FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

:thinking: Not be rude or come off as rude in any sense, butā€¦
Could I request the Mercenary F (Axe) animation that I made be removed for the time being? I do not explicitly recall ever requesting it to be added to the repository at any time :thinking:. I only remember asking whether I should contribute it(on this thread) and asking for critique on it on discord. Plus, an incomplete package was added the repository anyway, which lacks proper indirect animation, and I still want to polish the animation(which I asked for on discord, but I think people went off on a random tangent about GIF formats and exporting from various programs instead of actually critiquing it, or they started to do so after I had left :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) a tad before I consider re-adding it. :upside_down_face:

If I am mistaken, tell me so. I have pretty bad memory anyway.

Sure. Iā€™ll remove it for you.

I reuploaded.

-Removed the F!MercAxe
-Added MEGA BUFF MOULDER SLAMINATOR by Vilk (Added it to the original Buff Mouler folder as an alt animation)
-Added Long-Haired Troubadour by GoofyFan

I think that was it.

Very neatā€¦indeed it looks like a smooth transition of animation.

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Thatā€™s awesome. Good job!
Bow too, pls. :stuck_out_tongue:


thanks Alfred :smiley:

but I donā€™t plan to do so. :stuck_out_tongue:
Iā€™m quite busy with the rest though.

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Great contribution, Dellhonne. Iā€™m genuinely proud of you!

Did you make those sprites or get them from somewhere else?

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Is this hand made? Can you make Apocalypse?

I could try, but at the moment, I have several priorities ahead of me.

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Good shit as always, Nura. Though I think in some way the crit animation for the melee axe could be made a little better by having the current hit transition into the regular attack animation after the sideways slash. Iā€™m no animator though, feel free to disregard me.

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I love the neutral-B smash for the axe. Wow.

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thanks man xD
imo that would be overkill, in terms of OAM, effort and the duration of the amination.
Even if it donā€™t exceeds the OAM limitations, I would have to let him change his stance and grip entirely. Which would require quite some work tho.
Lastly it would strech the overall length/duration of the crit to a point where it might become a bother to watch it somewhat frequently.

thanks Klok xD
tbh Iā€™m quite pleased with it myself

Updated the repo for literally everything up to now.

Ephraim GL
Axe Merc
SD9Kā€™s stuff
Griffin Knight w Bow

Etc etc.


Greenteaā€™s Berserker Dart axe animation isnā€™t positioned right when it hits.

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I think @DerTheVaporeon is the one who updated it.

Hey. Iā€™m planning on exporting all the map sprites, what would the best way to upload them be?

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Make a main folder where all the folder of the map sprite are. and upload it on dropbox.

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thank you marlon0024 is very useful

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Okay. Thatā€™s my project for the weekend

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This is a link to the sprites

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