably think of more, but just those alone are pretty substantial.

I mean, itā€™s nice to have stuff like this, but I donā€™t believe it should be a priority.
Top priority should be making a 2.0/improved/salvaged versions of all the basic classes and adding female variants of all of them if possible.
Thatā€™s only my opinion tho.

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I donā€™t understand the assumption that the people who would work on the proposed new site would be the same people making new animations, when those are obviously two different areas.